GRE GAT Sentence Completion Test 6

The post is about the GRE GAT Sentence Completion Test with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice type questions to fill in the blanks. Select the appropriate word or a pair of words that will best complete the sentence’s meaning. Note that there may be more than one choice that makes sense, but only one completely carries out the full meaning of the sentence. Let us start with the GAT Sentence Completion Test.

Online Verbal Ability Quiz Sentence Completion Test

1. He is usually —————, but today he appears rather ————-.


2. Genius does what it must, and talent does what it ————–.


3. I shall not desert him ————– all the world.


4. I bought a new car last year, but I ————- my old car yet, so at present I have two cars.


5. The judge acquitted the prisoner ————- the charge of murder.


6. The telephone ————- several times before I answered it.


7. The passengers were very happy ————- the friendly and warm treatment given to them.


8. No sooner did he go in ———— he came out.


9. Any system is likely to ———– for ———— of support from the public.


10. The war ———– immediately after the cease-fire proposal was ———— bilaterally.


11. She stood ———— Ahsan, but could not utter a single word for quite some time.


12. The Education Minister emphasized the need to discover and ————- each student’s ————- talents.


13. When I was a child, I ———— to school every day instead of going by cycle.


14. The children were disappointed because they had hoped ————- with us.


15. An argument ————– between the two friends.


16. He is the friend ————- I trust most.


17. The higher you go, the more difficult it ————- to breathe.


18. Yousaf ————- another feather ———— his cap by his wonderful performance in the one-day match.


19. Nobody has come to see us ———— we bought these fierce dogs.


20. You must dispense ———— his service.


GRE GAT Sentence Completion Test with Answers

GRE GAT Sentence Completion Test with Answers

  • The Education Minister emphasized the need to discover and ————- each student’s ————- talents.
  • He is usually —————, but today he appears rather ————-.
  • The war ———– immediately after the cease-fire proposal was ———— bilaterally.
  • Yousaf ————- another feather ———— his cap by his wonderful performance in the one-day match.
  • Any system is likely to ———– for ———— of support from the public.
  • Genius does what it must, and talent does what it ————–.
  • The passengers were very happy ————- the friendly and warm treatment given to them.
  • The higher you go, the more difficult it ————- to breathe.
  • The children were disappointed because they had hoped ————- with us.
  • She stood ———— Ahsan, but could not utter a single word for quite some time.
  • He is the friend ————- I trust most.
  • You must dispense ———— his service.
  • The telephone ————- several times before I answered it.
  • I shall not desert him ————– all the world.
  • I bought a new car last year, but I ————- my old car yet, so at present I have two cars.
  • No sooner did he go in ———— he came out.
  • The judge acquitted the prisoner ————- the charge of murder.
  • An argument ————– between the two friends.
  • When I was a child, I ———— to school every day instead of going by cycle.
  • Nobody has come to see us ———— we bought these fierce dogs., gat sentence completion test,

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