GRE Sentence Completion Practice Quiz 15

The post is about the GRE Sentence Completion Practice Quiz Questions. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from the GRE Section verbal ability test (English Sentence Completion) related to sentence completion to fill in the blanks. Select the appropriate word or a pair of words that will best complete the sentence’s meaning. Let us start with the GRE Sentence Completion Practice Quiz Questions Now.

GRE Sentence Completion Practice Quiz

Online GRE GAT sentence completion Practice Quiz

1. Only —————— were present at the seminar.


2. We must —————- the tickets for the movie in advance.


3. Because Amna had a reputation for ————— we were surprised and pleased when she greeted us so affably.


4. Through a ————- circumstance, they unexpectedly found themselves on the same bus with Usman.


5. Salma ————- at me in doubt and disbelief.


6. Just as disloyalty is the mark of the renegades ————- is the mark of the craven.


7. Could you appease her curiosity? No, I ————-.


8. If you are seeking —————- that will resolve all our ailments, you are undertaking an impossible task.


9. His novel is both so eloquent in its passion and so searching in its candor that it is bound to —————-.


10. Everyone in this universe is accountable to Allah —————- his actions.


11. The new owners of the paper changed the ———— completely.


12. Contrary to popular opinion, bats are not generally aggressive and rabid, most are shy and —————-.


13. A good lawyer will argue only what is central to an issue, eliminating ————- information that might jeopardize the client.


14. The child was so spoiled by his parents that he pouted and became ————- when he did not receive all of their attention.


15. Did not you tell me that you would come to see me? No, I —————.


16. It is irritating to try to keep a commitment that you know you are not going to ————–.


17. Ahmad got the company car for a ————– price as he was the senior-most employee in the company.


18. I am not concerned ————– him in that business.


19. Unlike the images in symbolist poetry which are often vague and obscure, the pictures of surrealist poetry are startlingly ————- and bold.


20. We felt as if the ground was ————– beneath our feet.


Online GRE Sentence Completion Practice Quiz

  • A good lawyer will argue only what is central to an issue, eliminating ————- information that might jeopardize the client.
  • Ahmad got the company car for a ————– price as he was the senior-most employee in the company.
  • His novel is both so eloquent in its passion and so searching in its candor that it is bound to —————-.
  • We felt as if the ground was ————– beneath our feet.
  • It is irritating to try to keep a commitment that you know you are not going to ————–.
  • Because Amna had a reputation for ————— we were surprised and pleased when she greeted us so affably.
  • Through a ————- circumstance, they unexpectedly found themselves on the same bus with Usman.
  • Could you appease her curiosity? No, I ————-.
  • Unlike the images in symbolist poetry which are often vague and obscure, the pictures of surrealist poetry are startlingly ————- and bold.
  • The child was so spoiled by his parents that he pouted and became ————- when he did not receive all of their attention.
  • Everyone in this universe is accountable to Allah —————- his actions.
  • I am not concerned ————– him in that business.
  • Just as disloyalty is the mark of the renegades ————- is the mark of the craven.
  • The new owners of the paper changed the ———— completely.
  • Contrary to popular opinion, bats are not generally aggressive and rabid, most are shy and —————-.
  • Salma ————- at me in doubt and disbelief.
  • If you are seeking —————- that will resolve all our ailments, you are undertaking an impossible task.
  • Did not you tell me that you would come to see me? No, I —————.
  • We must —————- the tickets for the movie in advance.
  • Only —————— were present at the seminar.

GRE English Sentence Completion

R Frequently Asked Questions

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