Sequence and Series Quiz 4

This post is about all the Online MCQs Sequence and Series Quiz from the First Year Mathematics Book (Part-I). Click the links below to start with the Online MCQs Sequence and Series Quiz.

Online Intermediate Mathematics Part 1 Chapter 6: Sequence and Series Quiz with Answers

1. The numbers $a-d$, $a$, $a+d$ are in


2. The general term of an H.P is


3. If $\frac{a^{n+1} + b^{n+1}}{a^n + b^n}$ is A.M. between $a$ and $b$, then $n$ is equal to


4. If both $x$ & $y$ are positive distinct real numbers, then the G.M. between $x$ and $y$ is


5. If $a$ and $b$ are two negative numbers, then


6. The sum of 5 A.Ms between 2 & 8 is


7. If $a$ and $b$ are two positive numbers, then


8. If $a, ar^2, ar^4,\cdots$ form a G.P. then $\frac{1}{a}, \frac{1}{ar^2},  \frac{1}{ar^4}, \cdots$ is


9. $\Sigma n^3$ is equal to


10. H.M. between -2 and 8 equals


11. If $S_n=(n+1)^2$ then $S_{2n}$ is equal to


12. If $a_{n-1} = 2n+1$ then $a_n$ is equal to


13. If $G_1, G_2, \cdots, G_n$ are $n$ geometric means between $a$ and $b$ then $(G_1 G_2 \cdots G_n)^{\frac{1}{n}}$ is


14. Fifth term of $\frac{1}{3}, \frac{1}{5}, \frac{1}{7}, \cdots$ is


15. If A, G, and H are Arithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic means between two negative numbers, then


16. If $\frac{a^{n+1} + b^{n+1}}{a^n + b^n}$ is H.M. between $a$ and $b$, then $n$ is equal to


17. If $a$ and $b$ have opposite signs then the Geometric mean is


18. $\Sigma n$ is equal to


19. The GM between -2 and 8 is


20. The $n$th term of AP is


21. The general term of a sequence is $(-1)^n n^2$. Its 4th term is


22. If $\frac{a^n + b^n}{a^{n-1} + b^{n-1}}$ is G.M. between $a$ and $b$, then $n$ is equal to


23. The sum of $n$ A.Ms between $a$ and $b$ is equal to


24. The harmonic mean between 2 and 8 is


25. If $|r|<1$ then $S_n=$


26. $\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{7}, \frac{1}{12}, \cdots$ is


27. With the usual notation $n$th term of AP is


28. Harmonic mean between two numbers $a$ and $b$ is


29. $\Sigma n^2$ is equal to


30. If A, G, and H are Arithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic means between two positive numbers, then


Intermediate Mathematics Sequence and Series Quiz with Answers

Online Intermediate Mathematics Sequence and Series Quiz

  • The general term of an H.P is
  • The harmonic mean between 2 and 8 is
  • If A, G, and H are Arithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic means between two positive numbers, then
  • If A, G, and H are Arithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic means between two negative numbers, then
  • If $a$ and $b$ are two negative numbers, then
  • If $a$ and $b$ are two positive numbers, then
  • If $a$ and $b$ have opposite signs then the Geometric mean is
  • If $\frac{a^{n+1} + b^{n+1}}{a^n + b^n}$ is A.M. between $a$ and $b$, then $n$ is equal to
  • If $\frac{a^n + b^n}{a^{n-1} + b^{n-1}}$ is G.M. between $a$ and $b$, then $n$ is equal to
  • If $\frac{a^{n+1} + b^{n+1}}{a^n + b^n}$ is H.M. between $a$ and $b$, then $n$ is equal to
  • If $a, ar^2, ar^4,\cdots$ form a G.P. then $\frac{1}{a}, \frac{1}{ar^2},  \frac{1}{ar^4}, \cdots$ is
  • $\Sigma n$ is equal to
  • $\Sigma n^2$ is equal to
  • $\Sigma n^3$ is equal to
  • If $S_n=(n+1)^2$ then $S_{2n}$ is equal to
  • The sum of $n$ A.Ms between $a$ and $b$ is equal to
  • The sum of 5 A.Ms between 2 & 8 is
  • If both $x$ & $y$ are positive distinct real numbers, then the G.M. between $x$ and $y$ is
  • The numbers $a-d$, $a$, $a+d$ are in
  • If $|r|<1$ then $S_n=$
  • If $a_{n-1} = 2n+1$ then $a_n$ is equal to
  • With the usual notation $n$th term of AP is
  • The GM between -2 and 8 is
  • H.M. between -2 and 8 equals
  • The $n$th term of AP is
  • Fifth term of $\frac{1}{3}, \frac{1}{5}, \frac{1}{7}, \cdots$ is
  • $\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{7}, \frac{1}{12}, \cdots$ is
  • If $G_1, G_2, \cdots, G_n$ are $n$ geometric means between $a$ and $b$ then $(G_1 G_2 \cdots G_n)^{\frac{1}{n}}$ is
  • Harmonic mean between two numbers $a$ and $b$ is
  • The general term of a sequence is $(-1)^n n^2$. Its 4th term is

