Online Prepositions Quiz 7

The post contains an Online MCQs Prepositions Quiz with answers. The quiz contains 20 MCQS English questions, each with fill-in-blank and prepositions. Prepositions are short words that join nouns, pronouns, or phrasal nouns. Prepositions often play a part in sentence correction questions.

Online MCQs about English Prepositions with Answers

1. He prefers tea ———- coffee.


2. He was quarreling ——— his brother.


3. We can part ——– all possessions happily for a noble end.


4. Those who do not live ———– their means often get insulted.


5. The program ended ——— 7 O’clock.


6. His house is next ———- mine.


7. She is not angry ———- me.


8. The man died ———— the disease.


9. The much prolonged matter has now been decided to be referred ———– the Chief Justice for decision.


10. She passed ———– a street.


11. Preparation ————- the examination will take at least six months.


12. I prevailed ——— him to join the teaching profession.


13. Being partial ———– any party is injudicious.


14. Do they agree ——— us?


15. The pond abounds ———- fish.


16. We need to bring ——— welfare reforms in the country.


17. The student was looking ———- his lost book.


18. Great people prefer death ——– dishonor.


19. They should get rid ——— it.


20. The habit of reasoning ———- everybody on trifles is not wisdom.


Online Prepositions Quiz with Answers

Online Prepositions Quiz
  • The much prolonged matter has now been decided to be referred ———– the Chief Justice for decision.
  • The habit of reasoning ———- everybody on trifles is not wisdom.
  • Preparation ————- the examination will take at least six months.
  • Being partial ———– any party is injudicious.
  • We need to bring ——— welfare reforms in the country.
  • The student was looking ———- his lost book.
  • I prevailed ——— him to join the teaching profession.
  • Greate people prefer death ——– dishonor.
  • We can part ——– all possessions happily for a noble end.
  • Those who do not live ———– their means often get insulted.
  • The man died ———— the disease.
  • They should get rid ——— it.
  • The pond abounds ———- fish.
  • He was quarreling ——— his brother.
  • His house is next ———- mine.
  • She passed ———– a street.
  • She is not angry ———- me.
  • Do they agree ——— us?
  • He prefers tea ———- coffee.
  • The program ended ——— 7 O’clock.
Online Prepositions Quiz with Answers

Prepositions English Quiz 6

Online MCQs about Prepositions English quiz with answers. The quiz contains 20 MCQS English questions, each with fill-in-blank with prepositions. Prepositions are short words that join nouns, pronouns, or phrasal nouns. Prepositions often play a part in sentence correction questions. The test may provide you with a sentence containing improper preposition construction. Prepositions are words that join nouns to the rest of a sentence.

Please go to Prepositions English Quiz 6 to view the test

MCQs Prepositions English Quiz with Answers

MCQs English Prepositions with Answers
  • My uncle presented him ——— a watch on my birthday.
  • Allama Muhammad Iqbal presided —— the Allabad meeting in 1930.
  • No one should have the right to encroach ——– others’ land.
  • Our teacher advised us to desist ——- the acts of violence.
  • A rich man should care ——— a poor man.
  • We should confide our secrets only ——— sincere friends.
  • Only spirited players are confident ——– their ultimate victory.
  • The bride blushed ——– her husband’s romantic remarks.
  • The school function began ——— the national anthem.
  • I borrowed a camera ——— my friend.
  • A foolish does not properly care ——— his family.
  • You should keep ———— with all times.
  • The property does not belong —— me.
  • The murderer was begging ——— mercy.
  • If we associate ———- bad boys we get defamed.
  • He assured me ——— his full favor.
  • The question arises as to why students do not pay attention ——— their studies.
  • Our ambition ——— earning wealth by hook or crook can lead us astray.
  • We should stand ———- our relatives in times of need.
  • I reminded him ———- his promise which he had forgotten for a long time.
MCQs Prepositions English Quiz with Answers

Prepositions Quiz with Answers 5

The quiz contains English Prepositions MCQs with answers. The quiz contains 20 multiple-choice questions, each with fill in the blanks with prepositions. Prepositions are short words that join nouns, pronouns, or phrasal nouns. The prepositions are often asked in the fill-in-the-blanks section of English or the sentence completion section. Let us start with the Propositions Quiz with Answers.

Please go to Prepositions Quiz with Answers 5 to view the test

MCQs English Prepositions with Answers

MCQs English Prepositions Quiz with Answers

  • His clear and elegant prose sets him ——– most other journalists.
  • It is necessary ——– health that we take physical exercise regularly.
  • Do not be neglectful ——– your duties.
  • Why is he always opposed ———- our plans?
  • Why have you taken offence ——– my remarks?
  • Nobody is ready to listen ——– what he says.
  • Taking ——— drugs causes serious harm.
  • He is such a flatterer that his views are always identical ——— those of his boss.
  • More and more people are taking to the streets to clamor ——— lower prices of essential goods.
  • The accused has been absolved ———- the charge of murder.
  • Ministers enjoy full authority ——— their departments but the people are still helpless.
  • Who can make amends to him ——– his loss?
  • If we adhere ——– principles in life, we make a difference.
  • Why do children always persist ——– buying toys?
  • I you have deceived others then be prepared ——— the worst.
  • The people are gathering to protest ——– the injustice.
  • A cautious attitude in winter can protect you ——— cold.
  • A judge should not be partial ———- anybody.
  • Our teacher can take pride ——– his knowledge of English grammar.
  • How can we prohibit others ——- doing evil?
MCQs English Prepositions quiz with Answers

Online English Prepositions MCQs 4

The quiz contains English Prepositions MCQs with answers. The quiz contains 20 multiple-choice questions, each with fill-in-blank with prepositions. Prepositions are short words that join nouns, pronouns, or phrasal nouns. The prepositions are often asked in the fill-in-the-blanks section of English or the sentence completion section. Let us start with the quiz.

Please go to Online English Prepositions MCQs 4 to view the test

The use of Preposition in, on, at, then, a, an, since, for, by, with, for, and over, etc., in English sentences make it easy to secure good marks in testing services (NTS, Fpsc/Css Kppsc, Ppsc, Spsc, PTS, OTS, and others) and different school, college, and university examinations.

Prepositions often play a part in sentence correction questions. The test may provide you with a sentence containing improper preposition construction. Prepositions are words that are used to join nouns to the rest of a sentence.

English Prepositions MCQs with Answers

  • No one can hinder you ——— making advancement if you have determination.
  • The poor dwellers lamented ——– the loss of their properties, caused by leaked water pipes.
  • He who is not eligible ——– this post will not be interviewed.
  • You should have reminded him ——– his promise.
  • The matter will soon be referred ——– the editorial board.
  • What will we do if we run short ——– fuel?
  • He who is not satisfied ——– his lot is always found complaining.
  • The doctor gave him medicine that could instantly relieve him ——— his pain.
  • The patient’s condition is getting critical, please send ——– the doctor at once.
  • Everyone, who attended the program was sick ——- the unruly performance.
  • Kamal completely takes ——– her father.
  • He gave ——— the most of his money to the needy.
  • They were speaking ——– the plans for the holidays.
  • If you have the information you should stick ——– the point and not digress.
  • To set out ——— a journey we need to hire a bus.
  • He seized ——– my suggestion and began to work immediately.
  • He is very lavish ——– praising others.
  • One’s malice ——– others harms oneself more.
  • Why does he always meddle ——– the affairs of others?
  • He is no match ——— for her in tennis.
Online English Prepositions MCQs with Answers

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