Important MCQs Sets Functions and Groups Quiz 7

Online MCQs Sets Functions and Groups from Chapter 2 of First-Year Mathematics. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from “Sets Functions and Groups”. Let us start with the MCQs Set Functions and Groups test.

Online multiple choice questions about Sets Functions and Groups Quiz with answers for first year mathematics chapter 2

1. If $S$ is a non-empty set, then the identity element in $P(S)$ w.r.t. $U$


2. The number of all subsets of a set having three elements is


3. Identity element in $(C, +)$ is


4. The inverse of any element of a group is


5. The graph of a linear function is


6. $f$ is function from $A$ to $B$. The domain of $f$ is equal to


7. A system of linear equations involves at least ————– equations(s).


8. A set of integers is a group w.r.t


9. If $A=\{1, 2, 3\}$, B=\{3, 4\}$, then $A-B$ is


10. The number of elements in a set $B$ is 4, then the number of elements in $P(B)$


11. If $A=\phi$ then $P(A)$ is


12. A Set of all possible subsets of a set $S$ is called


13. The set of first elements of ordered pairs in a relation is called its


14. Every function is a


15. If $S=\[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\}$ then $n(S)$ equals


16. If $A$ and $B$ are disjoint sets then


17. The set of non-zero real numbers w.r.t. multiplication is


18. The identity element in (C, *) is


19. If $A \subseteq B$ then $A \cap B$ is equal to


20. If $S$ is a non-empty set, then the identity element in $P(S)$$ w.r.t. $\cap$


MCQs Sets Functions and Groups Quiz with Answers

  • If $S$ is a non-empty set, then the identity element in $P(S)$ w.r.t. $U$
  • If $S$ is a non-empty set, then the identity element in $P(S)$$ w.r.t. $\cap$
  • The set of non-zero real numbers w.r.t. multiplication is
  • Identity element in $(C, +)$ is
  • The identity element in (C, *) is
  • The set of first elements of ordered pairs in a relation is called its
  • If $A$ and $B$ are disjoint sets then
  • If $S=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]$ then $n(S)$ equals
  • If $A=\phi$ then $P(A)$ is
  • The graph of a linear function is
  • A system of linear equations involves at least ————– equations(s).
  • If $A \subseteq B$ then $A \cap B$ is equal to
  • If $A={1, 2, 3}$, B={3, 4}$, then $A-B$ is
  • The number of elements in a set $B$ is 4, then the number of elements in $P(B)$
  • The number of all subsets of a set having three elements is
  • A Set of all possible subsets of a set $S$ is called
  • A set of integers is a group w.r.t
  • $f$ is function from $A$ to $B$. The domain of $f$ is equal to
  • Every function is a
  • The inverse of any element of a group is
MCQs Sets Functions and Groups

Important Sets Functions and Groups MCQs 6

Online multiple choice questions about Sets Functions and Groups MCQs Quiz from Chapter 2 of Intermediate First-Year Mathematics with Answers. There are 20 MCQs type questions from Chapter 2 “Sets Functions and Groups“. Let us start the MCQs Quiz.

Please go to Important Sets Functions and Groups MCQs 6 to view the test
Sets Functions and Groups MCQs Quiz

Sets Functions And Groups MCQs Test with Answers

  • If a set $A$ has 2 elements and $B$ has 3 elements then different relations in $A\times B$ are
  • If a set $A$ has 2 elements and $B$ has 3 elements, then different function in $A\times B$ are
  • If a set $A$ has $m$ elements and $B$ has $n$ elements, then relations in $A\times B$
  • If a set $S$ has $n$ elements, then different relations is $A$
  • The inverse function of ${(x, y)|y = mx+c}$ is
  • An operation which is performed on a single number is called
  • Squaring a number is
  • Which of the following is not a binary operation
  • For a non-empty set $G$, a function from $G\times G \rightarrow G$ is called
  • Any subset of $G \times G$ is called
  • The set ${1, -1, i, -i}$ is closed w.r.t.
  • The set of odd numbers is not closed w.r.t
  • Let $S$ be an empty set and * is a binary operation. If closure property holds in $S$, then $S$ is
  • If $N$ is a set of natural number then $(N, +)$ is
  • If $W$ is the set of whole numbers then $(W, +)$ is
  • For a non-empty sets $S$, (P(S), \cap)$ is
  • For a non-empty sets $S$, $(P(S), U)$ is
  • If $Z$ is a set of integers, then $(Z, *)$ is
  • If $R$ is the set of real numbers, then ($R, +)$ is
  • If $Q$ is the set of rational numbers, then $(Q, *)$ is

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Important Sets and Functions Class 11 Quiz 4

Online MCQs about Sets and Functions Class 11 First Year Quiz with Answers. The multiple-choice questions are for chapter 2 (“Sets Functions and Groups”) of the First Year Mathematics book. Let us start with the Sets and Functions Class 11 Quiz.

Please go to Important Sets and Functions Class 11 Quiz 4 to view the test

Sets and Functions Class 11 Mathematics Quiz

  • A compound proposition which is always wrong is called
  • If $p$ be proposition then $p \vee \sim p$ is
  • If $p$ be any proposition then $p\wedge \sim p$ is
  • If $\sim p \rightarrow q$ is a conditional then its converse is
  • If $\sim p \rightarrow q$ is a conditional then its inverse is
  • If $\sim p \rightarrow q$ is a conditional then its central positive is
  • If $p$ is a proposition $4<5$ is a proposition $2+5=8$ then truth value of $p \wedge q$ is If $p$ is a proposition $4<5$, $q$ is a proposition $2+5=8$ then truth value of $p \vee q$ is If $p$ is a proposition $4<5$, $q$ is a proposition $2+5>8$ then truth value of $p \rightarrow q$ is
  • If $p$ is a proposition $4<5$, $q$ is a proposition $2+5 \ne 8$ then truth value of $p\leftrightarrow q$ is
  • For the propositions $p$ and $q$, $(p \wedge q) \rightarrow p$ is
  • For the propositions $p$ and $q$, $p\rightarrow (p \vee q)$ is
  • The words or symbols which convey the idea of quantity or numbers is called
  • The symbol which is used to convey the idea of all objects under consideration is called
  • The logical form of $(A \cap B)’=A’\cup B’$ is
  • The logical form of $(A \cup B)’ = A’ \cap B’$ is
  • If $p$ and $q$ are two propositions then truth set of $p \vee q$ is
  • If $p$ and $q$ are two propositions then truth set of $p\wedge q$ is
  • If $p$ and $q$ be two propositions then truth set of $p\rightarrow q$ is
  • Truth set of $p\leftrightarrow q$ is
Sets and Functions  Class 11 Quiz

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Important MCQs Sets Functions and Groups Quiz 3

This post contains all the MCQs about the Sets Functions and Groups from the Mathematics Book of Intermediate Part-I (First Year). Let us start with the Online MCQs Sets Functions and Groups Quiz.

Please go to Important MCQs Sets Functions and Groups Quiz 3 to view the test

MCQs Sets Functions and Groups Quiz

  • Which of the following is true
  • Which of the following is true
  • If $A \cup B = A$ then
  • De Morgan’s Laws are
  • De Morgan’s Laws are
  • The way of drawing conclusions from a limited number of observations is called
  • The way of drawing conclusions from premises believed to be true is called
  • A statement which is accepted to be true without proof and used to find other conclusions is called
  • Logic in which every statement is regarded as true or false is called
  • The logic in which there is a scope of more than two possibilities is called.
  • A statement which can be decided as true or false is called
  • The symbol which is used to denote the negation of a proposition is
  • If $p \rightarrow q$ is a conditional then $p$ is called
  • If $p\rightarrow q$ is a implication then $q$ is called
  • The symbol that is used to combine propositions is called
  • If $p$ and $q$ be two propositions then $p \wedge q$ is
  • If $p$ and $q$ be two propositions then $p\rightarrow q$ is
  • If $p$ and $q$ be two propositions then $p \leftrightarrow q$ is
  • A compound proposition which is always true is called
  • A compound proposition that is neither always true nor false is called
Sets Functions and Groups Quiz with Answers

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