MCQs Econometrics Statistics 4

This quiz is about MCQs Econometrics Statistics, which covers the topics of Regression analysis, correlation, dummy variable, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation, and many other topics. Let’s start with the MCQs Econometric Statistics Quiz.

MCQs about Multicollinearity, Dummy Variable, Selection of Variables, Error in Variables, Autocorrelation, Time Series, Heteroscedasticity, Simultaneous Equations, and Regression analysis

1. If the value of R-square between $X_2$ and $X_3$ approaches 1 then _________.


2. The Durbin-Watson d test has no__________ for the rejection of the null hypothesis.


3. What does a VIF of 1 mean?


4. Which of the following is an indication of the existence of multicollinearity?


5. The presence of heteroscedasticity does not destroy the _______________ of OLS estimators.


6. Which of the following could be used as a test for autocorrelation up to third order?


7. Robust standard errors are the ones that are corrected by __________.


8. If measurement errors are present only independent variable, then the estimate remains:


9. If we omit a relevant variable from the model ___________


10. In the case of multicollinearity, the confidence interval tends to be much ______, leading to the acceptance of a zero null hypothesis.


11. One can test the pure randomness of residual from _______


12. The term Heteroscedasticity means ________


13. If there is no overlapping between regressors then __________


14. One can test the pure randomness of residuals from


15. Collinearity or multicollinearity occurs whenever _________


16. Autocorrelation is most likely occurred in ____________ data?


17. Which of the following is an indication of the existence of multicollinearity?


18. Autocorrelation may be the result of _____________


19. The generalized least square estimators are also called:


20. Which one of the following is not a plausible remedy for near multicollinearity?


An application of different statistical methods applied to the economic data used to find empirical relationships between economic data is called Econometrics.

Econometrics means “Economic Measurement”. Econometrics is the quantitative analysis of actual economic phenomena based on the concurrent development of theory and observation, related by appropriate methods of statistical inference.

Econometrics can also be defined as the empirical determination of economic laws. Econometrics can be classified as (i) Theoretical Econometrics and (ii) Applied Econometrics.

(i) Theoretical Econometrics

Theoretical econometrics is concerned with developing appropriate methods for measuring economic relationships specified by econometric models. Theoretical econometrics leans heavily on mathematical statistics and must spell out the assumptions of methods (such as Least Squares), their properties, and what happens to these properties when one or more of the assumptions of the technique are not fulfilled.

(ii) Applied Econometrics

In applied econometrics, the tools of theoretical econometrics are used to study special fields(s) such as production function, investment function, demand and supply function, portfolio theory, etc.

MCQs Econometrics Statistics

  • Which one of the following is not a plausible remedy for near multicollinearity?
  • Which of the following could be used as a test for autocorrelation up to third order?
  • If we omit a relevant variable from the model ———-
  • Autocorrelation may be the result of ———-
  • One can test the pure randomness of residual from ———-
  • The term Heteroscedasticity means ———-
  • Collinearity or multicollinearity occurs whenever ———-
  • If there is no overlapping between regressors then ———-
  • What does a VIF of 1 mean?
  • Autocorrelation is most likely occurred in ———- data?
  • If measurement errors are present only independent variable, then the estimate remains:
  • The presence of heteroscedasticity does not destroy the ———- of OLS estimators.
  • The Durbin-Watson d test has no ———- for the rejection of the null hypothesis.
  • If the value of R-square between $X_2$ and $X_3$ approaches 1 then ———-.
  • Which of the following is an indication of the existence of multicollinearity?
  • The generalized least square estimators are also called:
  • Robust standard errors are the ones that are corrected by ———-.
  • In the case of multicollinearity, the confidence interval tends to be much ———-, leading to the acceptance of a zero null hypothesis.
  • Which of the following is an indication of the existence of multicollinearity?
  • One can test the pure randomness of residuals from

Types of Econometrics Data

Different type of data is used in Econometrics. There are three important types of data for empirical analysis:

  • Time Series Data
    A time series data is a set of observations on the values that a variable takes at different times. The time series data may be collected at regular time intervals such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually, etc.
  • Cross-Sectional Data
    Cross-sectional data are data on one or more variables collected at the same point in time. Cross-sectional data has a problem of heterogeneity.
  • Pooled Data
    Pooled data is a combination of both time series and cross-sectional data.
MCQs Econometrics Statistics

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Basic Econometrics MCQs 3

This quiz is about Basic Econometrics MCQs with Answers, which cover the topics of Regression analysis, correlation, dummy variable, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation, and many other topics. Let’s start with the Basic Econometrics MCQs with Answers Quiz.

