Sentence Completion GRE English Quiz 16

The post is about the Sentence Completion GRE English Quiz Questions. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from the GRE Section verbal ability test (GRE English Section) related to sentence completion to fill in the blanks. Select the appropriate word or a pair of words that will best complete the sentence’s meaning. Let us start with the Sentence Completion GRE English Quiz Questions Now.

Sentence Completion GRE English Quiz with Answers

Online Sentence Completion GRE English Quiz with Answers

1. The fall of the Roman Empire was a dark period for ————— and other arts.


2. —————– discovery of insulin, it was not possible to treat diabetes.


3. She came ———– with me to see the circus.


4. Thank you for ————- me your book.


5. That professor enjoys teaching and —————–.


6. The press conference did not clarify many issues since the president responded with obfuscation and ————— rather than clarity and precision.


7. I never miss a cricket match. I ————- fond of cricket since childhood.


8. Distribute the handouts —————– the candidates.


9. Sometimes, an author needs to know what is going on in the minds of his characters. This is called ————-.


10. Do not hanker ————– worldly pleasures.


11. Although he is blind, he is very fast ————— calculations.


12. All of us should abide ————- the laws of our country.


13. Just ————- the files on my table.


14. The police have been looking for him ———— four weeks.


15. Multan ————- a very hot climate.


16. He is too dull ————- the problem.


17. The reasoning in this editorial is so ————— that we cannot see how anyone can be deceived by it.


18. The twins are so alike that I cannot ———— one from the other.


19. In partnership with Pakistan, South Korea ————– on Motorway.


20. The stenographer is very efficient. He is ————— to his firm.


Sentence Completion GRE English Quiz with Answers

  • The stenographer is very efficient. He is ————— to his firm.
  • The twins are so alike that I cannot ———— one from the other.
  • Just ————- the files on my table.
  • I never miss a cricket match. I ————- fond of cricket since childhood.
  • All of us should abide ————- the laws of our country.
  • The fall of the Roman Empire was a dark period for ————— and other arts.
  • Multan ————- a very hot climate.
  • That professor enjoys teaching and —————–.
  • She came ———– with me to see the circus.
  • The police have been looking for him ———— four weeks.
  • —————– discovery of insulin, it was not possible to treat diabetes.
  • Do not hanker ————– worldly pleasures.
  • In partnership with Pakistan, South Korea ————– on Motorway.
  • He is too dull ————- the problem.
  • Distribute the handouts —————– the candidates.
  • Thank you for ————- me your book.
  • Although he is blind, he is very fast ————— calculations.
  • The reasoning in this editorial is so ————— that we cannot see how anyone can be deceived by it.
  • Sometimes, an author needs to know what is going on in the minds of his characters. This is called ————-.
  • The press conference did not clarify many issues since the president responded with obfuscation and ————— rather than clarity and precision.

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GRE Sentence Completion Practice Quiz 15

The post is about the GRE Sentence Completion Practice Quiz Questions. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from the GRE Section verbal ability test (English Sentence Completion) related to sentence completion to fill in the blanks. Select the appropriate word or a pair of words that will best complete the sentence’s meaning. Let us start with the GRE Sentence Completion Practice Quiz Questions Now.

GRE Sentence Completion Practice Quiz
Please go to GRE Sentence Completion Practice Quiz 15 to view the test

Online GRE Sentence Completion Practice Quiz

  • A good lawyer will argue only what is central to an issue, eliminating ————- information that might jeopardize the client.
  • Ahmad got the company car for a ————– price as he was the senior-most employee in the company.
  • His novel is both so eloquent in its passion and so searching in its candor that it is bound to —————-.
  • We felt as if the ground was ————– beneath our feet.
  • It is irritating to try to keep a commitment that you know you are not going to ————–.
  • Because Amna had a reputation for ————— we were surprised and pleased when she greeted us so affably.
  • Through a ————- circumstance, they unexpectedly found themselves on the same bus with Usman.
  • Could you appease her curiosity? No, I ————-.
  • Unlike the images in symbolist poetry which are often vague and obscure, the pictures of surrealist poetry are startlingly ————- and bold.
  • The child was so spoiled by his parents that he pouted and became ————- when he did not receive all of their attention.
  • Everyone in this universe is accountable to Allah —————- his actions.
  • I am not concerned ————– him in that business.
  • Just as disloyalty is the mark of the renegades ————- is the mark of the craven.
  • The new owners of the paper changed the ———— completely.
  • Contrary to popular opinion, bats are not generally aggressive and rabid, most are shy and —————-.
  • Salma ————- at me in doubt and disbelief.
  • If you are seeking —————- that will resolve all our ailments, you are undertaking an impossible task.
  • Did not you tell me that you would come to see me? No, I —————.
  • We must —————- the tickets for the movie in advance.
  • Only —————— were present at the seminar.

