Important MCQs Pedagogy Online Test – 8

The post is about MCQs Pedagogy Online Test with Answers. There are 20 Multiple Choice Questions. Let us start with the MCQs Pedagogy Online Test quiz.

Online MCQs about Pedagogy with Answers

1. When the topic or an area of a course contains a lot of information, it is recommended to use?


2. A Priori knowledge is knowledge that is known independently of ——–?


3. Which of the following is not the part of educational technology?


4. The advocators of the philosophy of Pragmatism believe that reality is ————?


5. One of the students of a class hardly talks in the class. How would you encourage him to express himself?


6. Dialectic or dialectical method is a discourse between opposing parties to establish the truth through?


7. Traditionally the cards with a question, problem, or fact on one side and the answer or a related point on the other side are called:


8. According to Aristotle, virtue is a/an ————– state between excess and deficiency.


9. The philosopher who for the first time mentioned the importance of play (or sports) in education was?


10. You are a famous teacher, but students are unsatisfied with your teaching style. How will you teach them?


11. A teacher should be ————?


12. The application of ideas, knowledge, and skills to achieve the desired results is called ————?


13. The phrase equal educational opportunities in Pakistan means ———–?


14. Responses that produce a discomforting effect become ———— to occur again in that situation?


15. The idea of practical learning means education should apply to the ———-?


16. When the teacher forms different groups among the students that take turns asking other groups questions the strategy he/she is using is the ————?


17. The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem-solving, and decision-making is called ———-?


18. When a notebook is maintained by a group in which each member of the group is expected to add an idea, the notebook is known as ————–?


19. Women are given preferences in the teaching of primary children because:


20. Basic Education means ————–?


MCQs Pedagogy Online Test

MCQs Pedagogy Online Test with Answers
  • A Priori knowledge is knowledge that is known independently of ——–?
  • The idea of practical learning means education should apply to the ———-?
  • A teacher should be ————?
  • The application of ideas, knowledge, and skills to achieve the desired results is called ————?
  • The philosopher who for the first time mentioned the importance of play (or sports) in education was?
  • The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem-solving, and decision-making is called ———-?
  • Traditionally the cards with a question, problem, or fact on one side and the answer or a related point on the other side are called:
  • Women are given preferences in the teaching of primary children because:
  • Responses that produce a discomforting effect become ———— to occur again in that situation?
  • One of the students of a class hardly talks in the class. How would you encourage him to express himself?
  • According to Aristotle, virtue is a/an ————– state between excess and deficiency.
  • You are a famous teacher, but students are unsatisfied with your teaching style. How will you teach them?
  • When the teacher forms different groups among the students that take turns asking other groups questions the strategy he/she is using is the ————?
  • The advocators of the philosophy of Pragmatism believe that reality is ————?
  • Dialectic or dialectical method is a discourse between opposing parties to establish the truth through?
  • The phrase equal educational opportunities in Pakistan means ———–?
  • When the topic or an area of a course contains a lot of information, it is recommended to use?
  • Basic Education means ————–?
  • When a notebook is maintained by a group in which each member of the group is expected to add an idea, the notebook is known as ————–?
  • Which of the following is not the part of educational technology?

Pedagogy MCQs Quiz

Important MCQs Sets Functions and Groups Quiz 7

Online MCQs Sets Functions and Groups from Chapter 2 of First-Year Mathematics. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from “Sets Functions and Groups”. Let us start with the MCQs Set Functions and Groups test.

Please go to Important MCQs Sets Functions and Groups Quiz 7 to view the test

MCQs Sets Functions and Groups Quiz with Answers

  • If $S$ is a non-empty set, then the identity element in $P(S)$ w.r.t. $U$
  • If $S$ is a non-empty set, then the identity element in $P(S)$$ w.r.t. $\cap$
  • The set of non-zero real numbers w.r.t. multiplication is
  • Identity element in $(C, +)$ is
  • The identity element in (C, *) is
  • The set of first elements of ordered pairs in a relation is called its
  • If $A$ and $B$ are disjoint sets then
  • If $S=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]$ then $n(S)$ equals
  • If $A=\phi$ then $P(A)$ is
  • The graph of a linear function is
  • A system of linear equations involves at least ————– equations(s).
  • If $A \subseteq B$ then $A \cap B$ is equal to
  • If $A={1, 2, 3}$, B={3, 4}$, then $A-B$ is
  • The number of elements in a set $B$ is 4, then the number of elements in $P(B)$
  • The number of all subsets of a set having three elements is
  • A Set of all possible subsets of a set $S$ is called
  • A set of integers is a group w.r.t
  • $f$ is function from $A$ to $B$. The domain of $f$ is equal to
  • Every function is a
  • The inverse of any element of a group is
MCQs Sets Functions and Groups

