MCQs Social Psychology Quiz 1

The post is about MCQs Social Psychology Quiz with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from Social Psychology. The subject of Social Psychology in Sociology is the scientific study of how people are influenced by others and their social environments. Social Psychology examines how people think, feel, and behave in social settings. Let us start with the MCQs Social Psychology Quiz now.

MCQs Social Psychology Quiz with Answers

Online MCQs Social Psychology Quiz with Answers

1. The “we” aspect of our self-concept is


2. A belief in the superiority of one’s own ethnic and cultural group is:


3. A necessary condition for stereotyping to occur is


4. The great strength of ————– is that it tends to occur in real-world settings where it can examine questions regarding important factors like race, sex, and social status:


5. Random assignment means that each person taking part in an experiment must:


6. Random assignment is necessary to


7. ————— set up an experiment, known as the Stanford Prison Experiment, where people played the role of prison guards. The goal was to observe if this authority position would cause them to act differently.


8. People who are less likely to help someone because there are a lot of people present would be exhibiting


9. Social psychology began to emerge as a field during:


10. To determine whether changing one variable (like education) will produce changes in another (like income) we need to conduct ————— research.


11. People’s beliefs about how men and women behave are


12. An experiment has mundane realism if


13. Social Psychology is the study of how people ———– , ————– and ———— one another


14. In-group bias is the


15. In comparison to the sociologist, the social psychologist


16. The term “discrimination” refers to


17. Most social-psychological research is conducted either in the field or in the ————- and is either correlational or ————-.


18. —————- is best known for his research on conformity.


19. An accomplice of the experimenter is:


20. Contact between groups diminishes prejudice if this contract involves:


MCQs Social Psychology Quiz with Answers

  • An accomplice of the experimenter is:
  • Social Psychology is the study of how people ———– , ————– and ———— one another
  • Social psychology began to emerge as a field during:
  • In comparison to the sociologist, the social psychologist
  • Most social-psychological research is conducted either in the field or in the ————- and is either correlational or ————-.
  • The great strength of ————– is that it tends to occur in real-world settings where it can examine questions regarding important factors like race, sex, and social status:
  • To determine whether changing one variable (like education) will produce changes in another (like income) we need to conduct ————— research.
  • Random assignment means that each person taking part in an experiment must:
  • An experiment has mundane realism if
  • Random assignment is necessary to
  • In-group bias is the
  • People who are less likely to help someone because there are a lot of people present would be exhibiting
  • ————— set up an experiment, known as the Stanford Prison Experiment, where people played the role of prison guards. The goal was to observe if this authority position would cause them to act differently.
  • The term “discrimination” refers to
  • A necessary condition for stereotyping to occur is
  • Contact between groups diminishes prejudice if this contract involves:
  • A belief in the superiority of one’s own ethnic and cultural group is:
  • The “we” aspect of our self-concept is
  • People’s beliefs about how men and women behave are

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MCQs Development of Social Thoughts 2

The post is about the MCQs Development of Social Thoughts with answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from Development of Sociological Thoughts. It is related to the theories developed by the founding fathers of sociology, Auguste Comte and Herbert. Spencer explains the social processes and organizations that belong to this. The quiz will provide familiarity with the history of social thought, stages of social development, and change.

This quiz is one of a series of Quizzes on the Subject of Sociology. Let us start with the MCQS Development of Sociological Thoughts Quiz now.

Please go to MCQs Development of Social Thoughts 2 to view the test

Online MCQs Development of Social Thoughts with Answers

MCQs Development of Social Thoughts with Answers
  • “False customs and traditions are one the social disease of the society” was said by?
  • Which Muslim Scholar wrote “Keemia E Saadat?”
  • The power of Ethnocentrism is based on two principles, social solidarity and —————.
  • ————— is a system of interconnected abstractions or ideas that condense and organize knowledge about the social world.
  • The concept of Yin and Yang is given great importance in ————- Philosophy.
  • Which Pakistani Philosopher presented the “Theory of Self?”
  • A person who utilizes his capacities and resources for the attainment of a goal while keeping a firm reliance on Allah is called —————.
  • Imam Ghazali presented ————- principles of being an idea king.
  • The last phase of social thought includes
  • ———- Perspective is a framework for building theory that sees society as a platform of inequality.
  • The word “Khudi” is of ————- language.
  • ————- School of thought was shifted from India to China.
  • An Italian Sociologist presented the concept of “circulation of Elites”. Which Muslim philosopher presented that concept already?
  • “A ruler is necessary to make people comply to the orders of Allah,” was said by —————-.
  • Identify which of the following is a major school of thought in Chinese Philosophy.
  • —————- is a perspective that focuses on social structures and interpersonal relationships that shape society as a whole.
  • The book ‘Shaoor e Agahi’ was written by ————–.
  • Socrates is one of the main characters of ————— philosophy.
  • —————— presented the concept of Pan Islamism.
  • “Ra” the Sun God belonged to ——————- philosophy.

