Important MCQs Variations Class 10 – 1

The post is about Multiple Choice Questions about Variations Class 10 from Chapter 3. There are 20 MCQs from Class 10 mathematics Chapter 3. Let us start with the quiz.

Online Multiple Choice Questions about Variations from Chapter 3 of Class 10 Mathematics

1. the relation between radius and circumference of a circle is an example of


2. If $a:b=x:y$ then alternate is


3. If $u \propto v^2$ then


4. If $\frac{24}{7}=\frac{6}{x}$ then $4x=$ ———.


5. If $a:b=x:y$ then inverted property is


6. In a ratio $x:y$, $y$ is called


7. In continued proportion $a:b=b:c$, $ac=b^2$, $b$ is said to be ——— proportional.


8. If $\frac{5a}{3x} = \frac{15b}{y}$ then $ay=$ ———-.


9. In a proportion $a:b::c:d$, $b$ and $c$ are called


10. Newton’s law of Gravitation is an example of


11. In a ratio $a:b$, $a$ is called


12. The third proportional of $x^2$ and $y^2$ is


13. If $y^2 \propto \frac{1}{x^3}$ then


14. In a proportion $a:b::c:d$, $a$ and $d$ are called


15. If $\frac{a}{b}=\frac{c}{d}$ then components property is


16. The simplest form of the ratio $\frac{(x+y)(x^2+xy+y^2)}{x^3-y^3}$ is


17. If $\frac{u}{v} = \frac{v}{2}=k$ then


18. The fourth proportional $w$ of $x:y::v:w$ is


19. In continued proportion $a:b=b:c$, $c$ is said to be —— proportional to $a$ and $b$.


20. Find $x$ in proportion $4:x::5:15$


MCQs Variations Class 10 Mathematics

  • In a ratio $a:b$, $a$ is called
  • In a ratio $x:y$, $y$ is called
  • In a proportion $a:b::c:d$, $a$ and $d$ are called
  • In a proportion $a:b::c:d$, $b$ and $c$ are called
  • In continued proportion $a:b=b:c$, $ac=b^2$, $b$ is said to be ——— proportional.
  • In continued proportion $a:b=b:c$, $c$ is said to be —— proportional to $a$ and $b$.
  • Find $x$ in proportion $4:x::5:15$
  • If $u \propto v^2$ then
  • If $y^2 \propto \frac{1}{x^3}$ then
  • If $\frac{u}{v} = \frac{v}{2}=k$ then
  • The third proportional of $x^2$ and $y^2$ is
  • The fourth proportional $w$ of $x:y::v:w$ is
  • If $a:b=x:y$ then alternate is
  • If $a:b=x:y$ then inverted property is
  • If $\frac{a}{b}=\frac{c}{d}$ then components property is
  • The simplest form of the ratio $\frac{(x+y)(x^2+xy+y^2)}{x^3-y^3}$ is
  • Newton’s law of Gravitation is an example of
  • the relation between radius and circumference of a circle is an example of
  • If $\frac{24}{7}=\frac{6}{x}$ then $4x=$ ———.
  • If $\frac{5a}{3x} = \frac{15b}{y}$ then $ay=$ ———-.
Chapter 3 Mathematics Variations Class 10 with Answers

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