MCQs Introduction to Social Work 1

The post is about MCQS Introduction to Social Work from the subject of Sociology. There are 25 multiple-choice questions covering ethics, community services, charity, social work practice, social work, social development, public treasury, psycho-social theory, etc. Let us start with MCQ Introduction to Social Work.

Online MCQs Introduction to Social Work 1

1. Which among the following is not a component of client the case-worker relationship


2. Ethics are deduced from


3. The public treasury of the Islamic State is


4. Which of the following is not a part of the social case work process


5. Services provided for weaker sections of society are


6. Who depend on others’ charity for their livelihood


7. Which of the following is not the function of a social worker in a juvenile residential institution


8. Ethics generate standards that direct one


9. A person who calls attention to a problem or even to a potential problem is


10. Groups with responsibilities for specific aspects of the work area


11. Social development is more concerned with investment in


12. The theory of survival of the fittest brings a new concept of


13. The process whereby the client and worker follow their plan to achieve their goals is


14. Which one of these are techniques of social casework


15. The industries must be built away from the


16. In social work practice, worker focuses on the concept of


17. The flexibility in handling change is termed as


18. The front sheet of the case study consists of


19. Who links individuals and groups with community services


20. The psycho-social theory was propagated by


21. Probation means


22. The book ‘Social Work Philosophy’ is written by


23. Social learning theory is associated with


24. Social work is a profession of practice and


25. Which of the following is the most important task of an effective group leader


Online MCQs Introduction to Social Work

  • Ethics are deduced from
  • Who links individuals and groups with community services
  • The theory of survival of the fittest brings a new concept of
  • Who depend on others’ charity for their livelihood
  • Ethics generate standards that direct one
  • In social work practice, worker focuses on the concept of
  • Social work is a profession of practice and
  • A person who calls attention to a problem or even to a potential problem is
  • Social development is more concerned with investment in
  • The front sheet of the case study consists of
  • Groups with responsibilities for specific aspects of the work area
  • The process whereby the client and worker follow their plan to achieve their goals is
  • The industries must be built away from the
  • The public treasury of the Islamic State is
  • Which among the following is not a component of client the case-worker relationship
  • Social learning theory is associated with
  • The flexibility in handling change is termed as
  • The book ‘Social Work Philosophy’ is written by
  • The psycho-social theory was propagated by
  • Which one of these are techniques of social casework
  • Probation means
  • Which of the following is the most important task of an effective group leader
  • Which of the following is not the function of a social worker in a juvenile residential institution
  • Which of the following is not a part of the social case work process
  • Services provided for weaker sections of society are
MCQs Introduction to Social Work with Answers

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Introduction to Sociology MCQs with Answers 4

The post is about Introduction to Sociology MCQs with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions about introduction to sociology, social structure, human culture, Analysis of the developments, structure, and general functioning processes of human cultures & society. Let us start with the Introduction to Sociology MCQs with Answers.

Please go to Introduction to Sociology MCQs with Answers 4 to view the test

Introduction to Sociology MCQs with Answers

Introduction to Sociology MCQs with Answers

  • How a society uses technology to provide for the needs of its members is:
  • Agents of socialization include:
  • Society in which relationships are based on need rather than on emotion is:
  • The term “Generalized other” was coined by:
  • Which of the Economic Systems is characterized by “Private Property and Market Place”?
  • Which of the theoretical perspectives views society as a stable system of interrelated parts?
  • Anything that meaningfully represents something else is:
  • The stage in which the child is above six years and begins to consider several actual tasks and relationships is:
  • The process of discarding former behavior patterns and accepting new ones as part of a transition in one’s life is:
  • Which theoretical perspective views society as composed of various groups competing for control over scarce resources?
  • Which thinker compares society with a “living organism” to understand social structure?
  • The theory “ Looking Glass Self” was given by:
  • The process of disengagement from a role that is central to one’s self-identity and establishment of a new role and identity is:
  • The process by which a group, organization, or social movement becomes increasingly bureaucratic is:
  • A group of 10-15 people assembled by a researcher to discuss a predetermined topic, guided by a moderator is:
  • The process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant industry have come to dominate certain sectors of society is:
  • An organization established based on common interest, whose members volunteer or even pay to participate is:
  • A temporary or permanent alliance geared toward a common goal is
  • A per-industrial society in which people plant seeds and crops rather than merely subsist on available foods.
  • A status that dominates others and thereby determines a person’s general position in society is:
  • A principle of organizational life according to which each individual within the hierarchy tends to rise to his or her level of incompetence is:
  • A technologically sophisticated society that is preoccupied with consumer goods and media images:
  • According to Durkhiem, “the degree to which tasks and responsibilities are specialized” is known as:
  • A norm governing everyday behavior whose violation raises comparatively little concern is:
  • The common features that are found in all human cultures are:
Introduction to Sociology MCQs with Answers,

Important Sociology MCQs Online Test 3

The Post is about the Introduction to Sociology MCQs Online Test with Answers. There are 25 multiple-choice questions related to the subject of sociology that will help sociologists analyze the developments, structure, and general functioning processes of human society. Embark on an introduction to sociological exploration with our Quiz about the “Sociology MCQs Online Test”.

