Best Sets Functions and Groups Quizzes

The post contains a list of Online MCQs about “Sets Functions and Groups” from Chapter 2 of First Year (Intermediate) Mathematics Book Part-I. Click the links below for the “Sets, Functions, and Groups” Quizzes.

SEts Functions and Groups Quizzes

Sets, Functions, and Groups 7
Sets Functions and Groups 6Sets, Functions, and Groups 5Sets, Functions, & Groups 4
Set, Functions, & Groups 3Set Functions and Groups 2Set Functions and Groups 1
Sets Functions and Groups Quizzes

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Sets Functions and Groups Quizzes with Answers

MCQs Sets Functions and Groups 1

The post contains “MCQs Sets Functions and Groups” from the Intermediate Part-I mathematics book. The Quiz contains Multiple Choice Questions from sets, properties of sets, functions, and groups. Let us start with MCQs Sets Functions and Groups.

MCQs Intermediate Mathematics Part-I, Chapter 2 (Sets, Functions and Groups)

1. If $A  \subseteq B$ then


2. If (1 – 1) correspondence can be established in two sets $A$ and $B$, then it must be true that


3. If $n(S)=m$ then $nP(S)$ is equal to


4. The Power set of an empty set has


5. Tabular form of $\{ x | x \in Q, x = – x\}$ is


6. The set of real numbers between 1 and 3 is


7. If  a set $B$ has one proper subset only then $S$ will be


8. If a set $S$ has no proper subset then $B$ will be


9. If $S=\{ \}$ then order of set $S$ is


10. The set of all elements under consideration is called


11. If $A \subseteq B$ and $B \subseteq A$ then which is true


12. Which of the following is true


13. If a set $S$ has $n$ elements then number of elements in $P(S)=$


14. The set builder form of $A \cup B$ is equal to


15. The set builder form of $A-B$ is equal to


16. The set $N$ of natural numbers and $O$ of odd numbers are


17. If a set $S$ has $m$ elements then number of subsets in $S$ are


18. The set of all subsets of a set is called


19. The set builder form of $A \cap B$ is equal to


20. The set $N$ and $Z$ are


MCQs Sets Functions and Groups

  • If $A \subseteq B$ and $B \subseteq A$ then which is true
  • If (1 – 1) correspondence can be established in two sets $A$ and $B$, then it must be true that
  • The set $N$ of natural numbers and $O$ of odd numbers are
  • The set $N$ and $Z$ are
  • Which of the following is true
  • If a set $S$ has $m$ elements then number of subsets in $S$ are
  • If $A  \subseteq B$ then
  • If a set $S$ has no proper subset then $B$ will be
  • If  a set $B$ has one proper subset only then $S$ will be
  • If a set $S$ has $n$ elements then number of elements in $P(S)=$
  • The set of all subsets of a set is called
  • If $S={ }$ then order of set $S$ is
  • The Power set of an empty set has
  • If $n(S)=m$ then $nP(S)$ is equal to
  • The set of all elements under consideration is called
  • The set of real numbers between 1 and 3 is
  • Tabular form of $\{ x | x \in Q, x = – x\}$ is
  • The set builder form of $A \cup B$ is equal to
  • The set builder form of $A \cap B$ is equal to
  • The set builder form of $A-B$ is equal to
MCQs Sets Functions and Groups

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