MCQs Introduction to Social Work Quiz 2

This post is about the Introduction to Social Work Quiz on Sociology. It has 25 multiple-choice questions covering ethics, community services, charity, social work practice, social work, social development, public treasury, psycho-social theory, etc. Let us start with the MCQ Introduction to Social Work Quiz.

Online Multiple Choice Questions about Introduction to Social Work

1. Which of the following is not a principle of group work


2. The method of selecting a sample in which data is split into various groups on the basis of their characteristics and thereafter certain items are selected from these groups randomly is


3. Which aspect of social work discovers the laws of human behavior and nature


4. A process used by certain human welfare agencies to help individuals cope more effectively with their problems in social functioning is


5. Which is/are the approaches to community organization


6. The role of a social worker is influenced by


7. Decision making means


8. A Social Worker’s professional opinion about the problem indicating the lines of approach toward a solution is


9. Social development is a


10. The social worker plays the role of


11. Social work bases its methodology on a systematic body of evidence-based knowledge derived from ————, including local and Indigenous knowledge specific to its context


12. Which of the following is not a social process


13. A professional and academic discipline committed to the pursuit of social welfare, social change, and social justice is


14. Through ————- the welfare work of a single agency as well as of whole communities is directed, cooperation between public and private agencies is secured and funds are raised and administered


15. The interview uses more focused and specified questions which may help to make decisions involving human services is


16. The research technique which studies a particular case intensively (in-depth) is


17. The person who helps individuals or groups to identify their problem and develop their capacities to deal with it is


18. A program of protection provided by society against contingencies of modern life is


19. Social work focuses on research and practice to improve quality of life and to the development of


20. Work done by government and private organizations to improve bad social conditions and help poor people, who have family problems, are unable to find a job, etc.


21. The research technique in which the researcher himself presents a questionnaire to the individuals whose responses are required is


22. The process of acquiring facts about the situation is


23. ————- is a formally organized social group or private, non-governmental common interest organization that tends to be more formal and viewed anthropologically as an adaptive or survival mechanism


24. The social worker attempts to establish adjustment between the individual and his


25. The central problem of developing countries is


Online MCQs Introduction to Social Work Quiz

  • A Social Worker’s professional opinion about the problem indicating the lines of approach toward a solution is
  • A professional and academic discipline committed to the pursuit of social welfare, social change, and social justice is
  • The social worker plays the role of
  • The research technique in which the researcher himself presents a questionnaire to the individuals whose responses are required is
  • A program of protection provided by society against contingencies of modern life is
  • The social worker attempts to establish adjustment between the individual and his
  • The person who helps individuals or groups to identify their problem and develop their capacities to deal with it is
  • A process used by certain human welfare agencies to help individuals cope more effectively with their problems in social functioning is
  • The role of a social worker is influenced by
  • The process of acquiring facts about the situation is
  • Social development is a
  • The interview uses more focused and specified questions which may help to make decisions involving human services is
  • The research technique which studies a particular case intensively (in-depth) is
  • Which aspect of social work discovers the laws of human behavior and nature
  • The method of selecting a sample in which data is split into various groups on the basis of their characteristics and thereafter certain items are selected from these groups randomly is
  • Decision making means
  • Which of the following is not a principle of group work
  • Which of the following is not a social process
  • Which is/are the approaches to community organization
  • Social work focuses on research and practice to improve quality of life and to the development of
  • Work done by government and private organizations to improve bad social conditions and help poor people, who have family problems, are unable to find a job, etc.
  • Through ————- the welfare work of a single agency as well as of whole communities is directed, cooperation between public and private agencies is secured and funds are raised and administered
  • Social work bases its methodology on a systematic body of evidence-based knowledge derived from ————, including local and Indigenous knowledge specific to its context
  • ————- is a formally organized social group or private, non-governmental common interest organization that tends to be more formal and viewed anthropologically as an adaptive or survival mechanism
  • The central problem of developing countries is
MCQs Introduction to Social Work Quiz with Answers

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MCQs Introduction to Social Work 1

The post is about MCQS Introduction to Social Work from the subject of Sociology. There are 25 multiple-choice questions covering ethics, community services, charity, social work practice, social work, social development, public treasury, psycho-social theory, etc. Let us start with MCQ Introduction to Social Work.