GRE English Sentence Completion

R Frequently Asked Questions

Sentence Completion English Quiz 14

The quiz is about the Sentence Completion English Quiz Questions. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from the GRE Section verbal ability test (English Sentence Completion) related to sentence completion to fill in the blanks. Select the appropriate word or a pair of words that will best complete the sentence’s meaning. Let us start with the GRE Sentence Completion English Quiz Questions Now.

GRE Sentence Completion English Quiz with Answers
Please go to Sentence Completion English Quiz 14 to view the test

Sentence Completion English Quiz Questions

  • You must —————- enough evidence to ensure his conviction.
  • The Government was ————– of incompetence.
  • The jury ———— him of murder.
  • You must ————- yourself to the new conditions.
  • Face ————– with courage.
  • The Government must ———— the suffering of the people.
  • The police arrested him and his one ————.
  • The election was given —————– coverage on TV.
  • He ————— our help.
  • We will do our work —————?
  • Here is a ————- for chocolate cake.
  • Which animals ————- to live in a Zoo?
  • Get a ————- for the merchandise?
  • Many ————– come to the US each year.
  • That country was at one time part of a great —————-.
  • I have no ————– motive in offering this advice; I seek no personal advantage.
  • It is ————— that students do not repay their loans.
  • It became ————- that he was going to die.
  • Those cottages ———— perfectly with the landscape.
  • Failing the exam was a ————– disappointment to him.

R Frequently Asked Questions

Sentence Completion Quiz Questions 13

The post is about the English Sentence Completion Quiz Questions. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from the GRE Section verbal ability test (English Sentence Completion) related to sentence completion to fill in the blanks. Select the appropriate word or a pair of words that will best complete the sentence’s meaning. Let us start with the GRE English Sentence Completion Quiz Questions Now.

Sentence Completion Quiz Questions with Answers

Please go to Sentence Completion Quiz Questions 13 to view the test

Sentence Completion Quiz Questions with Answers

  • They have some difficulty ———— all the employees, especially the smaller ones to confirm ————- the adopted scale of wages.
  • This contract was ————-; it was not valid now.
  • To the dismay of the student body, the class president was ———– berated by the principal.
  • We never believed that he would resort to ————– in order to achieve his end, we always regarded him as an honest man.
  • It was the help he got from his parents that ————– him through the tragedy.
  • The plot of the play was extremely complicated and included many minor characters ————- to the central event.s
  • It is a marble wall, ————— no bills.
  • You will have to catch the morning flight, so you —————- better get ready.
  • The controversy is likely to create ————— between the two rivals.
  • the authority of voice in Faraz’s writing strikes many readers today as —————- colonialism.
  • Beauty is to ugliness as adversity is to ————-.
  • Whenever Imran refers to his favourites he is voluble, but when he talks of his adversaries he is ————–.
  • The chairman’s intolerance of ————- among his aides was intensified by his insistence upon total loyalty from all.
  • Despite the millions of rupees spent on improvements, the telephone system in Pakistan remains —————-.
  • Do you think Irum is avoiding you? Yes, I ————–.
  • Few plants can grow beneath the canopy of the sycamore tree, whose leaves produce a natural herbicide that leaches into the surrounding soil, ————- other plants that might compete for water and nutrients.
  • Even when Akram’s reputation was in —————- almost everyone was willing to admit that he was a genius.
  • I do not think, Javed will gain anything by insulting and ————- the man Javed does not agree with.
  • Although, a few years ago the fundamental facts about the silky was seemed fairly well ————-, now even its mass and its radius have come into question.
  • Naveed’s ————– of the topic was so good that students had few doubts to raise at the end.

GRE English Sentence Completion

R Frequently Asked Questions