Important Sociology MCQs Online Test 3

The Post is about the Introduction to Sociology MCQs Online Test with Answers. There are 25 multiple-choice questions related to the subject of sociology that will help sociologists analyze the developments, structure, and general functioning processes of human society. Embark on an introduction to sociological exploration with our Quiz about the “Sociology MCQs Online Test”.

Online Multiple-Choice Questions about Introduction to Sociology

1. The process of spreading cultural traits from one society to another is:


2. Enforcement of norms through either internalization or sanctions is:


3. A situation in which some aspects of culture change less rapidly than other aspects of the same culture is called:


4. A group of people who are related by marriage, blood, or adoption and live together and share economic resources is defined as:


5. The sector of an economic system that concentrates on the use of raw materials to manufacture goods is known as:


6. Organization of written and spoken symbols into a standardized system is:


7. Any group with whom individuals identify and whose values and attitudes they often adopt is:


8. The situation that occurs when fulfilling the expectations of one role makes it difficult to fulfill expectations of another role:


9. The total of behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, and values that are characteristic of an individual is defined as:


10. Shared beliefs about what is desirable or undesirable that help to determine the character of a group and its members are:


11. How people relate to one another and influence each other’s behavior is referred to as:


12. The belief that culture should be judged by their own standards is:


13. A system of beliefs or ideas that justifies some social, moral, religious, political, or economic interests held by a social group or by society is:


14. Max Weber identified three analytically distinct components of stratification which include:


15. The intended, recognized, and expected consequences of any element of society are:


16. The respect and admiration that an occupation holds in society is:


17. The power that is legitimated by long-standing custom is known as:


18. Description of essential characteristics of some aspect of society is:


19. Shared values of conduct that tell people how to act in specific situations are:


20. The movement of people from one social position to another of different rank is:


21. An established pattern of behavior through which a group of believers experiences the sacred is:


22. The web of relationships that is formed by total of a person’s interaction with other people is termed as:


23. Group with its unique values, norms, and behaviors that exist within a larger culture is:


24. A religious system in which spirits communicate only with one person in the group, who is acknowledged to be a specialist is:


25. The system of statuses, roles, values, and norms that is organized to satisfy one or more basic needs of society is:


Sociology MCQs Online Test

Sociology MCQs Online Test with Answers

  • How people relate to one another and influence each other’s behavior is referred to as:
  • Description of essential characteristics of some aspect of society is:
  • The total of behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, and values that are characteristic of an individual is defined as:
  • The intended, recognized, and expected consequences of any element of society are:
  • Shared values of conduct that tell people how to act in specific situations are:
  • Organization of written and spoken symbols into a standardized system is:
  • The movement of people from one social position to another of different rank is:
  • Shared beliefs about what is desirable or undesirable that help to determine the character of a group and its members are:
  • Max Weber identified three analytically distinct components of stratification which include:
  • The belief that culture should be judged by their own standards is:
  • Group with its unique values, norms, and behaviors that exist within a larger culture is:
  • A group of people who are related by marriage, blood, or adoption and live together and share economic resources is defined as:
  • Enforcement of norms through either internalization or sanctions is:
  • The sector of an economic system that concentrates on the use of raw materials to manufacture goods is known as:
  • A system of beliefs or ideas that justifies some social, moral, religious, political, or economic interests held by a social group or by society is:
  • The process of spreading cultural traits from one society to another is:
  • The power that is legitimated by long-standing custom is known as:
  • A situation in which some aspects of culture change less rapidly than other aspects of the same culture is called:
  • The system of statuses, roles, values, and norms that is organized to satisfy one or more basic needs of society is:
  • The situation that occurs when fulfilling the expectations of one role makes it difficult to fulfill expectations of another role:
  • An established pattern of behavior through which a group of believers experiences the sacred is:
  • Any group with whom individuals identify and whose values and attitudes they often adopt is:
  • A religious system in which spirits communicate only with one person in the group, who is acknowledged to be a specialist is:
  • The web of relationships that is formed by the total of a person’s interaction with other people is termed as:
  • The respect and admiration that an occupation holds in society is: Sociology mcqs online test,

MCQs Environmental Science Test 5

The post is about Online multiple-choice questions about environmental science Test for preparation for admissions in BS, M.Phil., and Ph.D. Environmental Science programs. There are 20 MCQs in this quiz. Let us start with the MCQs Environmental Science Test.