Please go to MCQs Introduction to Social Work 1 to view the test

Online MCQs Introduction to Social Work

  • Ethics are deduced from
  • Who links individuals and groups with community services
  • The theory of survival of the fittest brings a new concept of
  • Who depend on others’ charity for their livelihood
  • Ethics generate standards that direct one
  • In social work practice, worker focuses on the concept of
  • Social work is a profession of practice and
  • A person who calls attention to a problem or even to a potential problem is
  • Social development is more concerned with investment in
  • The front sheet of the case study consists of
  • Groups with responsibilities for specific aspects of the work area
  • The process whereby the client and worker follow their plan to achieve their goals is
  • The industries must be built away from the
  • The public treasury of the Islamic State is
  • Which among the following is not a component of client the case-worker relationship
  • Social learning theory is associated with
  • The flexibility in handling change is termed as
  • The book ‘Social Work Philosophy’ is written by
  • The psycho-social theory was propagated by
  • Which one of these are techniques of social casework
  • Probation means
  • Which of the following is the most important task of an effective group leader
  • Which of the following is not the function of a social worker in a juvenile residential institution
  • Which of the following is not a part of the social case work process
  • Services provided for weaker sections of society are
MCQs Introduction to Social Work with Answers

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MCQs Pedagogy Test for Teachers 16

Important MCQs related to Pedagogy Test for Teachers. Mcqs of Pedagogy/ Education for test preparation of NTS, KPPSC, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, CSS, PMS, and Educators Test. These Pedagogy MCQs are also useful for primary school teachers (PST), subject specialists (SST), physical education teachers (PET), Drawing masters, and Arabic teacher tests. Let us start with the Pedagogy Test for Teachers.

Please go to MCQs Pedagogy Test for Teachers 16 to view the test

MCQs Pedagogy Test for Teachers

  • The teaching approach in which students share knowledge with other students through a variety of structures is known as:
  • Which of the following should be used to decrease minor inappropriate behavior?
  • When a teacher enters his class on the first day the theme of discussion should be —————?
  • Primary teachers should give top priority to ————–?
  • In the cooperative method, teachers act as delegators means the teacher acts as a/an ————- to the students.
  • In the evaluation approach of lesson planning
  • The technique in which the students act out roles from stories or historical events is termed:
  • The book Emile or “On Education” on the nature of education and man is written by ————-?
  • Guidance removes ————–?
  • Attitude can ————–?
  • According to Emile, the noblest work in education is to make a/an
  • What is meant by “Symposium” in the academic world?
  • Jean Piaget proposed ———— stages of Cognitive Development.
  • According to Jean Piaget, children develop abstract logic and reasoning skills during
  • According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the Concrete operational stage starts at age
  • The most recent response is most likely to
  • The concept of pragmatism in educational philosophy says that education should be about
  • Robert Sternberg, a famous psychologist, argued that creativity requires ————– different types of intelligence.
  • The branch of philosophy focuses on the nature of reality is
  • The study of the physical, social, and mental aspects of aging is called
MCQs Pedagogy Test for Teachers

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MCQs Introduction to Trigonometry Class 10 Quiz 3

The post is about Online MCQs Introduction to Trigonometry Class 10 Quiz with Answers. There are 31 multiple-choice questions from Chapter 7 of 10th Class mathematics (“Introduction to Trigonometry”). Let us start with the MCQs Introduction to Trigonometry Mathematics Class 10 Quiz.

Please go to MCQs Introduction to Trigonometry Class 10 Quiz 3 to view the test

Online Trigonometry Class 10 Quiz

  • $Cot 30^\circ =$
  • $Sec 30^\circ =$
  • $Cosec30^\circ = $
  • $Sin 60^\circ = $
  • $Cos 60^\circ = $
  • $Tan 60^\circ = $
  • $Cot 60^\circ = $
  • $Sec 60^\circ = $
  • $Cosec 60^\circ = $
  • In which quadrant only $Sin \theta$ and $Cosec\theta$ are positive?
  • In which quadrant only $Cos\theta$ and $Sec\theta$ are positive?
  • In which quadrant only $Tan\theta$ and $Cot \theta$ are positive?
  • In which quadrant $\theta$ lie when $Sin\theta>0$, $Tan\theta<0$?
  • In which quadrant $\theta$ lie when $Cos\theta<0$, $Sin\theta<0$?
  • In which quadrant $\theta$ lie when $Sec\theta>0, Sin\theta<0$?
  • In which quadrant $\theta$ lie when $Cos\theta<0, Tan\theta<0$?
  • In which quadrant $\theta$ lie when $Cosec\theta>0, Cos\theta>0$?
  • In which quadrant $\theta$ lie when $Sin\theta<0, Sec\theta<0$?
  • $Sin^2\theta + Cos^2\theta =?$
  • $1+tan^2\theta=?$
  • $1+cot^2\theta=$
  • In which quadrant are all trigonometric ratios positive?
  • Fundamental trigonometric ratios are:
  • Which one is a quadrant angle?
  • $Sin\theta\cdot cosec \theta=$
  • $cos\theta\cdot sec\theta=$
  • $tan\theta cot\theta=$
  • Angles between $180^\circ$ and $270^\circ$ are in which quadrant?
  • Angles between $0^\circ$ and $90^\circ$ are in which quadrant?
  • $sin(-310^\circ)=$
  • $sec(-60^\circ)=$
Introduction to Trigonometry Class 10 Quiz with Answers

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