MCQs GRE Sentence Completion Quiz 8

The post is about the GRE Sentence Completion Quiz with Answers. The verbal ability test has 20 multiple-choice questions to fill in the blanks. Select the appropriate word or a pair of words that will best complete the sentence’s meaning. Let us start with the GRE Sentence Completion Quiz.

Online Multiple Choice Questions about Sentence Completion with Answers

1. The more we looked at the piece of modern art, —————-.


2. Whichever way you approach the problem, ————–.


3. In order to raise the company’s profit, the employees


4. ————— I would not have helped such an ungrateful man.


5. He seized control of the country —————.


6. He always stammers in public meetings, but his today’s speech —————-.


7. The Chairman rejected the proposal of increasing employee’s salary because:


8. He is so lazy that he


9. Unless you work very hard, ————-.


10. The driver suddenly applied the brake when he saw a ————– truck ahead of him.


11. Shan, where are you? ———–, up this tree.


12. How much a man earns is as important as —————.


13. He has no money now


14. He tames animals because he


15. Knowledge is like a deep well fed by ————– springs, and your mind is the little bucket that you drop in it.


16. To succeed in a difficult task, ————–.


17. We lost confidence in Salim because he never ————— the grandiose promises he had made.


18. My mother is so poor


19. I shall not be late for dinner —————.


20. The doctor warns him that unless he gives up smoking


MCQS GAT/ GRE Sentence Completion Quiz

MCQs GAT/ GRE Sentence Completion Quiz with Answers
  • He always stammers in public meetings, but his today’s speech —————-.
  • The Chairman rejected the proposal of increasing employee’s salary because:
  • To succeed in a difficult task, ————–.
  • I shall not be late for dinner —————.
  • ————— I would not have helped such an ungrateful man.
  • Unless you work very hard, ————-.
  • The more we looked at the piece of modern art, —————-.
  • In order to raise the company’s profit, the employees
  • He seized control of the country —————.
  • The doctor warns him that unless he gives up smoking
  • Whichever way you approach the problem, ————–.
  • He is so lazy that he
  • How much a man earns is as important as —————.
  • Shan, where are you? ———–, up this tree.
  • My mother is so poor
  • He tames animals because he
  • He has no money now
  • We lost confidence in Salim because he never ————— the grandiose promises he had made.
  • The driver suddenly applied the brake when he saw a ————– truck ahead of him.
  • Knowledge is like a deep well fed by ————– springs, and your mind is the little bucket that you drop in it.

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