Sequence and Series Quiz 4

This post is about all the Online MCQs Sequence and Series Quiz from the First Year Mathematics Book (Part-I). Click the links below to start with the Online MCQs Sequence and Series Quiz.

Online Intermediate Mathematics Part 1 Chapter 6: Sequence and Series Quiz with Answers

1. If A, G, and H are Arithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic means between two positive numbers, then


2. The sum of $n$ A.Ms between $a$ and $b$ is equal to


3. $\Sigma n$ is equal to


4. The general term of an H.P is


5. The GM between -2 and 8 is


6. If $\frac{a^{n+1} + b^{n+1}}{a^n + b^n}$ is H.M. between $a$ and $b$, then $n$ is equal to


7. H.M. between -2 and 8 equals


8. The $n$th term of AP is


9. If $a, ar^2, ar^4,\cdots$ form a G.P. then $\frac{1}{a}, \frac{1}{ar^2},  \frac{1}{ar^4}, \cdots$ is


10. If $G_1, G_2, \cdots, G_n$ are $n$ geometric means between $a$ and $b$ then $(G_1 G_2 \cdots G_n)^{\frac{1}{n}}$ is


11. $\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{7}, \frac{1}{12}, \cdots$ is


12. If $|r|<1$ then $S_n=$


13. If A, G, and H are Arithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic means between two negative numbers, then


14. The sum of 5 A.Ms between 2 & 8 is


15. The numbers $a-d$, $a$, $a+d$ are in


16. If $a$ and $b$ are two positive numbers, then


17. The general term of a sequence is $(-1)^n n^2$. Its 4th term is


18. $\Sigma n^3$ is equal to


19. If $\frac{a^n + b^n}{a^{n-1} + b^{n-1}}$ is G.M. between $a$ and $b$, then $n$ is equal to


20. With the usual notation $n$th term of AP is


21. If $a$ and $b$ have opposite signs then the Geometric mean is


22. Harmonic mean between two numbers $a$ and $b$ is


23. If $\frac{a^{n+1} + b^{n+1}}{a^n + b^n}$ is A.M. between $a$ and $b$, then $n$ is equal to


24. The harmonic mean between 2 and 8 is


25. If $S_n=(n+1)^2$ then $S_{2n}$ is equal to


26. If both $x$ & $y$ are positive distinct real numbers, then the G.M. between $x$ and $y$ is


27. If $a_{n-1} = 2n+1$ then $a_n$ is equal to


28. If $a$ and $b$ are two negative numbers, then


29. Fifth term of $\frac{1}{3}, \frac{1}{5}, \frac{1}{7}, \cdots$ is


30. $\Sigma n^2$ is equal to


Intermediate Mathematics Sequence and Series Quiz with Answers

Online Intermediate Mathematics Sequence and Series Quiz

  • The general term of an H.P is
  • The harmonic mean between 2 and 8 is
  • If A, G, and H are Arithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic means between two positive numbers, then
  • If A, G, and H are Arithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic means between two negative numbers, then
  • If $a$ and $b$ are two negative numbers, then
  • If $a$ and $b$ are two positive numbers, then
  • If $a$ and $b$ have opposite signs then the Geometric mean is
  • If $\frac{a^{n+1} + b^{n+1}}{a^n + b^n}$ is A.M. between $a$ and $b$, then $n$ is equal to
  • If $\frac{a^n + b^n}{a^{n-1} + b^{n-1}}$ is G.M. between $a$ and $b$, then $n$ is equal to
  • If $\frac{a^{n+1} + b^{n+1}}{a^n + b^n}$ is H.M. between $a$ and $b$, then $n$ is equal to
  • If $a, ar^2, ar^4,\cdots$ form a G.P. then $\frac{1}{a}, \frac{1}{ar^2},  \frac{1}{ar^4}, \cdots$ is
  • $\Sigma n$ is equal to
  • $\Sigma n^2$ is equal to
  • $\Sigma n^3$ is equal to
  • If $S_n=(n+1)^2$ then $S_{2n}$ is equal to
  • The sum of $n$ A.Ms between $a$ and $b$ is equal to
  • The sum of 5 A.Ms between 2 & 8 is
  • If both $x$ & $y$ are positive distinct real numbers, then the G.M. between $x$ and $y$ is
  • The numbers $a-d$, $a$, $a+d$ are in
  • If $|r|<1$ then $S_n=$
  • If $a_{n-1} = 2n+1$ then $a_n$ is equal to
  • With the usual notation $n$th term of AP is
  • The GM between -2 and 8 is
  • H.M. between -2 and 8 equals
  • The $n$th term of AP is
  • Fifth term of $\frac{1}{3}, \frac{1}{5}, \frac{1}{7}, \cdots$ is
  • $\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{7}, \frac{1}{12}, \cdots$ is
  • If $G_1, G_2, \cdots, G_n$ are $n$ geometric means between $a$ and $b$ then $(G_1 G_2 \cdots G_n)^{\frac{1}{n}}$ is
  • Harmonic mean between two numbers $a$ and $b$ is
  • The general term of a sequence is $(-1)^n n^2$. Its 4th term is

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MCQs Sequence and Series Math 3

This post is about an Online MCQs Sequence and Series Mathematics. A sequence is an ordered set of numbers formed according to some definite rule. Let us start with the MCQs Sequence and Series Mathematics Quiz.

