MCQs Development of Social Thoughts 2

The post is about the MCQs Development of Social Thoughts with answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from Development of Sociological Thoughts. It is related to the theories developed by the founding fathers of sociology, Auguste Comte and Herbert. Spencer explains the social processes and organizations that belong to this. The quiz will provide familiarity with the history of social thought, stages of social development, and change.

This quiz is one of a series of Quizzes on the Subject of Sociology. Let us start with the MCQS Development of Sociological Thoughts Quiz now.

Online multiple-choice type questions about Development of Social Thoughts with answers

1. ———- Perspective is a framework for building theory that sees society as a platform of inequality.


2. The power of Ethnocentrism is based on two principles, social solidarity and —————.


3. The book ‘Shaoor e Agahi’ was written by ————–.


4. —————— presented the concept of Pan Islamism.


5. A person who utilizes his capacities and resources for the attainment of a goal while keeping a firm reliance on Allah is called —————.


6. An Italian Sociologist presented the concept of “circulation of Elites”. Which Muslim philosopher presented that concept already?


7. —————- is a perspective that focuses on social structures and interpersonal relationships that shape society as a whole.


8. “False customs and traditions are one the social disease of the society” was said by?


9. Which Muslim Scholar wrote “Keemia E Saadat?”


10. “A ruler is necessary to make people comply to the orders of Allah,” was said by —————-.


11. Identify which of the following is a major school of thought in Chinese Philosophy.


12. The concept of Yin and Yang is given great importance in ————- Philosophy.


13. Imam Ghazali presented ————- principles of being an idea king.


14. ————- School of thought was shifted from India to China.


15. “Ra” the Sun God belonged to ——————- philosophy.


16. Socrates is one of the main characters of ————— philosophy.


17. ————— is a system of interconnected abstractions or ideas that condense and organize knowledge about the social world.


18. The word “Khudi” is of ————- language.


19. Which Pakistani Philosopher presented the “Theory of Self?”


20. The last phase of social thought includes


Online MCQs Development of Social Thoughts with Answers

MCQs Development of Social Thoughts with Answers
  • “False customs and traditions are one the social disease of the society” was said by?
  • Which Muslim Scholar wrote “Keemia E Saadat?”
  • The power of Ethnocentrism is based on two principles, social solidarity and —————.
  • ————— is a system of interconnected abstractions or ideas that condense and organize knowledge about the social world.
  • The concept of Yin and Yang is given great importance in ————- Philosophy.
  • Which Pakistani Philosopher presented the “Theory of Self?”
  • A person who utilizes his capacities and resources for the attainment of a goal while keeping a firm reliance on Allah is called —————.
  • Imam Ghazali presented ————- principles of being an idea king.
  • The last phase of social thought includes
  • ———- Perspective is a framework for building theory that sees society as a platform of inequality.
  • The word “Khudi” is of ————- language.
  • ————- School of thought was shifted from India to China.
  • An Italian Sociologist presented the concept of “circulation of Elites”. Which Muslim philosopher presented that concept already?
  • “A ruler is necessary to make people comply to the orders of Allah,” was said by —————-.
  • Identify which of the following is a major school of thought in Chinese Philosophy.
  • —————- is a perspective that focuses on social structures and interpersonal relationships that shape society as a whole.
  • The book ‘Shaoor e Agahi’ was written by ————–.
  • Socrates is one of the main characters of ————— philosophy.
  • —————— presented the concept of Pan Islamism.
  • “Ra” the Sun God belonged to ——————- philosophy.

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