MCQs Basic Statistics Chapter 6 Class 10-1

This post is about MCQs Basic Statistics Chapter 6 Class 10. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from Chapter 6 “Basic Statistics” of Class 10 Mathematics. Let us start with the MCQs Basic Statistics Chapter 6 Class 10 with Answers.

Online Multiple-Choice Questions from Mathematics of Class 10 Chapter 6 Basic Statistics

1. A data in the form of frequency distribution is called


2. Arithmetic mean is a measure that determines the value of the variable under study by dividing the sum of all values of the variable by their


3. A histogram is a set of adjacent


4. The value obtained by reciprocating the mean of the reciprocal of $x_1, x_2, x_3, \cdots, x_n$ observations is called


5. Mean is affected by change in


6. The most frequent occurring observation in a data set is called


7. A grouped frequency table is also called


8. A cumulative frequency table is also called


9. The measure that determines the middlemost observation in a data set is called


10. The mean of a variable with similar observations say constant $k$ is


11. The extent of variation between two extreme observations of a data set is measured by


12. A frequency polygon is a many-sided


13. The $n$th positive root of the product of the $x_1, x_2, x_3, \cdots, x_n$ observations is called


14. In a cumulative frequency polygon frequencies are plotted against


15. A deviation is defined as a difference of any value of the variable from a


16. Mean is affected by changes in


17. The sum of the deviations of the variable $x$ from its mean is always


18. The measures that are used to determine the degree or extent of variation in a data set are called measures of


19. The spread or scatterings of observations in a dataset is called


20. The observation that divides a data set into four equal parts is called


MCQs Basic Statistics Chapter 6 Mathematics

MCQs Basic Statistics Chapter 6 Class 10 Mathematics

  • A grouped frequency table is also called
  • A histogram is a set of adjacent
  • A frequency polygon is a many-sided
  • A cumulative frequency table is also called
  • In a cumulative frequency polygon frequencies are plotted against
  • Arithmetic mean is a measure that determines the value of the variable under study by dividing the sum of all values of the variable by their
  • A deviation is defined as a difference of any value of the variable from a
  • A data in the form of frequency distribution is called
  • The mean of a variable with similar observations say constant $k$ is
  • Mean is affected by change in
  • Mean is affected by changes in
  • The sum of the deviations of the variable $x$ from its mean is always
  • The $n$th positive root of the product of the $x_1, x_2, x_3, \cdots, x_n$ observations is called
  • The value obtained by reciprocating the mean of the reciprocal of $x_1, x_2, x_3, \cdots, x_n$ observations is called
  • The most frequent occurring observation in a data set is called
  • The measure that determines the middlemost observation in a data set is called
  • The observation that divides a data set into four equal parts is called
  • The spread or scatterings of observations in a dataset is called
  • The measures that are used to determine the degree or extent of variation in a data set are called measures of
  • The extent of variation between two extreme observations of a data set is measured by MCQs Basic Statistics Chapter 6 Class 10,

Education and Pedagogy MCQS 12

The post is about Education and Pedagogy MCQs with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions for test preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, CSS, KPPSC, FPSC, PMS, and Educators Test. These MCQs are also useful for primary school teachers (PST), physical education teachers (PET), subject specialists (SST), Drawing masters, and Arabic teacher tests. let us start with the Education and Pedagogy MCQs Quiz.

