MCQs Matrices and Determinants 3

The quiz contains MCQs matrices from the First Year Mathematics Books. There are 20 MCQs from Chapter 3 (Matrices and Determinants). Online MCQs Matrices and Determinants from Intermediate Mathematics Part-1. Let us start with the Quiz MCQs Matrices.

Multiple Choice Questions about Matrices and Determinant from First Year Mathematics Book for the preparation of Examination and learning matrices in a quicker way.

1. If $A$ is of order $2\times 4$ and $B$ of order $4\times 2$ then order of $AB$


2. Two matrix $A$ and $B$ are conformable for multiplication $AB$ if


3. $(AB)^t$ is equal to


4. For any square matrix $A=\begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{bmatrix}$, $|A|$ is equal to


5. If $AB=BA$ then which one is true


6. If $A$ is a non-singular matrix then $A^{-1}$


7. If $A$ is any square matrix and $AB=BA=I$ then $B$ is called


8. If $A$ is any square matrix of order 3, then $|kA|$ is equal to


9. An inverse of a matrix exists if it is


10. Let $A$ be any matrix and $n$ is an integer then $A+A+A+\cdots+$ to $n$ terms


11. If $A=[-7]$ then $|A|$ is equal to


12. If A+B=B+A=0$ then $B$ is called


13. If $A$ is a matrix of order $m\times n$ and $B$ is a matrix of order $n\times q$, then order of $AB$ is


14. If Adjoint of $A=\begin{bmatrix} -1&-2 \\ 3 & 4 \end{bmatrix}$ then matrix $A=$


15. $(kAB)^t=$


16. If $AX=B$ then $X$ is equal to


17. If $A$ is of order $2\times 3$ and $B$ of order $4\times 2$ then order of $BA$


18. For any two matrices $A$ and $B$, $(A+B)^t$ is equal to


19. If $[a_{ij}]=A$ and $[b_{ij}]=B$ then $A=B$ if and only if


20. Which of the property does not hold in matrix multiplication?


A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers arranged in a sequence and enclosed in brackets. A matrix is a rectangular array of mathematical elements arranged into rows and columns according to algebraic rules.

MCQs Matrices and Determinants

A pair of parentheses $\begin{pmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{pmatrix}$or a square bracket $\begin{bmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{bmatrix}$ is used to write matrices (plural of matrix). A matrix is usually denoted by capital letters such as $A, B, C,$ and $X, Y,$ and $Z$. The matrices are used to solve the simultaneous equations.

The horizontal lines of elements of a matrix are called rows of the matrix. The vertical lines of elements of a matrix are called the columns of a matrix. The number of rows and columns of a matrix is called the order of the matrix.

MCQs Matrices and Determinants

  • If $[a_{ij}]=A$ and $[b_{ij}]=B$ then $A=B$ if and only if
  • For any two matrices $A$ and $B$, $(A+B)^t$ is equal to
  • $(AB)^t$ is equal to
  • $(kAB)^t=$
  • Let $A$ be any matrix and $n$ is an integer then $A+A+A+\cdots+$ to $n$ terms
  • Two matrix $A$ and $B$ are conformable for multiplication $AB$ if
  • If $A$ is a matrix of order $m\times n$ and $B$ is a matrix of order $n\times q$, then order of $AB$ is
  • If $A$ is of order $2\times 4$ and $B$ of order $4\times 2$ then order of $AB$
  • If $A$ is of order $2\times 3$ and $B$ of order $4\times 2$ then order of $BA$
  • If $AB=BA$ then which one is true
  • For any square matrix $A=\begin{bmatrix} a & b \ c & d \end{bmatrix}$, $|A|$ is equal to
  • If $A=[-7]$ then $|A|$ is equal to
  • If $A$ is any square matrix of order 3, then $|kA|$ is equal to
  • If $A$ is any square matrix and $AB=BA=I$ then $B$ is called
  • If A+B=B+A=0$ then $B$ is called
  • If Adjoint of $A=\begin{bmatrix} -1&-2\\3 & 4 \end{bmatrix}$ then matrix $A=$
  • If $A$ is a non-singular matrix then $A^{-1}$
  • If $AX=B$ then $X$ is equal to
  • An inverse of a matrix exists if it is
  • Which of the property does not hold in matrix multiplication?

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