Online English Prepositions MCQs 3

English MCQS Prepositions are very important for every job and competition-related examination. Prepositions are short words that join nouns, pronouns, or phrasal nouns. The prepositions are often asked in the fill-in-the-blanks section of English or the sentence completion section. Let us start with the Online English MCQs Prepositions Quiz.

Online English Prepositions with Answers

1. Although he is badly in need ——– money, yet he will adopt no foul means.


2. According to his doctor he has fallen a victim ———- cancer.


3. Those who trust ——— Allah and do the right, never feel isolated.


4. Before he came to settle down in my locality I had been unknown —— him.


5. Despite having been warned ——— the pickpockets, he lost his money.


6. Jamal was married last month ——— his cousin Rubina.


7. A man of truthful belief always tries to live ——— honest labours.


8. A stone hearted trifles ———– his feelings.


9. Everybody longs ——— a successful life but is not interested in the required hard work.


10. The question was so difficult that no candidate could guess ———- the answer to it.


11. None except Babar Azam was worthy ———- the honor of victory.


12. We are no longer interested ———- his affairs as he fabricates happenings.


13. A traitor ———- Pakistan should be sentenced to death punishment.


14. The firefighters had to struggle the whole day to get ———– the fire.


15. If you jump ——– the conclusion without reasoning, you will make no mark.


16. No objection can be raised ——— this proposal.


17. She is often mistaken ——— her twin sister.


18. To jest ———– at others in not cultured behaviour.


19. If you are good-oriented, you will triumph ——– evil in the long run.


20. In these modern days, brides do not shed tears when they part ———- their parents.


Online English Prepositions MCQs with Answers

The use of Preposition in, on, at, then, a, an, since, for, by, with, for, and over, etc., in English sentences make it easy to secure good marks in testing services (NTS, Fpsc/Css Kppsc, Ppsc, Spsc, PTS, OTS, and others) and different school, college, and university examinations. Here you will find all the Important Prepositions Mcqs for Preparation. Choose the correct missing preposition in each sentence.

Prepositions often play a part in sentence correction questions. The test may provide you with a sentence containing improper preposition construction. You have to select the correct one.

  • The question was so difficult that no candidate could guess ———- the answer to it.
  • The firefighters had to struggle the whole day to get ———– the fire.
  • To jest ———– at others in not cultured behaviour.
  • Before he came to settle down in my locality I had been unknown —— him.
  • Everybody longs ——— a successful life but is not interested in the required hard work.
  • A man of truthful belief always tries to live ——— honest labours.
  • Jamal was married last month ——— his cousin Rubina.
  • Although he is badly in need ——– money, yet he will adopt no foul means.
  • She is often mistaken ——— her twin sister.
  • No objection can be raised ——— this proposal.
  • In these modern days, brides do not shed tears when they part ———- their parents.
  • A stone hearted trifles ———– his feelings.
  • If you are good-oriented, you will triumph ——– evil in the long run.
  • Those who trust ——— Allah and do the right, never feel isolated.
  • According to his doctor he has fallen a victim ———- cancer.
  • Despite having been warned ——— the pickpockets, he lost his money.
  • None except Babar Azam was worthy ———- the honor of victory.
  • A traitor ———- Pakistan should be sentenced to death punishment.
  • We are no longer interested ———- his affairs as he fabricates happenings.
  • If you jump ——– the conclusion without reasoning, you will make no mark.
Online English Prepositions MCQs with Answers

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