Important Sets Functions and Groups MCQs 6

Online multiple choice questions about Sets Functions and Groups MCQs Quiz from Chapter 2 of Intermediate First-Year Mathematics with Answers. There are 20 MCQs type questions from Chapter 2 “Sets Functions and Groups“. Let us start the MCQs Quiz.

Please go to Important Sets Functions and Groups MCQs 6 to view the test
Sets Functions and Groups MCQs Quiz

Sets Functions And Groups MCQs Test with Answers

  • If a set $A$ has 2 elements and $B$ has 3 elements then different relations in $A\times B$ are
  • If a set $A$ has 2 elements and $B$ has 3 elements, then different function in $A\times B$ are
  • If a set $A$ has $m$ elements and $B$ has $n$ elements, then relations in $A\times B$
  • If a set $S$ has $n$ elements, then different relations is $A$
  • The inverse function of ${(x, y)|y = mx+c}$ is
  • An operation which is performed on a single number is called
  • Squaring a number is
  • Which of the following is not a binary operation
  • For a non-empty set $G$, a function from $G\times G \rightarrow G$ is called
  • Any subset of $G \times G$ is called
  • The set ${1, -1, i, -i}$ is closed w.r.t.
  • The set of odd numbers is not closed w.r.t
  • Let $S$ be an empty set and * is a binary operation. If closure property holds in $S$, then $S$ is
  • If $N$ is a set of natural number then $(N, +)$ is
  • If $W$ is the set of whole numbers then $(W, +)$ is
  • For a non-empty sets $S$, (P(S), \cap)$ is
  • For a non-empty sets $S$, $(P(S), U)$ is
  • If $Z$ is a set of integers, then $(Z, *)$ is
  • If $R$ is the set of real numbers, then ($R, +)$ is
  • If $Q$ is the set of rational numbers, then $(Q, *)$ is

R Frequently Asked Questions

Statistics and Data Analysis

Important GRE Sentence Completion Exercises 3

This post is about the GRE Sentence Completion Exercises, which have 20 MCQs. Let’s start with the GRE Sentence Completion Exercises.

Please go to Important GRE Sentence Completion Exercises 3 to view the test

GRE Sentence Completion Exercises with Answers

GRE Sentence Completion Exercises with Answers
  • ————- by people’s perception it seems that democracy has succeeded in Pakistan.
  • The passengers and crew members of the airplane had a ———— escape when it was taking off from the runway.
  • He very successfully ———- al the allegations leveled against him.
  • A glue produced by bees to ———— their hives appears to contain antibiotic substances.
  • He applied for and was ———- legal aid by the Labor Ministry.
  • The defending champion justified his top ———– by clinching the title.
  • He has ———— people visiting him at his house because he fears it will cause discomfort to neighbors.
  • There are ———— views on the issue of giving a bonus to the employees.
  • Freedom is not a ———- but our birthright.
  • My father keeps all his ———— papers in a lock and key.
  • I am ———— forward to our picnic scheduled in the next month.
  • Akram is too ————- as far as his food habits are concerned.
  • Most of the issues discussed in the meeting were trivial and only a few were ————.
  • Many women in developing countries experience a cycle of poor health that ———– before they are born and persists through adulthood passing from generation to generation.
  • He lives in the world of ————-.
  • He did not register his ———– to the proposal.
  • He ————- that he could speak five languages.
  • Though Bonsai, a well-known art form, originated in China, it was ———— by the Japanese.
  • Will you, like the ———– gentleman and soldier you are, leave at once before he finds you here?
  • A crescendo of metallic thuds arose from the market, where the iron-smiths were ———- the pieces of metals.

R Frequently Asked Questions

Statistics Quiz and Data Analysis