Please go to MCQs Environmental Science Test 5 to view the test
MCQs Environmental Science Test Quiz with Answers

MCQs Environmental Science Teste with Answers

  • Which one of the following types of denitrifications returns nitrogen atoms to the atmosphere by reducing nitrate to nitrogen gas?
  • Nitrogen loss from the soil is caused by one of the following processes.
  • Humus is the major insoluble portion of the organic substances in soil, produced by one of the following processes of living matter.
  • For the production of Biogas, which one of the following is the best waste material?
  • A type of biodegradable plastic has been in the news lately. The ingredient that makes it biodegradable is:
  • The conversion of an organic form of an element to an inorganic form as a result of microbial decomposition is called one of the following.
  • Which one of the following components is subjected to first degradation during organic matter decomposition?
  • Which of the following processes is important because higher plants can assimilate nitrate much more rapidly than ammonium?
  • The year declared by the UN as the International Year of Forests:
  • Soil microorganisms influence the above-ground ecosystem by contributing to one of the following except
  • High concentrations of Calcium Carbonate can be found in biochar prepared from
  • The carbon dioxide makes approximately?
  • The biochar addition to the soil reduces the emission of?
  • The temperature of fast pyrolysis is?
  • During thermal decomposition, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus vaporize at?
  • In soil, most of the nitrogen exists in a complex organic form that must be mineralized into ———— before uptake by plants.
  • The availability of phosphorus in different soil types is very much dependent on?
  • Biomass with high lignin content will give
  • How many times methane gas is more potent as compared to carbon dioxide?
  • In alkaline soils, P solubility is primarily regulated by its interaction with,

Important Islamic MCQs in Urdu 3

The post is about Islamic MCQs in Urdu. There are 20 multiple-choice questions covering the topics related to Namaz, Ramazan, Sahab Razi Allah o Anh, and Quran e Majeed. Let us start with Islamic MCQs in Urdu Quiz.

Please go to Important Islamic MCQs in Urdu 3 to view the test

Islamic MCQs in Urdu with Answers

Islamic MCQs in Urdu with Answers
  • حضور ﷺ کے کس صحابی کو امین الامت کا لقب عطا کیا؟
  • کِس خلیفہ راشد کے دور میں حضرت سعد بن ابی وقاصؓ عراق کے گورنر رہے؟
  • تہجد کے لفظی معنی ہیں؟
  • نمازِ کسوف کب پڑھی جاتی ہے؟
  • اسلامی سال میں رمضان کون سا مہینہ ہے؟
  • روزہ کب فرض ہوا؟
  • رمضان کے پہلے عشرے کو عشرہ رحمت کہا جاتا ہے، دوسرے عشرے کو عشرہ مغفرت کہا جاتا ہے، اور رمضان کے تیسرے عشرے کو کیا کہا جاتا ہے؟
  • قرآن میں نماز کے ساتھ زکوٰۃ ادا کرنے کا اکٹھا ذکر کتنی بار ٓآیا ہے؟
  • کون سے صحابیِ رسول ﷺ کو ترجمان القرآن کا اعزاز بخشا گیا؟
  • حضرت سعد بن ابی وقاصؓ نے کون سا شہر بنوایا؟
  • حضرت طلحہؓ کی کنیت کیا تھی؟
  • کس صحابی کو فاتح ایران کہتے ہیں؟
  • فاتح خیبر کون ہیں؟
  • جامع القرآن کس صحابی کو کہتے ہیں؟
  • کثیر الراویہ کس صحابی کو کہتے ہیں؟
  • حواریِ رسولﷺ کس صحابی کا لقب ہے؟
  • حضورﷺ پر آخری وحی نازل ہوئ؟
  • الصحیفہ صادقہ (مجموعہ احادیث) کن صحابیؓ سے منسوب ہے؟
  • احادیث کی سب سے زیادہ معتبر کتاب ہے؟
  • قرآنِ مجید کی سورتوں میں سے کس سورت کو عروس القرآن کہا جاتا ہے؟ Online islamic MCQs in Urdu Quiz with Answers,

Best MCQs MS Access Intermediate CS Part-II (5)

The post is about MCQs MS Access Intermediate CS from part II. There are 20 multiple-choice questions related to query, report, forms, database, tables, find and research, search criteria, etc. Let us start with MCQs MS Access Intermediate CS Part II Quiz.

Please go to Best MCQs MS Access Intermediate CS Part-II (5) to view the test

MCQs MS Access Intermediate CS Part II Quiz

MCQs MS Access Intermediate CS With Answers
  • It makes it very simple to create a database
  • MS Access saves the database with the extension
  • In a relational database, a table is called
  • A set of related files created and managed by a DBMS is called
  • Which object is the output of a database application?
  • A database consists of various components called
  • Which object is used to store data in a database?
  • The output of the query is in the form of
  • Which of the following is not a database object?
  • An example of a popular DBMS is
  • The graphical query tool is known as
  • In a relational database, a single place of information is called
  • The data in the table is entered in
  • How many table views are available with Microsoft Access?
  • As in the design view, you can move from field to field in the table window in the datasheet view using the ————— button.
  • To find a four-character name that starts with H, the criteria are specified as follows:
  • Which of the following buttons of the find and replace dialog box is clicked to start the search process?
  • The rule that a record from a table cannot be deleted if it’s associated record exists in a related table is called the ———- rule.
  • The relationship between countries and their capitals is an example of ———— relationships.
  • The wildcard ———- Sal[ei]ma.,