Preposition MCQs English 1

English Preposition MCQS are very important for every job and competition-related examination. Prepositions are short words used to join nouns, pronouns, or phrasal nouns. The prepositions are often asked in the fill-in-the-blanks section of English or the sentence completion section.

For each question, choose the single best answer.

1. The bank robber shot the guard ———- a gun.


2. She burst ———- “I hate you!”


3. Anyone, fond ———- mountaineering must reach the sky-touching peaks.


4. To be appointed ———- this post, a candidate is required to be an M.A. with three years long experience.


5. When the property was divided ———- the two sisters, seemed to be at daggers drawn with each other.


6. Abiding ———- law is the culture of civilized nations.


7. No one should be surprised that the wrestler drinks, every day a jug full ———- milk.


8. A person, gifted ———- common sense can make the right decisions.


9. He who teaches English should be good ———- it.


10. Something traveling ———- intercity buses causes much-delayed reach.


11. The patient complains to the doctor ———- headace.


12. The candidates were directed to write the essay ———- blue ink.


13. I phoned him last evening to congratulate ———- promotion.


14. There came thick clouds ———- the stadium when the players had started the play.


15. Where have you been ———- I last saw you?


16. He has been blind, from birth ———- one eye.


17. No Pakistani leader can be compared ———- Quaid-e-Azam so fas as the honesty of purpose is concerned.


18. No one can be prevented ———- enjoying his legal rights.


19. The divers jumped ———- the river to take out the lost necklace.


20. What is the use ——— worrying about the lost treasures?


The use of Preposition in, on, at, then, a, an, since, for, by, with, for, and over, etc., in English sentences make it easy to secure good marks in testing services (NTS, Fpsc/Css Kppsc, Ppsc, Spsc, PTS, OTS, and others) and different school, college, and university examinations. Here you will find all the Important Prepositions Mcqs for Preparation. Simply choose the correct missing preposition in each sentence.

Prepositions often play a part in sentence correction questions. The test may provide you with a sentence that contains an improper preposition construction. You have to select the correct one.

English Prepositions MCQs

  • What is the use ——— worrying about the lost treasures?
  • The patient complains to the doctor ———- headace.
  • Something traveling ———- intercity buses causes much-delayed reach.
  • The candidates were directed to write the essay ———- blue ink.
  • Abiding ———- law is the culture of civilized nations.
  • I phoned him last evening to congratulate ———- promotion.
  • The divers jumped ———- the river to take out the lost necklace.
  • No one should be surprised that the wrestler drinks, every day a jug full ———- milk.
  • He who teaches English should be good ———- it.
  • Anyone, fond ———- mountaineering must reach the sky-touching peaks.
  • A person, gifted ———- common sense can make the right decisions.
  • She burst ———- “I hate you!”
  • There came thick clouds ———- the stadium when the players had started the play.
  • Where have you been ———- I last saw you?
  • When the property was divided ———- the two sisters, seemed to be at daggers drawn with each other.
  • The bank robber shot the guard ———- a gun.
  • No Pakistani leader can be compared ———- Quaid-e-Azam so far as the honesty of purpose is concerned.
  • To be appointed ———- this post, a candidate is required to be an M.A. with three years long experience.
  • He has been blind, from birth ———- one eye.
  • No one can be prevented ———- enjoying his legal rights.
English Prepositions MCQs with Answers

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