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MCQs Sequence and Series Math 3

This post is about an Online MCQs Sequence and Series Mathematics. A sequence is an ordered set of numbers formed according to some definite rule. Let us start with the MCQs Sequence and Series Mathematics Quiz.

MCQs Sequence and Series Mathematics
Please go to MCQs Sequence and Series Math 3 to view the test

MCQs Sequence and Series Math

  • The sum of the $n$ term of an arithmetic series $S_n$ is equal to
  • The sum of the $n$ term of an arithmetic series in $S_n$ is equal to
  • For any G.P. the common ratio $r$ is equal to
  • No term of a G.P. is
  • The general term of a G.P. is
  • If $a, G, b$ are in G.P. then
  • If $a, G, b$ are in G.P., then $G$ is called
  • If $G_1, G_2, \cdots, G_n$ be geometric means between $a$ and $b$, then $G=$
  • The sum of the $n$ term of a geometric series $S_n$ is equal to
  • The sum of infinite geometric series is valid if
  • For the series $1+5+25+125+\cdots +\cdots \infty$, the sum is
  • An infinite geometric series is convergent if
  • An infinite geometric series is divergent if
  • If the sum of a series is defined, then it is called
  • If the sum of a series is not defined, then it is called
  • If the series $\frac{x}{2} + \frac{x^2}{4} + \frac{x^3}{8}+\cdots$ is convergent then
  • If the series $\frac{2}{3}x+ \frac{4}{9}x^2+\frac{8}{27}x^3\cdots $ is divergent, then
  • The interval in which series $1+2x+4x^2+8x^3+\cdots$ is convergent is
  • If the reciprocals of the terms of a sequence form an A.P., then it is
  • The $n$th term of $\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{5}, \frac{1}{8}, \cdots$ is

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Sequence and Series Quizzes

This post is about all the Online MCQs Sequence and Series Quizzes from the Mathematics Book of Part I (First Year). Click the links below to start with Online MCQs Sequence and Series Quizzes.

Sequence and Series Quizzes with Answers

MCQs Sequence and Series Quiz 4MCQs Sequence and Series Math 3
MCQs Sequence and Series 2MCQs Sequence and Series 1

Series and Series

A sequence is an ordered set of numbers formed according to some definite rule. A sequence can be defined as a function whose domain is a subset of natural numbers. Mathematically, a sequence is denoted by $\{a_n\}$ where $n\in N$.

MCQs Sequence and Series  Quizzes Mathematics Class 11

Some examples of sequence are:

  • $1,2,3,\cdots$
  • $2, 4, 6, 8, \cdots$
  • $\frac{1}{3}, \frac{1}{5}, \frac{1}{7}, \cdots$

The term $a_n$ is called the general term or $n$th term of a sequence. If all numbers of a sequence are real, then it is called a real sequence. If the domain of a sequence is a finite set, then the sequence is finite otherwise the sequence is infinite. An infinite sequence has no last term.


