Important MCQs Microsoft Word 7

The quiz MCQs Microsoft Word will be helpful for the preparation of computer-related exams especially job-related posts such as data entry operator, Computer operator, and assistant. Let us start with MCQs Microsoft Word Quiz.

The following quiz is about multiple-choice questions related to MS-Word.

1. MS Office provides help in many ways, which of these is one of them?


2. To change the line height to 1.5 we use the shortcut key :


3. A Word 97-2003 document will be saved in which extension


4. If we press the F7 in a Word file, it will _________


5. Microsoft Word is an example of a/an


6. Pressing the F8 key three times selects


7. In MS Word to move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word command used is


8. In which grouping, the formatting of text is done in Word?


9. Which of the following line spacing is invalid?


10. Which option in the File pull-down menu is used to close a file in MS Word?


11. What is the place to the left of the horizontal scroll bar?


12. The minimum number of rows and columns a word table can have is


13. What is the maximum number of lines you can set for lines to drop box?


14. From which menu you can insert the Header and Footer?


15. If you need to change the typeface of a document, which menu will you choose?


16. If you will be displaying or printing your document on another computer, you’ll want to make sure and select the ________ option under the ‘Save’ tab.


17. What is the default number of lines to drop for the drop cap?


18. We can remove/hide the border of a shape by selecting ____________


19. Selecting text means, selecting?


20. In Microsoft Word shortcut key CTRL + W is used for


Microsoft Word is a word-processing application. MS Word is a part of the popular MS Office Package. In this series of quizzes related to the word processor, you will find a good collection of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) to test your knowledge of MS Word with answers. Most of the questions apply to all versions of MS Word (such as 97-2003, 2007, 2010, XP, 2013, 2016, etc.). Note that sometimes these questions are considered as part of the general knowledge section of basic computer awareness and computer operation section.

application software MCQs Microsoft Word

It is very important to know the basic knowledge of MS Word for the Test Preparation of FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, and other tests or examinations.

MCQs Microsoft Word

  • From which menu you can insert the Header and Footer?
  • In Microsoft Word shortcut key CTRL + W is used for
  • MS Office provides help in many ways, which of these is one of them?
  • Which of the following line spacing is invalid?
  • In MS Word to move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word command used is
  • To change the line height to 1.5 we use the shortcut key :
  • Selecting text means, selecting?
  • What is the maximum number of lines you can set for lines to drop box?
  • If you will be displaying or printing your document on another computer, you’ll want to make sure and select the _________ option under the ‘Save’ tab.
  • We can remove/hide the border of a shape by selecting _______.
  • The minimum number of rows and columns a word table can have is
  • What is the place to the left of the horizontal scroll bar?
  • If you need to change the typeface of a document, which menu will you choose?
  • Pressing the F8 key three times selects
  • What is the default number of lines to drop for the drop cap?
  • Which option in the File pull-down menu is used to close a file in MS Word?
  • In which grouping, the formatting of text is done in Word?
  • Microsoft Word is an example of a/ an
  • A Word 97-2003 document will be saved in which extension
  • If we press the F7 in a Word file, it will __________.

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What is Rounding off?

Introduction to Rounding Off

The concept and term “rounding off” is the process of simplifying a number by bringing the number closer to the next number and keeping its value.

In most of the everyday situations, we do not need to use highly sensitive measuring devices (instruments). the accuracy of our measurement depends on the purpose for which we use the information.

Rounding off Examples

Example: Suppose someone uses a compass as a guide in going from one end of the school to the other. It would not be a serious error if he/ she is 1o of course. However, 1o of course on a journey to the moon will mean an error of 644000 km.

Besides the error arising from the use of different instruments/ devices, the person taking the measurement is another source of error. For example, in school/ college athletics meets, there are usually two or more time-keepers for the first placing of a (say) 100-meter race, and time-keepers may have slightly different times on their devices (such as sports watch). Therefore, all physical measurements such as mass, length, time, volume, and area can never be accurate. The accuracy depends on the degree of the measuring device (instrument) and the person recording (taking) the measurement. Both of them can never be accurate.

Rules for Rounding off Numbers

Rule 1: Determine what your rounding digit is and look at the digit to the right of it. If the number is 1, 2, 3, or 4, simply drop all digits to the right of the rounding digit. For example,

5.432 may be rounded off to 5.42 nearest to the hundredth place.
5.432 may be rounded off to 5.4 nearest to the tenth place.
5.432 may be rounded off to 5 nearest to the unit’s place.

Rule 2: Determine what your rounding digit is and look at the digit to the right of it. If the number is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 add one to the rounding digit and drop all digits to the right of the rounding digits. For example,

3.786 may be rounded off to 3.79 nearest to the hundredth place.
3.786 may be rounded off to 3.8 nearest to the tenth place.
3.876 may be rounded off to 3.9 nearest to the unit place.

Rules for Rounding Off Numbers

Statistics and Data Analysis


Number System: Complete Guide

Introduction to Number System

In early civilizations, the number of animals (sheep, goats, camels, etc.) or children people had was tracked by using different methods such as people matching the number of animals with the number of stones. Similarly, they count the number of children with the number of notches tied on a string or marks on a piece of wood, leather, or wall. With the development of humans, other uses for numerals were found and this led to the invention of the number system.

Commonly used Number System

The commonly used number system is the decimal positional numeral system. The decimal refers to 10 symbols: $0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9$ to construct all numbers.

Number System: Real Number Line

Natural Numbers

Natural numbers are used to count the number of subjects or objects. Natural numbers are also called counting numbers. The numbers $1, 2, 3, \cdots$ are all natural numbers.

Whole Numbers

The numbers $0, 1, 2, \cdots$ are called whole numbers. It can be observed that whole numbers except $0$ are natural numbers.

Number Line

Whole numbers can be represented by points on a line called the number line. For this purpose, a straight line is drawn and a point is chosen on the line and labeled as $0$. Starting with $0$, mark off equal intervals of any suitable length. Marked points are labeled as $1, 2, \cdots$ as shown in Figure below. The figure below represents real numbers since it includes the negative number (numbers on the left of $0$ in this diagram are called negative numbers).

The arrow on the extreme (right-hand side in case of while numbers or negative numbers) indicates that the list of numbers continues in the same way indefinitely.

A whole number can be even or odd. An even number is a number that can be divided by 2 without leaving any remainder. The numbers $0, 2, 4, 6, 8, \cdots$ are all even numbers. An odd number is a number which cannot be divided by 2 without leaving any remainder. The numbers $1, 3, 5, 7, 9, \cdots$ are all odd.

It is interesting to know that any two numbers can be added in any order and it will not affect the results. For example, $3+5 = 5+3$. This is called the commutative law of addition. Similarly, the order of grouping the numbers does not affect the result. For example, $2+3+5=(2+3)+5 = 2+ (3+5)=(2+5)+3$. This is called the associative law of addition. The subtraction and division of numbers are not commutative as $5-7\ne7-5$ and $6\div2 \ne 2\div 6$ in general.

Like addition and multiplication, whole numbers also follow commutative law and it is called commutative law of multiplication, for example, $2\times 8 = 8 \times 2$. Like addition and multiplication, whole numbers also follow the associative law of multiplications. For example, $2 \times (3 \times 4) = (2 \times 3) \times 4 =  (2 \times 4)\times 3$. Similarly, multiplication is distributive over addition and subtraction, for example, (i) $5\times (6 + 7) = (5 \times 6) + (5 \times 7)$ or $(6+7) \times 5=(6 \times 5)+(7 \times 5)$. (ii) $3 \times (6-2) = (3 \times 6) – (3 \times 2)$ or $(6-2) \times 3 = (6 \times 3) – (2 \times 3)$.

Take any two-digit number say 57, and reverse the digits to obtain 75. Now subtract the smaller number from the bigger number, we have $75-57=18$. Now reverse the digits of 18 and add 18 to its reverse (81), that is, $18+81$, and you will get 99.

Statistics and Data Analysis

Online MCQs Number System

Chi-Square Test of Independence: Complete Guide

Introduction to Chi-Square Test

Chi-square test is a non-parametric test. The assumption of normal distribution in the population is not required for this test. The statistical technique chi-square can be used to find the association (dependencies) between sets of two or more categorical variables by comparing how close the observed frequencies are to the expected frequencies. In other words, a chi-square ($\chi^2$) statistic is used to investigate whether the distributions of categorical variables differ. Note that the responses of categorical variables should be independent of each other. We use the chi-square test to find a relationship between two nominal scaled variables.

Test Assumptions

  • The data should be categorical.
  • The observations should be independent.
  • The expected frequency in each cell should be at least 5. If this assumption is violated, one might need to combine categories or use a different test.

Use and Application of Chi-Square Test

The chi-square test of independence is used as a test of goodness of fit and as a test of independence. In a test of goodness of fit, we check whether or not the observed frequency distribution is different from the theoretical distribution. In contrast, in a test of independence, we assess, whether paired observations on two variables are independent from each other (from the contingency table).

Example of Chi-Square Test

A social scientist sampled 140 people and classified them according to income level and whether or not they played a state lottery in the last month. The sample information is reported below. Is it reasonable to conclude that playing the lottery is related to income level? Use the 0.05 significance level.

Did not play14121945

A step-by-step procedure for testing the hypothesis about the association between these two variables is described, below.

$H_0$: There is no relationship between income and whether the person played the lottery.
$H_1$: There is a relationship between income and whether the person played the lottery.

Step2: Level of Significance 0.05

Step 3: Test statistics (calculations)

Observed Frequencies ($f_o$)Expected Frequencies ($f_e$)$\frac{(f_o – f_e)^2}{f_e}$
4695*60/140= 40.71$\frac{(46-40.71)^2}{40.71}$
2895*40/140= 27.14$\frac{(28-27.14)^2}{27.14}$
2195*40/140= 27.14$\frac{(21-27.14)^2}{27.14}$
1445*60/140= 19.29$\frac{(14-19.29)^2}{19.29}$
1245*40/140= 12.86$\frac{(12-12.6)^2}{12.86}$
1945*40/140= 12.86$\frac{(19-12.86)^2}{12.86}$
$ \chi^2=\sum[\frac{(f_0-f_e)^2}{f_e}]=$6.544

Step 4: Critical Region:
Tabular Chi-Square value at 0.05 level of significance and $(r-1) \times (c-1)=(2-1)\times(3-1)=2$ is 5.991.

Step 5: Decision
As the calculated Chi-Square value is greater than the tabular Chi-Square value, we reject $H_0$, which means that there is a relationship between income level and playing the lottery.

Note that there are several types of chi-square tests (such as Yates, Likelihood ratio, test in time series) available which depend on the way data was collected and also the hypothesis being tested.

Chi-Square Test

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Learn more about Non-Parametric Tests

Mean: Measure of Central Tendency

Introduction to Mean: Measure of Central Tendency

The Measure of Central Tendency, Mean (known as average or arithmetic mean) is used to describe the data set as a single number (value). The measure of central tendency represents the middle (center) of the data, that is the average measure (performance or behaviour, etc) of data. This measure of central tendency is also known as a measure of central location or measure of center.

Mathematically, the mean can be defined as the sum of all values in a given dataset divided by the number of observations in that data. The mean is also called arithmetic mean or simply average.

Example of Mean

Example: Consider the following data set consisting of the marks of 15 students in a certain examination.

50, 55, 65, 43, 78, 20, 100, 5, 90, 23, 40, 56, 70, 88, 30

The mean of the above data values is computed by adding all these values (50 + 55 + 65 + 43 + 78 + 20 + 100 + 5 + 90 + 23 + 40 + 56 + 70 + 88 + 30 = 813) and then dividing by the number of observations added (15) which equals 54.2 marks, that is

$\frac{50 + 55 + 65 + 43 + 78 + 20 + 100 + 5 + 90 + 23 + 40 + 56 + 70 + 88 + 30 }{15}=\frac{813}{15}=54.2 $

Statistical Representation of Population Mean

The above procedure of calculating the mean can be represented mathematically

$\mu= \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n X_i}{N} $

The Greek symbol $\mu$ (pronounced “mu”) represents the population mean in statistics and $N$ is the number of observations in the population data set.

The above formula is known as the population means as it is computed for the whole population.

Statistical Representation of Sample Mean

The sample mean can also be calculated in the same manner as the population mean is calculated. Only the difference is in the representation of the formula, that is,

$\overline{X}= \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n X_i}{n} $.

The $\overline{X} $ represents the sample mean and $n$ shows a number of observations in the sample.

Points to Remember When Calculating Mean

The mean is used for numeric data only. In Statistics, calculating the mean, the data type should be Quantitative (measured on either a ratio or interval scale). Therefore, the numbers in the data set can be continuous and/ or discrete.

Note that mean should not be computed for alphabetic or categorical data (should not belong to nominal or ordinal scale). The mean is influenced by extreme values (very very large or small value) in data that change the mean drastically.

Mean: Measure of Central Tendency

For other measures of central tendencies visit: Measures of Central Tendencies