Please go to Important Sociology MCQs Online Test 3 to view the test

Sociology MCQs Online Test

Sociology MCQs Online Test with Answers

  • How people relate to one another and influence each other’s behavior is referred to as:
  • Description of essential characteristics of some aspect of society is:
  • The total of behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, and values that are characteristic of an individual is defined as:
  • The intended, recognized, and expected consequences of any element of society are:
  • Shared values of conduct that tell people how to act in specific situations are:
  • Organization of written and spoken symbols into a standardized system is:
  • The movement of people from one social position to another of different rank is:
  • Shared beliefs about what is desirable or undesirable that help to determine the character of a group and its members are:
  • Max Weber identified three analytically distinct components of stratification which include:
  • The belief that culture should be judged by their own standards is:
  • Group with its unique values, norms, and behaviors that exist within a larger culture is:
  • A group of people who are related by marriage, blood, or adoption and live together and share economic resources is defined as:
  • Enforcement of norms through either internalization or sanctions is:
  • The sector of an economic system that concentrates on the use of raw materials to manufacture goods is known as:
  • A system of beliefs or ideas that justifies some social, moral, religious, political, or economic interests held by a social group or by society is:
  • The process of spreading cultural traits from one society to another is:
  • The power that is legitimated by long-standing custom is known as:
  • A situation in which some aspects of culture change less rapidly than other aspects of the same culture is called:
  • The system of statuses, roles, values, and norms that is organized to satisfy one or more basic needs of society is:
  • The situation that occurs when fulfilling the expectations of one role makes it difficult to fulfill expectations of another role:
  • An established pattern of behavior through which a group of believers experiences the sacred is:
  • Any group with whom individuals identify and whose values and attitudes they often adopt is:
  • A religious system in which spirits communicate only with one person in the group, who is acknowledged to be a specialist is:
  • The web of relationships that is formed by the total of a person’s interaction with other people is termed as:
  • The respect and admiration that an occupation holds in society is: Sociology mcqs online test,

MCQs Introduction to Sociology Quiz 2

The post is about introduction to sociology Quiz – The subject of sociology helps us to analyze the developments, structure, and general functioning processes of human society. Embark on a sociological exploration with our MCQs about the Introduction to Sociology Quiz.

Please go to MCQs Introduction to Sociology Quiz 2 to view the test

Introduction to Sociology Quiz

Multiple Choice Questions about Introduction to Sociology Quiz

  • The way in which a society uses technology to provide for need of its members is:
  • Agents of socialization include:
  • Society in which relationships are based on need rather than on emotion is:
  • The term “Generalized other” was coined by:
  • Which Economic System is characterized by “Private Property and Market Place”?
  • Which of the theoretical perspective views society as a stable system of interrelated parts?
  • Anything that meaningfully represents something else is:
  • The stage in which the child is above six years and begins to consider several actual tasks and relationships is:
  • The process of discarding former behavior patterns and accepting new ones as part of a transition in one’s life is:
  • Which theoretical perspective views society as composed of various groups competing for control over scarce resources?
  • Which thinker compares society with “living organism” in order to understand social structure?
  • Theory “Looking Glass Self” was given by:
  • The process of disengagement from a role that is central to one’s self-identity and establishment of a new role and identity is:
  • The process by which a group, organization, or social movement becomes increasingly bureaucratic is:
  • A group of 10-15 people assembled by a researcher to discuss a predetermined topic, guided by a moderator is:
  • The process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant industry have come to dominate certain sectors of society is:
  • An organization established on the basis of common interest, whose members volunteer or even pay to participate is:
  • A temporary or permanent alliance geared toward a common goal is
  • A per-industrial society in which people plant seeds and crops rather than merely subsist on available foods.
  • A status that dominated others and thereby determines a person’s general position in society is:
  • A principle of organizational life according to which each individual within hierarchy tends to rise to his or her level of incompetence is:
  • A technologically sophisticated society that is preoccupied with consumer goods and media images:
  • According to Durkhiem, “the degree to which tasks and responsibilities are specialized” is known as:
  • A norm governing everyday behavior whose violation raises comparatively little concern is:
  • The common features that are found in all human cultures are: