MCQs Quadratic Equations First Year 2

The post concerns MCQs Quadratic Equations Chapter 4 of Intermediate Mathematics the first year. There are 20 questions and each question and its options appear randomly. The quiz will help First-year (Intermediate) Pre-Engineering mathematics students prepare for the examination. Let us start with MCQs Quadratic Equations First Year Mathematics with Answers.

Online MCQs Quadratic Equations with Answers

1. If sum of roots of $7x^2+px+q=0$ is q then $q=$


2. The complex fourth roots of unity are ———- each other.


3. The expression $x^2+\frac{1}{x} -3$ is


4. Sum of roots of $ax^2-bx-c=0$ is ($a\n-0$)


5. The complex cube roots of unity are ———– each other.


6. If product of roots of $7x^2-px+q=0$ is 1 then $q=$


7. The expression $a_nx^n + a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+\cdots + a_1x+a_0$. $a\ne 0$ is a polynomial of degree $n$ if $n$ is any$


8. $x-a$ is a factor of $x^n-a^n$ if $n$ is


9. If $x=-2$ is a root of $kx^4-13x^2+36=0$ then $k=$


10. If the sum of all cube roots unity is equal to $x^2+1$ then $x$ is equal to


11. If the product of all cube roots of unity is equal to $\rho^2+1$ then $p$ is


12. $x+a$ is a factor of $x^n+a^n$ when $n$ is


13. The complex fourth roots of unity are ——— each other.


14. The polynomial ($x-a$) is a factor of $f(x)$ if and only if


15. The product of roots of any quadratic equation is


16. If $f(x)$ is divided by $x-a$ then by remainder theorem, the remainder is


17. If $f(x)$ is divided by $x-a$ then Divided = (divisor)(—–)+Remainder.


18. The sum of the roots of any quadratic equation is


19. Product of $ax^2-bx -c=0$ is ($a\ne 0$)


20. $x-2$ is a factor of $x^2-kx +4$ if $k$ is


MCQs Quadratic Equations with Answers

  • The complex cube roots of unity are ———– each other.
  • The complex fourth roots of unity are ——— each other.
  • If the sum of all cube roots unity is equal to $x^2+1$ then $x$ is equal to
  • If the product of all cube roots of unity is equal to $\rho^2+1$ then $p$ is
  • The complex fourth roots of unity are ———- each other.
  • The expression $a_nx^n + a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+\cdots + a_1x+a_0$. $a\ne 0$ is a polynomial of degree $n$ if $n$ is any$
  • The expression $x^2+\frac{1}{x} -3$ is
  • If $f(x)$ is divided by $x-a$ then Divided = (divisor)(—–)+Remainder.
  • If $f(x)$ is divided by $x-a$ then by remainder theorem, the remainder is
  • The polynomial ($x-a$) is a factor of $f(x)$ if and only if
  • $x-2$ is a factor of $x^2-kx +4$ if $k$ is
  • If $x=-2$ is a root of $kx^4-13x^2+36=0$ then $k=$
  • $x+a$ is a factor of $x^n+a^n$ when $n$ is
  • $x-a$ is a factor of $x^n-a^n$ if $n$ is
  • Sum of roots of $ax^2-bx-c=0$ is ($a\n-0$)
  • Product of $ax^2-bx -c=0$ is ($a\ne 0$)
  • The sum of the roots of any quadratic equation is
  • The product of roots of any quadratic equation is
  • If sum of roots of $7x^2+px+q=0$ is q then $q=$
  • If product of roots of $7x^2-px+q=0$ is 1 then $q=$
Chapter 4 MCQs Quadratic Equations

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