GRE Analogies are all about relationships. This Analogy Test will check your ability to see a relationship between two words and to recognize a similar relationship between two other words. Let us start with the Analogy Questions Quis now.
The GRE/ GAT English Sentence Completion MCQs Practice Test is to fill in the blanks. It is designed to understand the gist of something even without hearing (or reading) every word. A GRE English Sentence Completion MCQs Test may contain more than one blank. Some words or a pair of words are suggested to fill the blank. Select the word or a pair of words that best completes the sentence’s meaning.
Note that there may be more than one choice that makes sense, but only one completely carries out the full meaning of the sentence. There is one best answer. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from the GRE Section verbal ability test related to English Sentence Completion MCQs to fill in the blanks. Let us start with the GRE English Sentence Completion MCQs Quiz now.
Modern architecture has discarded the ————- trimming on buildings and emphasizes simplicity of life.
Can he see his wife again? No, he —————-.
A man is one of those blessed artists who combine profundity and ————–.
The accused was released on ———— pending a hearing of his case.
Sadiq’s ———- in his family’s position is great but he does not boast about it.
There are many dialects of English with radically different pronunciations of the same word, but the spelling of these words is ———.
New concerns about growing religious tension in Kashmir were ———— this week between Hindus and Muslims.
Wasim was so good at Mathematics that his friends considered him to be a —————.
The majority report issued by the committee was completely ———–, extolling in great detail the plan’s strengths but failing to metnion at all its shortcomings.
I decided to sell a piece of land when I was offered a more ———— price.
The enemy paid a large sum of ————–.
Despite the mixture’s ———- nature, we found that by lowering its temperature in the laboratory we could reduce its tendency to vaporize.
Many boys were ———- at street corners for the coffee bar to open.
His monotonous voice acted like ———— and his audience was soon asleep.
My finger is still ————- where I caught it in the door yesterday.
The flood water pushed against the river wall and ———— from a sudden break made by it.
Measurement is, like any other human endeavour, a complex activity, subject to error, not always used ————, and frequently misinterpreted and misunderstood.
Non-violence is the law of saints as violence is the law of the ———–.
His injury was very painful but not incapacitating and he managed to ———— the game in spite of it.
The post is about MCQs GRE English Sentence Completion. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from the GRE Section verbal ability test related to sentence completion to fill in the blanks. Select the appropriate word or a pair of words that will best complete the sentence’s meaning. Let us start with the GRE English Sentence Completion Quiz.
Salma is much too ———— to have anything to do with that obnoxious affairs.
There is no incentive for America to sign the treaty since there is every reason to ———- no other nation intends to honour its provisions.
A legislation was passed to punish brokers who ————– their client’s funds.
Normally, an individual thunderstorm ———— about 45 minutes.
The task seemed impossible but somehow Imran ————– very skilfully in the end.
The unruly behaviour of the children ————- their parents.
We were amazed that a man who had been heretofore the most ———– of public speakers could, in a single speech, electrify an audience and bring them cheering.
The chairperson is a scintillating speaker whose lectures completely ———— students.
Ali ———— force himself to work on till late in the night.
The officers threatened to take reprisals if the lives of their men were ———— by the conquered natives.
His moral decadence was marked by his ———— from the ways of integrity and honesty.
Her reaction was not the only ————- one.
After a period of protracted disuse, a muscle will atrophy, ———– both its strength and the ability to perform its function.
True health and true success go together for they are inseparably ———– in the thought realm.
If you are trying to make a strong impression on your audience you cannot do so by being understated, tentative, for ————-.
Although I had pledged not to tell anyone of the previous evening’s trauma, the compulsive urge to unburden myself became ————–.
The ————- arguments put forth for not disclosing the facts did not impress anybody.
Some officers have ———— their previous statements denying any involvement on their part with the contra aid network.
As the market becomes ———— competitive, some companies will make larger profits.
Although the conditions in which Ali chooses to live suggest that he is miserly, his contributions to worthwhile charities show that he is ————-.
The post is about the GRE Sentence Completion Quiz with Answers. The verbal ability test has 20 multiple-choice questions to fill in the blanks. Select the appropriate word or a pair of words that will best complete the sentence’s meaning. Let us start with the GRE Sentence Completion Quiz.