GK Quiz Questions 13

The Post is about GK Quiz Questions in the form of Multiple Choice Questions that are useful for the different types of examinations conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, CTs, ATs, OTS, UTs, PTs, and other government testing agencies of Pakistan. The MCQs in this quiz are a mixture such as Geography, Science, History, Food and drink, Pop culture, Sports, Animals, the World’s smallest or largest things, etc. Let us start with the Online GK Quiz Questions.

Online GK Quiz Questions with Answers

Online GK Quiz Questions with Answers

1. The currency of Turkey is ————.


2. Thomas Cup is given in the game of —————-.


3. Amman is the capital of —————-.


4. Who said democracy is “Government of the people, by the people, for the people”?


5. The Second Largest religion in the world is ————-.


6. Al-Azhar University is located in ————.


7. Name the new book by Hillary Clinton released in 2014.


8. ————- was called the ‘Sick Man of Europe.


9. Who was the last president of the USSR?


10. Which country is called the “Land of Mountains”?


11. The Pentagon is the Defense head office of


12. 10-Downing Street is famous for —————-.


13. Identify the name of the founder of Wikileaks.


14. OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) was founded on —————.


15. The headquarters of NATO is located in ————–.


16. The boundary between India and China is called ————-.


17. The name of the Parliament of Bangladesh is


18. The normal pulse beat in a human body per minute is between.


19. The highest literacy rate among the SAARC countries is in —————.


20. China celebrates its National Day every year on —————-.


Online GK Quiz Questions with Answers

  • Thomas Cup is given in the game of —————-.
  • The Pentagon is the Defense head office of
  • ————- was called the ‘Sick Man of Europe.
  • The normal pulse beat in a human body per minute is between.
  • The name of the Parliament of Bangladesh is
  • Who was the last president of the USSR?
  • China celebrates its National Day every year on —————-.
  • Name the new book by Hillary Clinton released in 2014.
  • Al-Azhar University is located in ————.
  • Identify the name of the founder of Wikileaks.
  • The highest literacy rate among the SAARC countries is in —————.
  • The boundary between India and China is called ————-.
  • The headquarters of NATO is located in ————–.
  • Who said democracy is “Government of the people, by the people, for the people”?
  • OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) was founded on —————.
  • Amman is the capital of —————-.
  • The currency of Turkey is ————.
  • Which country is called the “Land of Mountains”?
  • The Second Largest religion in the world is ————-.
  • 10-Downing Street is famous for —————-.

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