Matrices and Determinants 1

The post is about Online MCQS about Matrices and Determinants quiz with answers. The quiz contains 20 multiple-choice questions about matrices and determinants from Chapter 3 of First-Year Mathematics. Let us start with the Matrices and Determinants Quiz.

Multiple Choice Questions about Matrices and Determinant from First Year Mathematics Book for the preparation of Examination and learning matrices in a quicker way.

1. If all off-diagonal elements are zeros and at least one of the leading diagonals is non-zero, then the matrix is called


2. The matrix $[6]$ is


3. For the square matrix $A=[a_{ij}]$, if all $a_{ij}=0, i\ne j$ and at least one $a_{ii}\ne 0, i=j$, then $A$ matrix is called


4. For the matrix $A=[a_{ij}]_{n\times n}$, the elements $a_{1n}, a_{2n-1}, a_{3n-2}, a_{4n-3}, \cdots, a_{n1}$ form


5. If any Matrix $A$ has different numbers of rows and columns, then matrix $A$ is


6. For the square matrix $A=[a_{ij}]$, if all $a_{ij}=0, i\ne j$ and all $a_{ij}=k$ (non-zero) for $i=j$, then matrix $A$ is called


7. A rectangular array of numbers enclosed by a pair of brackets is called a


8. If a matrix $A$ has $m$ rows and $n$ column, then order of $A$ is


9. Any matrix of order $m\times 1$ is called


10. If matrix $A$ is of order $m\times n$, then the matrix of order $n\times m$ is called


11. If any matrix $A$ has only one row, then it is called


12. The horizontal lines of numbers in a matrix are called


13. The vertical lines of numbers in a matrix are called


14. Two matrices $A$ and $B$ are said to be conformable for addition if


15. For the square matrix $A=[a_{ij}]_{n\times n}$, the elements $a_{11}, a_{22}, \cdots, \_{nn}$ are


16. Any matrix of order $1\times n$ is called


17. If a matrix $A$ has the same number of rows and columns, then Matrix $A$ is called


18. If any matrix $A$ has only one column, then it is called


19. Any matrix $A$ is called real if all $a_{ij}$ are


20. The element $a_{ij}$ of any matrix $A$ is present in


A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers arranged in a sequence and enclosed in brackets. A matrix is a rectangular array of mathematical elements arranged into rows and columns according to algebraic rules.

Matrices and Determinants

A pair of parentheses $\begin{pmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{pmatrix}$or a square bracket $\begin{bmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{bmatrix}$ is used to write matrices (plural of matrix). A matrix is usually denoted by capital letters such as $A, B, C,$ and $X, Y,$ and $Z$. The matrices are used to solve the simultaneous equations.

The horizontal lines of elements of a matrix are called rows of the matrix. The vertical lines of elements of a matrix are called the columns of a matrix. The number of rows and columns of a matrix is called the order of the matrix.

Online MCQs Matrices and Determinants

  • A rectangular array of numbers enclosed by a pair of brackets is called a
  • The horizontal lines of numbers in a matrix are called
  • The vertical lines of numbers in a matrix are called
  • If a matrix $A$ has $m$ rows and $n$ column, then order of $A$ is
  • The element $a_{ij}$ of any matrix $A$ is present in
  • Any matrix $A$ is called real if all $a_{ij}$ are
  • If any matrix $A$ has only one row, then it is called
  • If any matrix $A$ has only one column, then it is called
  • If a matrix $A$ has the same number of rows and columns, then Matrix $A$ is called
  • If any Matrix $A$ has different numbers of rows and columns, then matrix $A$ is
  • Any matrix of order $m\times 1$ is called
  • Any matrix of order $1\times n$ is called
  • For the square matrix $A=[a_{ij}]{n\times n}$, the elements $a{11}, a_{22}, \cdots, _{nn}$ are
  • For the matrix $A=[a_{ij}]{n\times n}$, the elements $a{1n}, a_{2n-1}, a_{3n-2}, a_{4n-3}, \cdots, a_{n1}$ form
  • For the square matrix $A=[a_{ij}]$, if all $a_{ij}=0, i\ne j$ and at least one $a_{ii}\ne 0, i=j$, then $A$ matrix is called
  • For the square matrix $A=[a_{ij}]$, if all $a_{ij}=0, i\ne j$ and all $a_{ij}=k$ (non-zero) for $i=j$, then matrix $A$ is called
  • If all off-diagonal elements are zeros and at least one of the leading diagonals is non-zero, then the matrix is called
  • The matrix $[6]$ is
  • If matrix $A$ is of order $m\times n$, then the matrix of order $n\times m$ is called
  • Two matrices $A$ and $B$ are said to be conformable for addition if

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