Social Psychology MCQs with Answers 5

The post is about Social Psychology MCQs with Answers. There are 15 multiple-choice questions from Social Psychology. The subject of Social Psychology in Sociology is the scientific study of how others and their social environments influence people. Social Psychology examines how people think, feel, and behave in social settings. This quiz is one of a series of Quizzes on the Subject of Sociology. Let us start with the Quiz Social Psychology MCQs with Answers now.

Social Psychology MCQs With Answers

Online Social psychology mcqs with answers

1. Our social judgment is also shaped by our ability to imagine, known as


2. The three dimensions of attitude are


3. Sara knows that she can help people simply by dialing 9-1-1 on her cell phone if an emergency arises. Which step in the decision process for helping would Sara be at?


4. Observational and correlational studies are the primary research methods followed by experimentation in


5. Fixed way of thinking about others which don’t include individual variations, called


6. Which of the following would the field of social neuroscience be most likely to study?


7. The most representative member of a category is called


8. Your behavior is changed with the presence of others, which is called


9. Feelings and actions toward people are sometimes negative and sometimes positive is


10. A tendency to categorize people based on their common attributes, this is called


11. It reduces complex judgment into simple thumb rule


12. Mere exposure effect was proposed by


13. Gordon Allport defines social psychology in


14. The tendency to judge the category of people based on how closely it resembles the typical or average member of that category


15. Reinforcement and punishment behaviour are part of


Social Psychology MCQs with Answers

  • Sara knows that she can help people simply by dialing 9-1-1 on her cell phone if an emergency arises. Which step in the decision process for helping would Sara be at?
  • Which of the following would the field of social neuroscience be most likely to study?
  • Your behavior is changed with the presence of others, which is called
  • Gordon Allport defines social psychology in
  • The tendency to judge the category of people based on how closely it resembles the typical or average member of that category
  • Our social judgment is also shaped by our ability to imagine, known as
  • A tendency to categorize people based on their common attributes, this is called
  • The most representative member of a category is called
  • Fixed way of thinking about others which don’t include individual variations, called
  • The three dimensions of attitude are
  • It reduces complex judgment into simple thumb rule
  • Reinforcement and punishment behaviour are part of
  • Mere exposure effect was proposed by
  • Feelings and actions toward people are sometimes negative and sometimes positive is
  • Observational and correlational studies are the primary research methods followed by experimentation in

Hypothesis Testing

Social Psychology Quiz Questions 4

The post is about Social Psychology Quiz Questions with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from Social Psychology. The subject of Social Psychology in Sociology is the scientific study of how others and their social environments influence people. Social Psychology examines how people think, feel, and behave in social settings. This quiz is one of a series of Quizzes on the Subject of Sociology. Let us start with the Social Psychology Quiz Questions now.

Online Social Psychology Quiz Questions with Answers
Please go to Social Psychology Quiz Questions 4 to view the test

Social Psychology Quiz Questions

  • Research on helping behaviour suggests that people tend to help people:
  • Social psychologists who focus on legal applications have witnessed that many eyewitnesses are:
  • Salman admits that he conforms to be liked by others. This is known as
  • According to the text, in which of the following has group-think been known to occur?
  • Many businesses now require their employees to work in teams, believing that a group of four to five employees will accomplish more than four to five individuals working alone. This is an example of what concept?
  • Maria was approached by her neighbor asking her to adopt two to three kittens that were abandoned by their mother. While Maria refused to take in three kittens, she did agree to adopt just one. What compliance technique did her neighbor use on Maria?
  • Which of the following people would probably not be a prime candidate for membership in a cult?
  • Follow-up studies to Stanley Milgram’s research have suggested that a teacher’s willingness to deliver potentially lethal shocks may be more a product of ———— than of obedience.
  • The public service messages that encourage parents to sit down with their children and talk frankly about drugs are promoting which method of attitude formation?
  • Researchers have found that a ———— degree of fear in a message makes it more effective, particularly when it is combined with —————.
  • Sandy was a juror in the trial of a man accused of stealing guns from a sporting goods store. The defendant was not very well-spoken and came from a very poor background, but Sandy listened carefully to the evidence presented and made her decision based on that. Sandy was using ————– processing.
  • Which of the following should Shaista avoid if she wants to reduce cognitive dissonance?
  • Arsalan goes to a job interview dressed in patched blue jeans, a torn T-shirt, and sandals. His hair is uncombed and he hasn’t shaved in a few days. Arsalan knows nothing about
  • If Behaviour is assumed to be caused by external characteristics, this is known as:
  • Thomas likes to “hang with the guys” These people with whom Thomas identifies most strongly are called a(n)
  • The “Robber’s Cave” experiment showed the value of ————- in combating prejudice.
  • Shoaib and Tahir met at work. At first, they were just friends, but over time, they found themselves falling in love as Shoaib told her friends, “Tahir just grew on me!” According to research on interpersonal attraction, the most likely explanation for their attraction is
  • According to Sternberg, a couple whose love is based on intimacy and passion but who are not yet committed to a long-term relationship are in the form of love called ———— love.
  • The concept that aggression results from a social role is based on what psychological theory?
  • To which two processes do most social psychologists attribute the failure of those around Atif Ameen to help her?

