Online multiple choice questions about Sets Functions and Groups MCQs Quiz from Chapter 2 of Intermediate First-Year Mathematics with Answers. There are 20 MCQs type questions from Chapter 2 “Sets Functions and Groups“. Let us start the MCQs Quiz.
Online Multiple Choice Questions with Answers fro Chapter 2 Mathematics “Sets Functions and Groups”
Sets Functions And Groups MCQs Test with Answers
- If a set $A$ has 2 elements and $B$ has 3 elements then different relations in $A\times B$ are
- If a set $A$ has 2 elements and $B$ has 3 elements, then different function in $A\times B$ are
- If a set $A$ has $m$ elements and $B$ has $n$ elements, then relations in $A\times B$
- If a set $S$ has $n$ elements, then different relations is $A$
- The inverse function of ${(x, y)|y = mx+c}$ is
- An operation which is performed on a single number is called
- Squaring a number is
- Which of the following is not a binary operation
- For a non-empty set $G$, a function from $G\times G \rightarrow G$ is called
- Any subset of $G \times G$ is called
- The set ${1, -1, i, -i}$ is closed w.r.t.
- The set of odd numbers is not closed w.r.t
- Let $S$ be an empty set and * is a binary operation. If closure property holds in $S$, then $S$ is
- If $N$ is a set of natural number then $(N, +)$ is
- If $W$ is the set of whole numbers then $(W, +)$ is
- For a non-empty sets $S$, (P(S), \cap)$ is
- For a non-empty sets $S$, $(P(S), U)$ is
- If $Z$ is a set of integers, then $(Z, *)$ is
- If $R$ is the set of real numbers, then ($R, +)$ is
- If $Q$ is the set of rational numbers, then $(Q, *)$ is