MCQs Linear Equations and Inequalities 9th class

Online MCQs Linear Equations and Inequalities from Mathematics Chapter 7 of 9th Class. There are 27 MCQ Questions from Linear Equations and Inequalities from Chapter 7 of 9th Class Mathematics. Let us start with MCQs Linear Equations and Inequalities.

Online MCQs about Mathematics 9th Class Chapter 7 Linear Equations and Inequalities with Answers

1. A ———– equation is an equation that is satisfied by at least one number but is not an identity.


2. Which of the following is the solution of the inequality $3-4x \le 11$?


3. $|x|=0$ has only ——– solution.


4. An ——– equation is an equation whose solution set is the empty set.


5. An ——– is equation that is satisfied by every number for which both sides are defined:


6. $|x|=a$ is equivalent to


7. Transitive law is ———.


8. The equation $|x|=2$ is equivalent to:


9. If $a>b$, $c>0$ then


10. A solution that does not satisfy the original equation is called ———- solution.


11. A statement involving any of the symbol <, >, $\le$ or $\ge$ is called


12. $x+4=4+x$ is ———- equation.


13. When the variable in an equation occurs under a radical, the equation is called ——— equation.


14. If $a>b$, $c>0$ then


15. If $a>b$, $c<0$, then


16. If $x=$ ——– is a solution of the inequality $-2 < x < \frac{3}{2}$.


17. A linear inequality in one variable $x$ is


18. If $a, b \in R$ then $b\ne 0$


19. An inconsistent equation is that whose solution set is


20. If $x$ is no larger than 10 then


21. If the capacity $c$ of an elevator is at most 1600 pounds, then


22. Law of Trichotomy is $\cdots (a, b, \in R)$


23. Equations having exactly the same solution are called ———– equations.


24. $x=0$ is a solution of the inequality.


25. The linear equation in one variable $x$ is


26. $x=x+5$ is ——— equation.


27. $2x+1=9$ is ——— equation.


Online MCQs Linear Equations and Inequalities with Answers

  • Which of the following is the solution of the inequality $3-4x \le 11$?
  • A statement involving any of the symbol <, >, $\le$ or $\ge$ is called
  • If $x=$ ——– is a solution of the inequality $-2 < x < \frac{3}{2}$.
  • If $x$ is no larger than 10 then
  • If the capacity $c$ of an elevator is at most 1600 pounds, then
  • $x=0$ is a solution of the inequality.
  • The linear equation in one variable $x$ is
  • An inconsistent equation is that whose solution set is
  • $|x|=a$ is equivalent to
  • A linear inequality in one variable $x$ is
  • Law of Trichotomy is $\cdots (a, b, \in R)$
  • Transitive law is ———.
  • If $a>b$, $c>0$ then
  • If $a>b$, $c>0$ then
  • If $a>b$, $c<0$, then
  • If $a, b \in R$ then $b\ne 0$
  • When the variable in an equation occurs under a radical, the equation is called ——— equation.
  • $|x|=0$ has only ——– solution.
  • The equation $|x|=2$ is equivalent to:
  • An ——– is an equation that is satisfied by every number for which both sides are defined:
  • A ———– equation is an equation that is satisfied by at least one number but is not an identity.
  • $x+4=4+x$ is ———- equation.
  • $2x+1=9$ is ——— equation.
  • $x=x+5$ is ——— equation.
  • Equations having exactly the same solution are called ———– equations.
  • A solution that does not satisfy the original equation is called ———- solution.
  • An ——– equation is an equation whose solution set is the empty set.
MCQs Linear Equations and their Applications

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