Please go to Education and Pedagogy MCQS 12 to view the test

Education and Pedagogy MCQs with Answers

Education and Pedagogy MCQs with Answers

  • In co-education you —————?
  • A/An —————- assessment measures what it is intended to measure.
  • The simplest skill in the cognitive domain of Bloom’s taxonomy is —————?
  • The satiation technique of classroom management is a technique where instead of punishing negative behaviors, the teacher might decide to actually ————- the negative behavior.
  • ————– is a form of discussion that starts with individual responses if the students then formulate their pairs then the pairs are used to form groups of four.
  • According to Rousseau, at what age is a person ready to have a companion of the opposite sex?
  • Projective techniques of measuring personality are superior to other techniques because: ————–?
  • According to Robert Sternberg, the three different types of required intelligence for creativity are ————-?
  • One of the basic principles of socializing individuals is —————?
  • While teaching in the classroom, any kind of work that involves two or more students, is a form of ————-?
  • The three domains of Bloom’s taxonomy are —————?
  • ————— can be useful in motivating some students to learn?
  • Three merits of proficiency test are ——————?
  • The conclusion of a deductive argument is ————-?
  • Robert Sternberg, a famous psychologist, argued that creativity requires ————– different types of intelligence.
  • The students learn most from those teachers who
  • The able teacher is one who
  • Children are usually egocentric during ————- and ————– stages.
  • When students are asked to leave the classroom to observe events organisms and objects in their natural surroundings the teacher is actually using —————- strategy to teach them?
  • Progressivism believes that education comes from the experience of the ————? Online Education and Pedagogy MCQs with Answers,

General Knowledge International Days 11

The post is about the General Knowledge International Days quiz with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions covering international and World Days observed. Let us start with the General Knowledge International Days.

Please go to General Knowledge International Days 11 to view the test

General Knowledge International Days Quiz with Answers

General Knowledge International Days Quiz

  • What day is observed internationally on 5th October?
  • World Environment Day is observed
  • On which date Labour Day is celebrated?
  • May 31, is observed throughout the world as
  • Which day is observed as the World Day for Water?
  • USA celebrates its Independence Day on
  • International Food Day is observed on ————- every year.
  • International Day of Clean Energy is celebrated on
  • The World Cancer Day is observed on
  • World Day of Social Justice is observed on
  • International Day to combat Islamophobia is observed on
  • International Day for Ear and Hearing Loss is observed on
  • International World Poetry Day is observed on
  • World Meteorological Day is observed on
  • World Tuberculosis Day is observed on
  • International Day of Zero Waste is observed on
  • World Book and Copyright Day is observed on
  • Words Aids Day is observed on
  • World Soil Day is observed on
  • World Children’s Day is observed on general knowledge international days quiz,

GRE GAT Sentence Completion Test 6

The post is about the GRE GAT Sentence Completion Test with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice type questions to fill in the blanks. Select the appropriate word or a pair of words that will best complete the sentence’s meaning. Note that there may be more than one choice that makes sense, but only one completely carries out the full meaning of the sentence. Let us start with the GAT Sentence Completion Test.

Please go to GRE GAT Sentence Completion Test 6 to view the test

GRE GAT Sentence Completion Test with Answers

GRE GAT Sentence Completion Test with Answers

  • The Education Minister emphasized the need to discover and ————- each student’s ————- talents.
  • He is usually —————, but today he appears rather ————-.
  • The war ———– immediately after the cease-fire proposal was ———— bilaterally.
  • Yousaf ————- another feather ———— his cap by his wonderful performance in the one-day match.
  • Any system is likely to ———– for ———— of support from the public.
  • Genius does what it must, and talent does what it ————–.
  • The passengers were very happy ————- the friendly and warm treatment given to them.
  • The higher you go, the more difficult it ————- to breathe.
  • The children were disappointed because they had hoped ————- with us.
  • She stood ———— Ahsan, but could not utter a single word for quite some time.
  • He is the friend ————- I trust most.
  • You must dispense ———— his service.
  • The telephone ————- several times before I answered it.
  • I shall not desert him ————– all the world.
  • I bought a new car last year, but I ————- my old car yet, so at present I have two cars.
  • No sooner did he go in ———— he came out.
  • The judge acquitted the prisoner ————- the charge of murder.
  • An argument ————– between the two friends.
  • When I was a child, I ———— to school every day instead of going by cycle.
  • Nobody has come to see us ———— we bought these fierce dogs., gat sentence completion test,