MCQS MS Access Database 6

The post is about Online MCQs MS Access Database with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from MS-Access Database covering topics related to Database, forms, Tables, Query, and Data Types. Let us start with the MCQs MS Access Database Quiz.

Online MCQs about MS Access Intermediate Part-II with Answers

1. To find a name that start with S, the criteria is written as:


2. How find four names that starts with H, the criteria is specified as?


3. Which data type can be used to define a field that consists of only numbers to be used in calculations?


4. ————- is used to retrieve data from one or more tables.


5. Each set of related items in a table is called


6. How many query views are available in MS Access?


7. Which of the following is an example of a filter by form expression?


8. Which filtering method allows you to use data in a field as criterion for filtering?


9. The Sort Ascending button will


10. Which symbol indicates that you are editing a record?


11. What is the default size of a Text data type in MS-Access?


12. The column of a table corresponds to


13. Forms are designed for


14. Which key is used to move field to field in a table window in datasheet view?


15. What is Z to A order called?


16. Every table must have a


17. The graphically query tool is known as


18. What command is required to actually execute a filter on a table?


19. Which data type is the default type in MS-Access?


20. Which data type can be used to define a field that consists of only numbers to be used in calculations?


Online MCQs MS Access Database Quiz with Answers

MCQs MS Access Database Quiz

  • Each set of related items in a table is called
  • What is the default size of a Text data type in MS-Access?
  • Which data type is the default type in MS-Access?
  • Every table must have a
  • Which data type can be used to define a field that consists of only numbers to be used in calculations?
  • Which data type can be used to define a field that consists of only numbers to be used in calculations?
  • The column of a table corresponds to
  • Which symbol indicates that you are editing a record?
  • Which key is used to move field to field in a table window in datasheet view?
  • What command is required to actually execute a filter on a table?
  • Which filtering method allows you to use data in a field as criterion for filtering?
  • Which of the following is an example of a filter by form expression?
  • What is Z to A order called?
  • The Sort Ascending button will
  • How find four names that starts with H, the criteria is specified as?
  • The graphically query tool is known as
  • How many query views are available in MS Access?
  • To find a name that start with S, the criteria is written as:
  • ————- is used to retrieve data from one or more tables.
  • Forms are designed for
MCQS MS Access Database Quiz,

Online Pedagogy Quiz – 13

The post is about an Online Pedagogy Quiz with answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions about education and pedagogy test preparation of NTS, KPPSC, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, CSS, PMS, and Educators Test. These MCQs are also useful for primary school teachers (PST), physical education teachers (PET), subject specialists (SST), Drawing masters, and Arabic teacher tests. Let us start with the Online Pedagogy Quiz.

Please go to Online Pedagogy Quiz – 13 to view the test
Online Pedagogy Quiz with Answers

Online Pedagogy Quiz with Answers

  • What was the relation between Socrates and Plato?
  • ————— is an instructional approach in which objectives are presented to learners beginning with unknown concepts and proceeding to known concepts?
  • Plato believed that talent and intelligence are:
  • Teacher-centered instruction which includes lecture, presentation, and recitation is also known as —————?
  • An assessment used to identify difficulties in the learning process is called ————?
  • A process of looking at what is being assessed is called ————–?
  • While delivering a lecture in the class a teacher:
  • The reasoning in which the given statements are viewed as supplying strong evidence for the truth of the conclusion is called —————?
  • Generally, students like those teachers who:
  • The person is an influential communicator if:
  • Child development is marked by interrelated processes, which one is not one of them?
  • Developing new rules and principles based on given facts and information at memory level is called —————?
  • Any method of teaching which involves two or more students, can be termed as —————?
  • The psychological environment of the class is mainly the duty of ————–?
  • On which basis the ability of teachers can be judged?
  • Which type of person should enter the field of teaching?
  • The use of the Internet for students in their educational activities is in your opinion:
  • Why will you ask questions from students during a lecture?
  • Reading or looking at material quickly to gain an overview of the content is the reading technique called:
  • The information about the internet and computers makes children?
Online Pedagogy Quiz with Answers,

Islamic Quiz 5 (Urdu)

The post is about Islamic Quiz in Urdu with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from Sorah tul Baqarah, Sorah tul Hijrat, Sorah tul Moominoon, Sorah tul Furqan, Sorah tul Inaam, Sorah tul Ehzaab, Sorah tul Hashar, and Sorah tul Saf. Let us start with the Islamic Quiz in Urdu.