Please go to Basic Econometrics MCQs 3 to view the test

An application of different statistical methods applied to the economic data used to find empirical relationships between economic data is called Econometrics.

Econometrics means “Economic Measurement”. Econometrics is the quantitative analysis of actual economic phenomena based on the concurrent development of theory and observation, related by appropriate methods of statistical inference.

Econometrics can also be defined as the empirical determination of economic laws. Econometrics can be classified as (i) Theoretical Econometrics and (ii) Applied Econometrics.

(i) Theoretical Econometrics

Theoretical econometrics is concerned with developing appropriate methods for measuring economic relationships specified by econometric models. Theoretical econometrics leans heavily on mathematical statistics and must spell out the assumptions of methods (such as Least Squares), their properties, and what happens to these properties when one or more of the assumptions of the technique are not fulfilled.

(ii) Applied Econometrics

In applied econometrics, the tools of theoretical econometrics are used to study special fields(s) such as production function, investment function, demand and supply function, portfolio theory, etc.

Basic Econometrics MCQs

  • The rule of thumb is if k is between 100 and 1000 then there is _______ multicollinearity?
  • A system which has an infinite number of solutions has ______.
  • The existence of a perfect or near-to-exact linear relationship among some or all explanatory variables of a regression model is called
  • If $\rho$ is zero, then there is
  • Zero tolerance or VIF equal to one indicate
  • The log transformation is __________ if some of the $Y$ and $X$ values are zero or negative.
  • In the case of perfect multicollinearity, the OLS estimates are
  • In case of perfect or near-to-perfect multicollinearity, the OLS estimates are
  • The Glejser test is similar to _________.
  • If the calculated value of tolerance is 1, then there is an issue of
  • If $d*<d_l$ then we
  • An assumption about underlying the d statistics “The explanatory variable $X$’s are non-stochastic or fixed in __________”
  • Which combination of regressors might lead to perfect collinearity?
  • In the case of perfect multicollinearity, the $X’X$ is a ___________.
  • Durbin and Watson have suggested a test to detect the presence of autocorrelation which applies to
  • Which one assumption is not related to an error in the independent variable
  • The existence of a perfect or near-to-exact linear relationship among some or all explanatory variables of a regression model is called
  • What is the meaning of the term heteroscedasticity?
  • The generalized least square (GLS) is an efficient procedure that weights each squared residual by:
  • In a regression model with 3 explanatory variables, there will be __________ auxiliary regressions.

Types of Econometrics Data

Different type of data is used in Econometrics. There are three important types of data for empirical analysis:

  • Time Series Data
    A time series data is a set of observations on the values that a variable takes at different times. The time series data may be collected at regular time intervals such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.
  • Cross-Sectional Data
    Cross-sectional data are data on one or more variables collected at the same point in time. Cross-sectional data has a problem of heterogeneity.
  • Pooled Data
    Pooled data is a combination of both time series and cross-sectional data.
Basic Econometrics MCQs

Visit for Online MCQs Statistics Quizzes

MCQs Econometrics Quiz 2

This quiz is about Econometrics, which covers the topics of Regression analysis, correlation, dummy variable, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation, and many other topics. Let’s start with the MCQs Econometrics Quiz.

Please go to MCQs Econometrics Quiz 2 to view the test

An application of different statistical methods applied to the economic data used to find empirical relationships between economic data is called Econometrics.

Econometrics means “Economic Measurement”. Econometrics is the quantitative analysis of actual economic phenomena based on the concurrent development of theory and observation, related by appropriate methods of statistical inference.

Econometrics can also be defined as the empirical determination of economic laws. Econometrics can be classified as (i) Theoretical Econometrics and (ii) Applied Econometrics.

