General Knowledge Quiz Questions 12

The Post is about General Knowledge Quiz Questions in the form of Multiple Choice Questions that are useful for the different types of examinations conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTs, PTs, CTs, ATs, and other government testing agencies of Pakistan. The MCQs in this quiz are a mixture such as Geography, Science, History, Food and drink, Pop culture, Sports, Animals, the World’s smallest or largest things, etc. Let us start with the General Knowledge Quiz Questions.

General Knowledge Quiz Questions with Answers

Online General Knowledge Quiz Questions with Answers

1. When was the IMF established?


2. Name the general, who was defeated in the renowned battle of “Waterloo” in 1815.


3. One square foot is equal to 144sq inches and one meter is equal to


4. ‘Emirates’ is an airline of


5. The average weight (in ounces) of a man’s brain is


6. The best color(s) for a sun umbrella will be


7. How many bones are there in the human body?


8. Arab League was established in March 1945 with headquarters in


9. The most populous Islamic country in the world is


10. OPEC has its headquarters in


11. A handwritten message can be instantly transmitted as such to any part of the world through


12. The capital of Cyprus is


13. The Magna Carta was signed by King John on


14. The length of the Suez Canal in Kilometers is


15. The Earth’s smallest Ocean is


16. Distant objects can be with the help of


17. Which country’s flag is known as the Union Jack?


18. A light year is a unit of measurement of


19. The first Republican president of America was


20. Which of the following organizations was established in the year 1919?


Online General Knowledge Quiz Questions with Answers

  • The capital of Cyprus is
  • The Earth’s smallest Ocean is
  • Which of the following organizations was established in the year 1919?
  • Which country’s flag is known as the Union Jack?
  • The average weight (in ounces) of a man’s brain is
  • The most populous Islamic country in the world is
  • Arab League was established in March 1945 with headquarters in
  • The length of the Suez Canal in Kilometers is
  • When was the IMF established?
  • OPEC has its headquarters in
  • The first Republican president of America was
  • ‘Emirates’ is an airline of
  • One square foot is equal to 144sq inches and one meter is equal to
  • How many bones are there in the human body?
  • A light year is a unit of measurement of
  • A handwritten message can be instantly transmitted as such to any part of the world through
  • Distant objects can be with the help of
  • The best color(s) for a sun umbrella will be
  • Name the general, who was defeated in the renowned battle of “Waterloo” in 1815.
  • The Magna Carta was signed by King John on

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