Charts and Graphics Quiz

Development of Sociological Thoughts MCQs 1

The quiz is about the Development of Sociological Thoughts MCQs with answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from Development of Sociological Thoughts. It is related to the theories developed by the founding fathers of sociology, Auguste Comte and Herbert. Spencer explains the social processes and organizations that belong to this. This quiz will provide familiarity with the history of social thought, stages of social development, and change.

This quiz is one of a series of Quizzes on the Subject of Sociology. Let us start with the Development of Sociological Thoughts MCQs now.

Please go to Development of Sociological Thoughts MCQs 1 to view the test

Online Development of Sociological Thoughts MCQs with Answers

  • Allama Ibne Khuldon presented the concept of ————- society.
  • According to Shah Wali Ullah, which is society’s major social disease?
  • The first phase of social thought includes
  • Perspective is a framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change.
  • Parents are responsible for the upbringing of their children, parents should develop in them the qualities of self-respect, modesty, and honor.
  • Allama Iqbal died in ————–.
  • Imam Ghazali presented the ————- principles for being an ideal king.
  • Allama Iqbal’s theory of nationalism includes ————–.
  • Which Sociologist presented a concrete theory on suicide?
  • Identify which of the following is a major school of thought in Chinese Philosophy.
  • A person who utilizes his capacities and resources for the attainment of a goal while keeping a firm reliance on Allah is called —————.
  • ———- is a power that holds society together, and creates social solidarity and homogeneity.
  • Parents are responsible for the upbringing of their children, parents should develop in them the qualities of self-respect, modesty, and honor.” Who said that?
  • Which sociologist said that just like a human body a society can get sick as well due to different social diseases?
  • Allama Iqbal was born in ———-.
  • The last phase of social thought includes —————.
  • —————- perspective is a framework that sees society as a system of interrelated parts that work together to promote balance and stability in society.
  • Which Western thinker coined the term Sociology?
  • “Bang e Dara” is the publication of
  • False customs and traditions are one the social diseases of the society” was said by?
Development of Sociological Thoughts MCQs with Answers

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MCQs Introduction to Social Work Quiz 2

This post is about the Introduction to Social Work Quiz on Sociology. It has 25 multiple-choice questions covering ethics, community services, charity, social work practice, social work, social development, public treasury, psycho-social theory, etc. Let us start with the MCQ Introduction to Social Work Quiz.

Please go to MCQs Introduction to Social Work Quiz 2 to view the test

Online MCQs Introduction to Social Work Quiz

  • A Social Worker’s professional opinion about the problem indicating the lines of approach toward a solution is
  • A professional and academic discipline committed to the pursuit of social welfare, social change, and social justice is
  • The social worker plays the role of
  • The research technique in which the researcher himself presents a questionnaire to the individuals whose responses are required is
  • A program of protection provided by society against contingencies of modern life is
  • The social worker attempts to establish adjustment between the individual and his
  • The person who helps individuals or groups to identify their problem and develop their capacities to deal with it is
  • A process used by certain human welfare agencies to help individuals cope more effectively with their problems in social functioning is
  • The role of a social worker is influenced by
  • The process of acquiring facts about the situation is
  • Social development is a
  • The interview uses more focused and specified questions which may help to make decisions involving human services is
  • The research technique which studies a particular case intensively (in-depth) is
  • Which aspect of social work discovers the laws of human behavior and nature
  • The method of selecting a sample in which data is split into various groups on the basis of their characteristics and thereafter certain items are selected from these groups randomly is
  • Decision making means
  • Which of the following is not a principle of group work
  • Which of the following is not a social process
  • Which is/are the approaches to community organization
  • Social work focuses on research and practice to improve quality of life and to the development of
  • Work done by government and private organizations to improve bad social conditions and help poor people, who have family problems, are unable to find a job, etc.
  • Through ————- the welfare work of a single agency as well as of whole communities is directed, cooperation between public and private agencies is secured and funds are raised and administered
  • Social work bases its methodology on a systematic body of evidence-based knowledge derived from ————, including local and Indigenous knowledge specific to its context
  • ————- is a formally organized social group or private, non-governmental common interest organization that tends to be more formal and viewed anthropologically as an adaptive or survival mechanism
  • The central problem of developing countries is
MCQs Introduction to Social Work Quiz with Answers

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