(i) Theoretical Econometrics

Theoretical econometrics is concerned with developing appropriate methods for measuring economic relationships specified by econometric models. Theoretical econometrics leans heavily on mathematical statistics and must spell out the assumptions of methods (such as Least Squares), their properties, and what happens to these properties when one or more of the assumptions of the technique are not fulfilled.

(ii) Applied Econometrics

In applied econometrics, the tools of theoretical econometrics are used to study special fields(s) such as production function, investment function, demand and supply function, portfolio theory, etc.

Types of Econometrics Data

Different type of data is used in Econometrics. There are three important types of data for empirical analysis:

  • Time Series Data
    A time series data is a set of observations on the values that a variable takes at different times. The time series data may be collected at regular time intervals such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.
  • Cross-Sectional Data
    Cross-sectional data are data on one or more variables collected at the same point in time. Cross-sectional data has a problem of heterogeneity.
  • Pooled Data
    Pooled data is a combination of both time series and cross-sectional data.

Online MCQs Econometrics Quiz

  • In the case of homoscedasticity
  • In the presence of autocorrelation, the OLS estimates are no longer
  • Which one of the following is NOT an example of misspecification of functional form?
  • Which of the following tests is used to compare OLS estimates and WLS estimates?
  • Incorrect data transformation (ratio or difference, linear, log-linear) is also a source of
  • The conditional variance of $Y_i (Var(u_i))$ conditional upon the given $X_i$ does not remain the same regardless of the values taken by the variable $X$ when the problem of __________ exists.
  • Which of the following is an indication of the existence of multicollinearity in a model?
  • Which of the following is a consequence in case of imperfect multicollinearity?
  • Heteroscedasticity may _________ the variance and standard errors of the OLS estimates.
  • For the Durbin-Watson test:
  • The regression predictions are inefficient
  • Multicollinearity causes
  • The generalized least square (GLS) is an efficient procedure that weights each squared residual by:
  • In GLS the weights assigned to each observation are to its $\sigma_i$
  • Does the White General Heteroscedasticity test follow $\chi^2$ distribution with degrees of freedom?
  • If we drop a relevant variable from the model
  • In the case of multicollinearity, the confidence interval tends to be much ________, leading to the acceptance of the zero null hypothesis.
  • If the calculated value of tolerance is equal to 1, then it is an indication of
  • If $R^2$ between $X_2$ and $X_3$ approaches 1 (that is $r_{23}^2 \rightarrow 1$ ) then
  • Which of the following is true about autocorrelation?
MCQs Econometrics Quiz

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Quiz Computational Thinking 3

The post is about an Online Quiz about computational Thinking with Answers.

Please go to Quiz Computational Thinking 3 to view the test

Online Quiz Computational Thinking

  • To be able to explain why a car skids, which of the following characteristics can be ignored?
  • Which of the following can be ignored while trying to understand how analog clocks work?
  • You are preparing for a football match, and your captain starts briefing the team about past successful and unsuccessful strategies against the opposition. What is this an example of?
  • Which of the following is true for computational models?
  • What is a model?
  • Which one is a computational modeling strategy?
  • Which of these is important while creating a computational model?
  • Which one of the following statements is true?
  • What is a computational model?
  • What is the use of a graph?
  • Why are systems thinking important in computational thinking?
  • As a teacher, which one would you do if you were practicing systems thinking?
  • As a teacher, which one would you do if you were practicing computational thinking?
  • Designing a science experiment based on a famous scientist’s previous experimental design requires what activity?
  • What is data analysis?
MCQs Computational Thinking

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Best Computational Thinking Quiz 2

The post is about Computational Thinking Quiz.

Please go to Best Computational Thinking Quiz 2 to view the test

Online MCQs Computational Thinking Quiz

  • What is categorizing a set of photographs by grouping them into similar piles based on their dates mean?
  • What is data analysis?
  • What do data analysis approaches include?
  • What is data visualization?
  • Data visualization uses the following methods:
  • What is the first step while trying to solve a problem computationally?
  • Which of the following is true for patterns?
  • Which of the following is true for abstraction?
  • Which of the following is true for algorithm writing?
  • Which of the following is not a computational thinking practice?
  • Which of the following needs to be kept in mind while designing an algorithm?
  • Which of the following contains a pattern?
  • Which of the following will happen if we do not look for patterns?
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