Important MCQs Pedagogy Online Test – 8

The post is about MCQs Pedagogy Online Test with Answers. There are 20 Multiple Choice Questions. Let us start with the MCQs Pedagogy Online Test quiz.

Online MCQs about Pedagogy with Answers

1. The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem-solving, and decision-making is called ———-?


2. When a notebook is maintained by a group in which each member of the group is expected to add an idea, the notebook is known as ————–?


3. Which of the following is not the part of educational technology?


4. Dialectic or dialectical method is a discourse between opposing parties to establish the truth through?


5. Women are given preferences in the teaching of primary children because:


6. You are a famous teacher, but students are unsatisfied with your teaching style. How will you teach them?


7. A teacher should be ————?


8. The idea of practical learning means education should apply to the ———-?


9. A Priori knowledge is knowledge that is known independently of ——–?


10. Traditionally the cards with a question, problem, or fact on one side and the answer or a related point on the other side are called:


11. According to Aristotle, virtue is a/an ————– state between excess and deficiency.


12. The philosopher who for the first time mentioned the importance of play (or sports) in education was?


13. When the topic or an area of a course contains a lot of information, it is recommended to use?


14. The application of ideas, knowledge, and skills to achieve the desired results is called ————?


15. The advocators of the philosophy of Pragmatism believe that reality is ————?


16. Basic Education means ————–?


17. One of the students of a class hardly talks in the class. How would you encourage him to express himself?


18. The phrase equal educational opportunities in Pakistan means ———–?


19. Responses that produce a discomforting effect become ———— to occur again in that situation?


20. When the teacher forms different groups among the students that take turns asking other groups questions the strategy he/she is using is the ————?


MCQs Pedagogy Online Test

MCQs Pedagogy Online Test with Answers
  • A Priori knowledge is knowledge that is known independently of ——–?
  • The idea of practical learning means education should apply to the ———-?
  • A teacher should be ————?
  • The application of ideas, knowledge, and skills to achieve the desired results is called ————?
  • The philosopher who for the first time mentioned the importance of play (or sports) in education was?
  • The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem-solving, and decision-making is called ———-?
  • Traditionally the cards with a question, problem, or fact on one side and the answer or a related point on the other side are called:
  • Women are given preferences in the teaching of primary children because:
  • Responses that produce a discomforting effect become ———— to occur again in that situation?
  • One of the students of a class hardly talks in the class. How would you encourage him to express himself?
  • According to Aristotle, virtue is a/an ————– state between excess and deficiency.
  • You are a famous teacher, but students are unsatisfied with your teaching style. How will you teach them?
  • When the teacher forms different groups among the students that take turns asking other groups questions the strategy he/she is using is the ————?
  • The advocators of the philosophy of Pragmatism believe that reality is ————?
  • Dialectic or dialectical method is a discourse between opposing parties to establish the truth through?
  • The phrase equal educational opportunities in Pakistan means ———–?
  • When the topic or an area of a course contains a lot of information, it is recommended to use?
  • Basic Education means ————–?
  • When a notebook is maintained by a group in which each member of the group is expected to add an idea, the notebook is known as ————–?
  • Which of the following is not the part of educational technology?

Pedagogy MCQs Quiz

Pedagogy MCQs – 7

Important MCQs related to Pedagogy Quizzes for Preparation. Important and repeated Mcqs of Pedagogy/ Education for test preparation of NTS, KPPSC, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, CSS, PMS, and Educators Test. These MCQs are also useful for primary school teachers (PST), subject specialists (SST), physical education teachers (PET), Drawing masters, and Arabic teacher tests.

Please go to Pedagogy MCQs – 7 to view the test

Online Pedagogy MCQS with Answers

  • According to the philosophy of Idealism in education, the subject matter of curriculum should be_______________?
  • The “Academy” was founded in ___________?
  • The process of selecting units from a population to estimate characteristics of the population is called ____________?
  • Which of the following is the social characteristics of a child?
  • The instructional approach in which objectives are presented to learners in chronological order is known as:
  • A popular teacher is one who?
  • The extinction technique of classroom management is a technique where the teacher __________ any negative behavior.
  • Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with the theory of __________?
  • The cooperative learning method which combines whole class learning plus heterogeneous small groups is termed as:
  • One-on-one approach to teaching or re-teaching concepts is termed as ___________?
  • A successful teacher’s most important function is ____________?
  • There is __________ in working memory as people get older.
  • Which of the following is NOT a formal assessment?
  • The cognitive domain involves ____________?
  • Good reading aims at developing _____________?
  • A written work by a student to demonstrate some literary or linguistic knowledge, is termed as _____________?
  • As people get older, the ability to apply or maintain attention _____________?
  • Free writing is used as a timed activity to stimulate the flow of ____________?
  • Which of the following strategies is most suitable for introducing a lesson?
  • The teacher should know the following things:
Pedagogy MCQs Quiz

Important Pedagogy Quizzes with Answers

Important MCQs related to Pedagogy Quizzes for Preparation. Important and repeated Mcqs of Pedagogy/ Education for test preparation of NTS, KPPSC, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, CSS, PMS, and Educators Test. These MCQs are also useful for primary school teachers (PST), subject specialists (SST), physical education teachers (PET), Drawing masters, and Arabic teacher tests.

Important Pedagogy Quizzes

MCQs Pedagogy Test 16MCQs Pedagogy Quiz 15
Pedagogy MCQs Quiz 14Online Pedagogy Quiz 13
Education and Pedagogy MCQS 12Online Pedagogy Quiz 11
Pedagogy Quiz Online 10MCQs Pedagogy Quiz 9
MCQs Pedagogy Quiz 8MCQs Pedagogy Quiz 7
MCQs Pedagogy Quiz 6MCQs Pedagogy Quiz 5
MCQs Pedagogy Quiz 4MCQs Pedagogy Quiz 3
MCQs Pedagogy Quiz 2MCQs Pedagogy Quiz 1

What is Pedagogy?

Pedagogy is the art and science of teaching. It encompasses the theories and practices that educators use to effectively plan, implement, and assess learning.

In simpler terms, it’s all about how we teach, not just what we teach.

Important Pedagogy Quizzes

Some of the key aspects of pedagogy are:

  • Learning Theories: Different approaches to pedagogy are based on various learning theories (e.g., constructivism, behaviorism).
  • Teaching Methods: These are the specific strategies teachers use to deliver instruction (e.g., lectures, discussions, group work).
  • Assessment: Effective pedagogy involves ongoing evaluation of student learning to gauge understanding and inform instruction.
  • Learner-Centered vs. Teacher-Centered: Pedagogy can range from teacher-centered (direct instruction) to learner-centered (student exploration).

By understanding pedagogy, educators can create more engaging and effective learning experiences for their students.

Online MCQs Pedagogy Quiz with Answers

Pedagogy Quiz with Answers 6

The is about MCQs Pedagogy Quiz with answers for Preparation. Important Mcqs of Pedagogy/ Education for test preparation of NTS, KPPSC, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, CSS, PMS, and Educators Test. These MCQs are also useful for primary school teachers (PST), subject specialists (SST), physical education teachers (PET), Drawing masters, and Arabic teacher tests. Let us start with Pedagogy Quiz with Answers.

Please go to Pedagogy Quiz with Answers 6 to view the test

Pedagogy Quiz with answers

Online Pedagogy Quiz with Answers

  • Expected life outcomes from education are referred as ———-?
  • Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is ———?
  • The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a ————?
  • The intelligence level of gifted students is ———-?
  • Curriculum development refers to the total process of the curriculum?
  • The repetition of property after a certain interval called ———-?
  • Reflex actions in the head region are under the control of ———?
  • For good communication ———- is required.
  • Those students, who frequently ask questions in the class ———-?
  • Mother is the ———- academy of a child?
  • Which Is Not The Advantage Of Team Teaching?
  • The meaning of the teaching method is?
  • What a teaching method is?
  • Character is developed by?
  • According to John Locke, a child’s mind does not contain any ———?
  • The ———- says we are motivated to gain rewards and avoid punishments.
  • Conferences are face to face ———-?
  • Reliability of an assessment relates to the ———- of an assessment?
  • In the direct instruction method or lecture method, the teacher is considered as ———–?
  • Which of the following can affect the results of students in the examination?