Online Prepositions Quiz 7

The post contains an Online MCQs Prepositions Quiz with answers. The quiz contains 20 MCQS English questions, each with fill-in-blank and prepositions. Prepositions are short words that join nouns, pronouns, or phrasal nouns. Prepositions often play a part in sentence correction questions.

Online MCQs about English Prepositions with Answers

1. Preparation ————- the examination will take at least six months.


2. The student was looking ———- his lost book.


3. She passed ———– a street.


4. They should get rid ——— it.


5. We need to bring ——— welfare reforms in the country.


6. The pond abounds ———- fish.


7. The man died ———— the disease.


8. I prevailed ——— him to join the teaching profession.


9. Do they agree ——— us?


10. He was quarreling ——— his brother.


11. He prefers tea ———- coffee.


12. The much prolonged matter has now been decided to be referred ———– the Chief Justice for decision.


13. The habit of reasoning ———- everybody on trifles is not wisdom.


14. Those who do not live ———– their means often get insulted.


15. Great people prefer death ——– dishonor.


16. The program ended ——— 7 O’clock.


17. Being partial ———– any party is injudicious.


18. His house is next ———- mine.


19. She is not angry ———- me.


20. We can part ——– all possessions happily for a noble end.


Online Prepositions Quiz with Answers

Online Prepositions Quiz
  • The much prolonged matter has now been decided to be referred ———– the Chief Justice for decision.
  • The habit of reasoning ———- everybody on trifles is not wisdom.
  • Preparation ————- the examination will take at least six months.
  • Being partial ———– any party is injudicious.
  • We need to bring ——— welfare reforms in the country.
  • The student was looking ———- his lost book.
  • I prevailed ——— him to join the teaching profession.
  • Greate people prefer death ——– dishonor.
  • We can part ——– all possessions happily for a noble end.
  • Those who do not live ———– their means often get insulted.
  • The man died ———— the disease.
  • They should get rid ——— it.
  • The pond abounds ———- fish.
  • He was quarreling ——— his brother.
  • His house is next ———- mine.
  • She passed ———– a street.
  • She is not angry ———- me.
  • Do they agree ——— us?
  • He prefers tea ———- coffee.
  • The program ended ——— 7 O’clock.
Online Prepositions Quiz with Answers

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