Important MCQs about Data Mining – 1

The post is about an online MCQs quiz about Data mining. There are 20 MCQs about Data mining. Let us start with the MCQS about Data Mining Quiz.

MCQs about Data mining

1. ___________ is not a data mining functionality?


2. Firms that are engaged in sentiment mining are analyzing data collected from?


3. Binary attributes are,


4. We define a ______ as a subdivision of a set of examples into a number of classes


5. Algorithm is


6. Which of the following is the right approach to Data Mining?


7. Cluster is


8. _____________ is the output of KDD.


9. The learning is an example of Self-organizing maps.


10. The classification task referred to


11. Which of the following can be used for finding deep knowledge?


12. Classification is


13. The learning that is used for inferring a model from labeled training data is called?


14. A group of similar objects that differ significantly from other objects is named …


15. It is the main technique employed for data selection


16. Two fundamental goals of Data Mining are


17. Classification accuracy is


18. Which of the following does not belong to data mining?


19. Data mining is a tool for allowing users to find hidden relationships in data.


20. Data mining is?


Online MCQs about Data Mining Questions and Answers

MCQs about Data Mining
  • Data mining is?
  • Cluster is
  • Classification accuracy is
  • Algorithm is
  • Classification is
  • Binary attributes are,
  • ———- is not a data mining functionality?
  • ———- is the output of KDD.
  • Which of the following does not belong to data mining?
  • Which of the following is the right approach to Data Mining?
  • A group of similar objects that differ significantly from other objects is named …
  • Two fundamental goals of Data Mining are
  • It is the main technique employed for data selection
  • We define a ———- as a subdivision of a set of examples into a number of classes
  • The classification task referred to
  • Firms that are engaged in sentiment mining are analyzing data collected from?
  • Data mining is a tool for allowing users to find hidden relationships in data.
  • The learning is an example of Self-organizing maps.
  • The learning that is used for inferring a model from labeled training data is called?
  • Which of the following can be used for finding deep knowledge?

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