Please go to Islamic Quiz 5 (Urdu) to view the test

Online Islamic Quiz in Urdu with Answers

Online Islamic Quiz in urdu with Answers

  • قرآنِ مجید کی سب سے بڑی سورت کون سی ہے؟
  • الہامی کتابوں میں محفوظ کتاب کونسی ہے؟
  • جنگ یمامہ کا واقعہ کس خلیفہ کے دور میں پیش آیا تھا؟
  • جامع القرآن کس صحابی کا لقب ہے؟
  • سورۃ البقرہ کے کل کتنے رکوع ہیں؟
  • البقرہ کا کیا معنی ہے؟
  • مشہور الہامی کتابوں کی تعداد کتنی ہے؟
  • ملک الموت کس فرشتے کو کہا جاتا ہے؟
  • وحی کی کتنی قسمیں ہیں؟
  • وَاِلَیکَ المَصِیر میں کونسا عقیدہ بیان کیا جا رہا ہے۔
  • سورۃ آلِ عمران کی نصاب والی آیت کی روشنی میں بتائیں کہ ذکرِ الٰہی کی کتنی کیفیتیں ہیں؟
  • عمران کس نبی کے ’نانا’ کا نام ہے؟
  • ولا تقتلوا النفس التی حرم اللہ الا بالحق میں قتل کی کتنی صورتیں جائز ہیں؟
  • سورہ مومنون کے آغاز میں کن لوگوں کی صفات بیان کی گئی ہیں؟
  • الفرقان کس الہامی کتاب کا ذاتی نام ہے؟
  • خاتم النبین کا لفظ قرآنِ مجید کی کس سورت میں آیا ہے؟
  • ان الذین ینادونک من وراء الحجرات کس قبیلہ کے بارے نازل ہوئی؟
  • کس انسان کی عدم موجودگی میں اس کی برائیاں کسی دوسرے کو بتانا کہلاتا ہے؟
  • نصاب کی کس سورت میں اکثر سماجی خرابیوں کی اصلاح پر زور دیا گیا ہے؟
  • نصاب کی مناسبت سے احکام عشرہ کس سورت میں بیان ہوئے ہیں؟ islamic quiz with answers,

GRE GAT Sentence Completion Quiz 7

This is about the GRE GAT Sentence Completion Quiz. There are 20 multiple-choice questions to fill in the blanks for the verbal ability test. Select the appropriate word or a pair of words that will best complete the meaning of the sentence. Note that there may be more than one choice that makes sense, but only one completely carries out the full meaning of the sentence.

Please go to GRE GAT Sentence Completion Quiz 7 to view the test

GRE GAT Sentence Completion Quiz with Answers

  • He ran —————–.
  • In Bush, Saddam was up ————– more than his match.
  • The doctor advised him to go ————- several medical tests.
  • If you persist in telling lies to me I shall sue you ————— slander.
  • The waiter has not bought the coffee ————- I have been here an hour already.
  • The modern club is simply a more refined substitute ————- the old-fashioned tavern.
  • After the advice of his father, he was reconciled ————- his wife.
  • The doctor tried both penicillin and sulphanilamide; the penicillin proved to be the ————– effective drug.
  • However honest he ————–, I do not trust him.
  • He became the Governor of a Province —————-.
  • ————– the rain stopped, and the play had to be suspended.
  • The notice at the petrol pump should be ————–.
  • If they share the burden alternately, they —————.
  • When I saw him through the window —————.
  • Every person must learn ————.
  • The income tax raid was too sudden ————–.
  • Many people have law degrees ————-.
  • He passed the examination in the first class because he ———-.
  • Where are my spectacles ————-.
  • With great difficulty, —————.
GRE GAT Sentence Completion Quiz with Answers,