Online Statistics MCQs

Social Psychology MCQs Questions 3

The post is about Social Psychology MCQs Questions with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from Social Psychology. The subject of Social Psychology in Sociology is the scientific study of how others and their social environments influence people. Social Psychology examines how people think, feel, and behave in social settings. This quiz is one of a series of Quizzes on the Subject of Sociology. Let us start with the Quiz Social Psychology MCQs questions now.

Online Social Psychology MCQs Questions
Please go to Social Psychology MCQs Questions 3 to view the test

Social Psychology MCQS Questions

  • When making the “attribution error” we tend to overestimate the importance of —————- in judging the behaviours of others.
  • In his classic studies of conformity, Asch demonstrated that
  • Over-disclosure often results in
  • Comparing yourself with a person who ranks lower than you are referred to as
  • Groups reward members with ———— and ———— for conformity.
  • What is a method to reduce prejudice?
  • An ongoing pattern of life including things such as language, customs, and sex roles is called:
  • A reference group is
  • Who was one of the first social psychologists to demonstrate the powerful effect of group norms on behaviour?
  • Which is the least effective way that groups can establish and maintain norm-consistent behaviour?
  • The state in which group or social identity dominates personal or individual identity is called:
  • One of the most prevalent norms directs us to return to others’ favours, goods, and services that they offer us. This is the norm of
  • What is NOT a reason people stick by their commitments?
  • What is reactance?
  • Collective cultures are more typically attuned to ————- than individualistic cultures:
  • The theory of planned behaviour focuses on
  • Cognitive dissonance theory was formulated by:
  • Social dilemmas are conflicts between ————– and ————- interests.
  • Social learning theory suggests that
  • Diffusion of responsibility occurs when witnesses to an emergency

Statistics and Data Analysis

Online Social Psychology Quiz 2

The post is about MCQs Social Psychology Quiz with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from Social Psychology. The subject of Social Psychology in Sociology is the scientific study of how others and their social environments influence people. Social Psychology examines how people think, feel, and behave in social settings. Let us start with the MCQs Social Psychology Quiz now.

MCQs Social Psychology Quiz Questions
Please go to Online Social Psychology Quiz 2 to view the test

Online Social Psychology Quiz

  • A ————– group is a group based on social comparison.
  • Scapegoating is releasing aggression on ————— targets.
  • During the Stanford Prison study
  • When subjects in Milgram’s obedience experiments received their orders over the phone, they
  • Solomon Asch’s classic experiment (in which subjects judged a standard line and comparison lines) was arranged to test the limits of
  • Aggression is best defined as:
  • Attribution theory concerns our tendency to explain our behaviour and that of others:
  • The —————- hypothesis states that frustration tends to lead to aggression:
  • A compulsion by decision-makers to maintain each other’s approval, even at the cost of critical thinking and good judgment, is called
  • Which theory holds that a relationship must be profitable to endure?
  • ————– Attachment style is marked by conflicting feelings of affection, anger, and emotional turmoil
  • Physical proximity increases attraction because it
  • The study of unspoken rules for the use of interpersonal space is called
  • When you have “clashing thoughts”, you are experiencing:
  • Sarah is a female, a daughter, and a young adult. The roles that shape her behaviour are called ————- roles
  • Desensitization is:
  • People’s attitudes about women and rape primarily come from
  • Cognitive dissonance theory is based on the human need for
  • Which of the following was a factor in determining the degree of obedience in Milgram’s series experiments?
  • Sharing your own private thoughts and feelings is called

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