MCQs Sequence and Series Mathematics
Please go to MCQs Sequence and Series Math 3 to view the test

MCQs Sequence and Series Math

  • The sum of the $n$ term of an arithmetic series $S_n$ is equal to
  • The sum of the $n$ term of an arithmetic series in $S_n$ is equal to
  • For any G.P. the common ratio $r$ is equal to
  • No term of a G.P. is
  • The general term of a G.P. is
  • If $a, G, b$ are in G.P. then
  • If $a, G, b$ are in G.P., then $G$ is called
  • If $G_1, G_2, \cdots, G_n$ be geometric means between $a$ and $b$, then $G=$
  • The sum of the $n$ term of a geometric series $S_n$ is equal to
  • The sum of infinite geometric series is valid if
  • For the series $1+5+25+125+\cdots +\cdots \infty$, the sum is
  • An infinite geometric series is convergent if
  • An infinite geometric series is divergent if
  • If the sum of a series is defined, then it is called
  • If the sum of a series is not defined, then it is called
  • If the series $\frac{x}{2} + \frac{x^2}{4} + \frac{x^3}{8}+\cdots$ is convergent then
  • If the series $\frac{2}{3}x+ \frac{4}{9}x^2+\frac{8}{27}x^3\cdots $ is divergent, then
  • The interval in which series $1+2x+4x^2+8x^3+\cdots$ is convergent is
  • If the reciprocals of the terms of a sequence form an A.P., then it is
  • The $n$th term of $\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{5}, \frac{1}{8}, \cdots$ is

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MCQs Partial Fractions Questions 2

The post is about MCQS Partial Fractions Questions with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from Chapter 5 Partial Fractions Intermediate Mathematics Part 1. Let us start with the MCQs Partial Fractions Questions Quiz with Answers now.

Please go to MCQs Partial Fractions Questions 2 to view the test

MCQs Partial Fractions Questions with Answers

  • If $\frac{x^2 – 10x + 13}{(x-1)(x^2-5x+6)} = \frac{A}{x-2} + \frac{B}{x-3} + \frac{C}{x-1}$ then $C$ is equal to
  • If $\frac{2x^2+x^2-x-3}{x(2x+3)(x-1)} = \frac{A}{x} + \frac{B}{2x+3} + \frac{C}{x-1} $ then $A$ is equal to
  • Partial fractions of $\frac{x^2+1}{(x-1)(x+1)}$ are of the form
  • If $\frac{1}{(x+1)^2(x^2-1)} = \frac{A}{x-1} + \frac{B}{x+1} + \frac{C}{(x+1)^2} + \frac{D}{(x+1)^3}$ then $A=$
  • A quadratic factor which can not be written as a product of linear factors with real coefficients is called
  • Which is ta reducible factor
  • Partial fraction of $\frac{1}{x^2-1} =$
  • Partial fraction of $\frac{x^2+1}{x^3+1}$ will be of the form
  • Number of partial fractions of the fraction $\frac{1}{x(x-1)^3$ are
  • Conditional equation $2x+3=0$ holds when $x$ is equal to
  • The quotient of two polynomials $\frac{P(x)}{Q(x)}, \,\,Q(x)\ne 0$ with no common factor is called
  • The partial fractions of $\frac{1}{(x+1)(x-1)}$ are
  • The function of the form $f(x) = \frac{p(x)}{q(x)}$ where $q(x)\ne 0$  and $p(x), q(x)$ are polynomials, is called
  • A fraction in which the degree of numerator is greater than or equal to the degree of denominator is called
  • Types of rational fractions are
  • A conditional equation is also called
  • An equation which holds good for all values of the variable is called
  • Expressing a rational function as a sum of partial fractions is called
  • An equation in which two algebraic expressions are equal for particular values of the variable is called
  • Partial fraction of $\frac{1}{x(x+1)}$ are of the form
Online MCQs Partial Fractions Questions with Answers

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Partial Fractions Quiz with Answers 1

The post is about MCQS on Partial Fractions Quiz with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from Chapter 5 Intermediate Mathematics Part 1. Let us start with the Partial Fractions Quiz with Answers now.

Please go to Partial Fractions Quiz with Answers 1 to view the test

Online Partial Fractions Quiz with Answers

  • An open sentence formed by using the sign ‘=’ is called a/an
  • If an equation is true for all values of the variable then it is called
  • If an equation is true only for particular values of the variable then it is
  • $(x+3)(x+4) = x^2 + 7x + 12$ is a/an
  • $\sin^2 \theta + \cos^2 \theta$ is a/an
  • To express a single rational function as a sum of two or more single rational functions is called
  • When a single rational fraction is expressed as a sum of two or more single rational fractions, then each single fraction is called
  • The value of $a$ when $(a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab+b^2$ is an identity
  • $\begin{vmatrix}7x & 3x \ 2x^2 & p\end{vmatrix} = 7xp – 6x^3$ is a/an
  • The quotient of two polynomials $\frac{p(x)}{q(x)}, \,\, q(x) \ne 0$ is called
  • A fraction $\frac{p(x)}{q(x)}$ is a proper fraction if
  • a fraction $\frac{p(x)}{q(x)}$ is an improper rational fraction if
  • A mixed form of the fraction is
  • When a rational fraction is separated into partial fractions, the result is always
  • The partial fractions of $\frac{x^2 – 10x + 13}{(x+1)(x^2-5x+6)}$ are of the form
  • $\frac{x^2-5x+7}{(x-1)(x^2-1)} = \frac{A}{(x-1)} +$ ———–
  • The number of partial fraction of $\frac{x^3}{x(x+1)(x^2-1)}$ are
  • The number of partial fraction of $\frac{x^5}{x(x+1)(x^2-4)}$ are
  • The number of partial fraction of $\frac{x^4}{x^3-1}$ are
  • If $\frac{7x+25}{(x+3)(x+4)} = \frac{A}{x+3} + \frac{B}{x+4}$, then $B$ is equal to
Partial Fractions Quiz with Answers

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