Correct Use of English Tenses 2

The quiz is about “Correct use of English Tenses”. It will help you to practice the structure of sentences and paragraphs. There are 20 multiple-choice questions about the correct use of English Tenses. Let us start the quiz about “Correct use of English Tenses”.

The quiz is related to “Correct use of Tenses (Verbs)” This test is useful for Schools, Colleges, and Universities examinations related to the subject of English. The quiz “Correct use of Tenses” will also help to prepare for competitive examinations, GRE, NTS, PPSC, FPSC, and other tests.

1. He go to college nowadays at 8 o’clock.


2. They say very little where there are strangers present.


3. At present he watch television.


4. He give me the camera I asked for.


5. She smile because she is happy.


6. The teacher said that it rain today.


7. I never understand what she says.


8. She did hard work and succeed.


9. He go to Karachi tomorrow.


10. His car collide with a truck last night.


11. He invite you to the cinema if he thinks you want to go.


12. She repeat it all over again.


13. Children do nothing but play.


14. He fall in love with her over a year ago.


15. He found his book this morning but now he lost his pen.


16. They sit in the library when I saw him.


17. Her son ran away and she not see him for two years.


18. He drink three cups of tea since 4 o’clock.


19. He is reading ‘The Times’ today, but on Fridays, he read ‘The New Statement’.


20. My cousin ran so that he catch the train.


Sometimes we combine parts of a sentence that are in different tenses, for example, one part may be in the present tense and the other part may be in the future tense.

As a general rule, the verb tense you are using should be consistent throughout your sentence and your paragraph. Consider an example:

The sentence

“We had eaten dinner, and then we talked”

should be written as

“We ate dinner, and then we talked”

Correct use of English Tenses

Correct Use of English Tenses

  • He drink three cups of tea since 4 o’clock.
  • He fall in love with her over a year ago.
  • He give me the camera I asked for.
  • He go to college nowadays at 8 o’clock.
  • He go to Karachi tomorrow.
  • He invite you to the cinema if he thinks you want to go.
  • I never understand what she says.
  • They sit in the library when I saw him.
  • She smile because she is happy.
  • She did hard work and succeed.
  • Children do nothing but play.
  • He found his book this morning but now he lost his pen.
  • He is reading ‘The Times’ today, but on Fridays, he read ‘The New Statement’.
  • She repeat it all over again.
  • My cousin ran so that he catch the train.
  • The teacher said that it rain today.
  • At present he watch television.
  • They say very little where there are strangers present.
  • Her son ran away and she not see him for two years.
  • His car collide with a truck last night.

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