MCQs Pedagogy Test for Teachers 16

Important MCQs related to Pedagogy Test for Teachers. Mcqs of Pedagogy/ Education for test preparation of NTS, KPPSC, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, CSS, PMS, and Educators Test. These Pedagogy MCQs are also useful for primary school teachers (PST), subject specialists (SST), physical education teachers (PET), Drawing masters, and Arabic teacher tests. Let us start with the Pedagogy Test for Teachers.

Online MCQs Pedagogy and Education

1. The concept of pragmatism in educational philosophy says that education should be about


2. Jean Piaget proposed ———— stages of Cognitive Development.


3. Robert Sternberg, a famous psychologist, argued that creativity requires ————– different types of intelligence.


4. According to Emile, the noblest work in education is to make a/an


5. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the Concrete operational stage starts at age


6. According to Jean Piaget, children develop abstract logic and reasoning skills during


7. In the cooperative method, teachers act as delegators means the teacher acts as a/an ————- to the students.


8. Primary teachers should give top priority to ————–?


9. Guidance removes ————–?


10. The branch of philosophy focuses on the nature of reality is


11. The teaching approach in which students share knowledge with other students through a variety of structures is known as:


12. The most recent response is most likely to


13. When a teacher enters his class on the first day the theme of discussion should be —————?


14. The book Emile or “On Education” on the nature of education and man is written by ————-?


15. The study of the physical, social, and mental aspects of aging is called


16. In the evaluation approach of lesson planning


17. What is meant by “Symposium” in the academic world?


18. The technique in which the students act out roles from stories or historical events is termed:


19. Which of the following should be used to decrease minor inappropriate behavior?


20. Attitude can ————–?


MCQs Pedagogy Test for Teachers

  • The teaching approach in which students share knowledge with other students through a variety of structures is known as:
  • Which of the following should be used to decrease minor inappropriate behavior?
  • When a teacher enters his class on the first day the theme of discussion should be —————?
  • Primary teachers should give top priority to ————–?
  • In the cooperative method, teachers act as delegators means the teacher acts as a/an ————- to the students.
  • In the evaluation approach of lesson planning
  • The technique in which the students act out roles from stories or historical events is termed:
  • The book Emile or “On Education” on the nature of education and man is written by ————-?
  • Guidance removes ————–?
  • Attitude can ————–?
  • According to Emile, the noblest work in education is to make a/an
  • What is meant by “Symposium” in the academic world?
  • Jean Piaget proposed ———— stages of Cognitive Development.
  • According to Jean Piaget, children develop abstract logic and reasoning skills during
  • According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the Concrete operational stage starts at age
  • The most recent response is most likely to
  • The concept of pragmatism in educational philosophy says that education should be about
  • Robert Sternberg, a famous psychologist, argued that creativity requires ————– different types of intelligence.
  • The branch of philosophy focuses on the nature of reality is
  • The study of the physical, social, and mental aspects of aging is called
MCQs Pedagogy Test for Teachers

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MCQs Pedagogy Quiz with Answers 15

This post is about the Online MCQs Pedagogy Quiz with answers. The 20 multiple-choice questions about Pedagogy/ Education are for preparation for NTS, KPPSC, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, CSS, PMS, and Educators Test. These MCQs are also useful for primary school teachers (PST), subject specialists (SST), physical education teachers (PET), Drawing masters, and Arabic teacher tests. Let us start with the Online MCQs Pedagogy Quiz with Answers.

Please go to MCQs Pedagogy Quiz with Answers 15 to view the test

Online MCQs Pedagogy Quiz with Answers

Online MCQs Pedagogy Quiz with Answers
  • Which of the following is an important anger-arresting situation during adolescence?
  • Regular changes in teaching strategies in the class are required:
  • Which of the following purposes is served by the lesson plan?
  • The purpose of an evaluative phase of teaching is:
  • Which of the following teaching aids helps the pupils to study, analyze, and compare data? The evaluation approach of lesson planning is criticized because:
  • Guidance differs from counseling in which of the following manner?
  • According to John Dewey, school is a ————– institution, and education is a ————— process.
  • What type of class climate would you prefer?
  • One way to maximize teaching time shorten delays due to transitions and focus on student behavior is to establish ———– in the classroom.
  • If one child gives answers to all the Questions at first in your class but disturbs the rest of the children and roams here and there in the class then what will you do?
  • Dialectic method of inquiry was contributed by ————–?
  • Team activity to summarize reading is also termed as:
  • Which act of teacher fosters a sense of autonomy in the learning process?
  • According to John Dewey, which side of the educational process is the basis?
  • Teaching will be effective if the teacher:
  • According to John Dewey, schools must prepare students for ————?
  • In the cooperative learning method, the role of the teacher is of ———–?
  • The primary duty of a teacher is to be responsible for his/her:
  • Before accepting the teaching profession one must know:
  • In education, ————– is used to make inferences about the learning and development of students. Mcqs pedagogy quiz with answers,