If the terms of a sequence follow a certain pattern, then it is called a progression:

  • Arithmetic Progression (AP)
    A sequence $\{a_n\}$ is an Arithmetic Sequence or Arithmetic Progression if the difference $a_n – a_{n-1}$ is the same for all $n \in N$ and $n>1$.
  • Geometric Progression (GP)
    A sequence $\{a_n\}$ in which $\frac{a_n}{a_{n-1}}$ is same non-zero number for al l$n\in N$ and $n>1$ is called Geometric Sequence or Geometric Progression.
  • Harmonic Progression (HP)
    A Harmonic Progression is a sequence of numbers whose reciprocals form an Arithmetic Progression. A general form of Harmonic Progression is $\frac{1}{a_1}, \frac{1}{a_1+d}, \frac{1}{a_1+2d}, \cdots$, where $a_n=\frac{1}{a_1+(n-1)d}$
Sequence and Series

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Important MCQs Sequence and Series 2

This post is about an Online Quiz on sequence and series from First Year Mathematics. A sequence is an ordered set of numbers formed according to some definite rule. Let us start with the Sequence and Series Quiz.

Please go to Important MCQs Sequence and Series 2 to view the test

A sequence can be defined as a function whose domain is a subset of natural numbers. Mathematically, the sequence is denoted by $\{a_n\}$ where $n\in N$.

Some examples of sequence are:

  • $1,2,3,\cdots$
  • $2, 4, 6, 8, \cdots$
  • $\frac{1}{3}, \frac{1}{5}, \frac{1}{7}, \cdots$

The term $a_n$ is called the general term or $n$th term of a sequence. If all numbers of a sequence are real numbers then it is called a real sequence. If the domain of a sequence is a finite set, then the sequence is finite otherwise the sequence is infinite. An infinite sequence has no last term.

If the terms of a sequence follow a certain pattern, then it is called a progression:

  • Arithmetic Progression (AP)
    A sequence $\{a_n\}$ is an Arithmetic Sequence or Arithmetic Progression if the difference $a_n – a_{n-1}$ is the same for all $n \in N$ and $n>1$.
  • Geometric Progression (GP)
    A sequence $\{a_n\}$ in which $\frac{a_n}{a_{n-1}}$ is same non-zero number for al l$n\in N$ and $n>1$ is called Geometric Sequence or Geometric Progression.
  • Harmonic Progression (HP)
    A Harmonic Progression is a sequence of numbers whose reciprocals form an Arithmetic Progression. A general form of Harmonic Progression is $\frac{1}{a_1}, \frac{1}{a_1+d}, \frac{1}{a_1+2d}, \cdots$, where $a_n=\frac{1}{a_1+(n-1)d}$
Sequence and Series

MCQs Sequence and Series with Answers

  • Sequence is also called
  • A sequence is a function whose domain is
  • If all the members of a sequence are real numbers then the sequence is called
  • The symbol used to represent the sequence $a$ is
  • If the domain of a sequence is finite then the sequence is called
  • A sequence in which every term after the first can be obtained by adding a fixed number in the preceding term is called
  • The generl term $a_n$ of an A.P. is
  • If in an A.P. $a_5=13$ and $a_17=49$, then $a_15=?$
  • If $a_{n-2}=3n-11$ then $n$th term will be
  • The sequence $1, \frac{3}{2}, \frac{5}{4}, \frac{7}{8}, \cdots $, then $a_7=?$
  • Which of the following cannot be the term of sequence 17, 13, 9, …
  • If $\frac{1}{a}, \frac{1}{b}$ and D\frac{1}{c}$ are in A.P. then which one is true:
  • Find the number of terms in an A.P. in which $a=3, d=7$, and $a_n=59$
  • The $n$th A.M. between $a$ and $b$ is
  • The A.M. between $1-x+x^2$ and $1+x-x^2$ is
  • If 5, 8 are two A.M. between $a$ and $b$ then $a$ and $b$ are
  • The arithmetic mean between 2+\sqrt{2}$ and $2-\sqrt{2}$ is
  • The sum of the series $-3+(-1)+(1) +3+5 +\cdots+ a_{16}$ is
  • The number of terms of the series $-7+(-5)+(-3)+\cdots$ amount to 65
  • If $S_2, S_3, S_5$ are the sums of $2n, 3n, 5n$ terms of an A.P. then which one is true

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