Pedagogy MCQs Quiz Online Test 14

The post is about the Pedagogy MCQs Quiz Online test for Preparation of NTS, KPPSC, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, CSS, PMS, and Educators Test. These MCQs are also useful for PST, SST, PET, Drawing masters, and Arabic teacher tests. Let us start with the Pedagogy MCQs Quiz Online Test.

Please go to Pedagogy MCQs Quiz Online Test 14 to view the test

Pedagogy MCQs Quiz Online test

Pedagogy MCQs Quiz Online Test
  • To study the functioning of the unconscious mind, which of the following techniques can be most profitably used?
  • According to Emile, the noblest work in education is to make a/an ————-?
  • The concept of perennialism in education means school curricula should focus on what is —————?
  • According to Socrates of Meno, virtue is ————-?
  • Bloom’s taxonomy is a set of ————– learning domains.
  • Who advocated removing children from their mothers’ care and raising them as wards of the state?
  • Jean Piaget proposed ————- stages of Cognitive Development.
  • How Many Laws of connectionism?
  • The first institution of higher learning in the Western world, “Academy”, was founded by ——————?
  • The more parts of your brain you use, the more likely you are to ———– information.
  • The branch of philosophy that focuses on the nature of reality is ————–?
  • Educational psychology is concerned with the scientific study of ————–?
  • According to famous philosophers, teaching is a/an ————?
  • A teacher is considered successful only if he —————?
  • To increase the confidence of the teacher
  • As people grow older, the ———— of learning declines.
  • Women are better teachers at the primary level because ————?
  • To raise the standard of education, it is necessary to —————-?
  • The idea of teaching the whole child in the “philosophy of pragmatism in education” means teaching students to be good ————–?
  • The process of reasoning from one or more given statements to reach a logically certain conclusion is called ————–?
Pedagogy MCQs Quiz Online test,

Online Pedagogy Quiz – 13

The post is about an Online Pedagogy Quiz with answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions about education and pedagogy test preparation of NTS, KPPSC, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, CSS, PMS, and Educators Test. These MCQs are also useful for primary school teachers (PST), physical education teachers (PET), subject specialists (SST), Drawing masters, and Arabic teacher tests. Let us start with the Online Pedagogy Quiz.

Please go to Online Pedagogy Quiz – 13 to view the test
Online Pedagogy Quiz with Answers

Online Pedagogy Quiz with Answers

  • What was the relation between Socrates and Plato?
  • ————— is an instructional approach in which objectives are presented to learners beginning with unknown concepts and proceeding to known concepts?
  • Plato believed that talent and intelligence are:
  • Teacher-centered instruction which includes lecture, presentation, and recitation is also known as —————?
  • An assessment used to identify difficulties in the learning process is called ————?
  • A process of looking at what is being assessed is called ————–?
  • While delivering a lecture in the class a teacher:
  • The reasoning in which the given statements are viewed as supplying strong evidence for the truth of the conclusion is called —————?
  • Generally, students like those teachers who:
  • The person is an influential communicator if:
  • Child development is marked by interrelated processes, which one is not one of them?
  • Developing new rules and principles based on given facts and information at memory level is called —————?
  • Any method of teaching which involves two or more students, can be termed as —————?
  • The psychological environment of the class is mainly the duty of ————–?
  • On which basis the ability of teachers can be judged?
  • Which type of person should enter the field of teaching?
  • The use of the Internet for students in their educational activities is in your opinion:
  • Why will you ask questions from students during a lecture?
  • Reading or looking at material quickly to gain an overview of the content is the reading technique called:
  • The information about the internet and computers makes children?
Online Pedagogy Quiz with Answers,