MS Excel Quiz Questions 7

Are you ready to test your knowledge of MS Excel and master essential text functions? This post features 20 multiple-choice MS Excel quiz questions designed to help you sharpen your skills in handling text data in Excel. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refresh your knowledge, this quiz covers the basics of MS Excel text functions like CONCATENATE(), LEFT(), RIGHT(), MID(), TEXTJOIN(), TRIM(), FIND(), and LEN().

Online MS Excel Quiz Questions with Answers

These MS Excel quiz questions are perfect for anyone looking to improve their proficiency in managing and manipulating text data efficiently. Dive into the quiz now and see how well you know these fundamental Excel functions!

Start the MS Excel Quiz Questions below and take your Excel expertise to the next level!

Online MS Excel Quiz Questions with Answers

1. The worksheet contains the following data:MS Excel quiz questions 2What will the formula =LEFT(B2,4) return?


2. The worksheet contains the following dataMS Excel quiz questions 1Sara wants to join the value in B2 and the value in C2 separated by a space to get HSBC Shanghai. She enters the following formula:
She gets an error. Which of the following will correct the error and return the desired result?


3. The worksheet contains the following datams excel quiz questions 6What is the result of the formula: =FIND(“Australia”, B2,12)


4. The worksheet contains the following datams excel quiz questions 7What is the result of the formula: =MID(B2, 6, FIND(“-“, B2))


5. The worksheet contains the following data

MS Excel quiz questions 1What will be the result of the formula =concat(B2:D2)?


6. The worksheet contains the following data:MS Excel quiz questions 2What will the formula =RIGHT(B2,3) return?


7. What does the CLEAN function do?


8. Which Excel function would be most suitable for converting “100 kilos” to display as “100 kg”?


9. The worksheet contains the following data:MS Excel quiz questions 4Which of the following formulas will return QUA?


10. The worksheet contains the following datams excel quiz questions 9What will the formula: =TRIM(B2) return?


11. The worksheet contains the following data: ms excel quiz questions 8What is the result of the formula: =CONCATENATE(LEFT(B2, 1), LEFT(B3, 1))


12. The workbook contains the following dataMS Excel quiz questions 3What will the formula: =LEFT(TEXTJOIN(“,”, TRUE, B2, B3),4) return?


13. The worksheet contains the following data

MS Excel quiz questions 1Which of the following formulas will give the result: HSBC Shanghai China?


14. The worksheet contains the following data

MS Excel quiz questions 1What will be the result of the formula =TEXTJOIN(“,”, TRUE, B2:D2)?


15. The worksheet contains the following datams excel quiz questions 8What will the formula: =CONCATENATE(PROPER(B2),” “, B3) return?


16. The workbook contains the following data:MS Excel quiz questions 3What will the formula: =CONCATENATE(LEFT(B2,4), RIGHT(B3,4)) return?


17. The worksheet contains the following dataMS Excel quiz questions 4What is the result of the formula: =FIND(“university”, B2)


18. Cell B2 holds the data: BUSA3015MS Excel quiz questions 2What will the formula =MID(B2,4,2)


19. The worksheet contains the following data:MS Excel quiz questions 4What will the formula: =LEN(TRIM(RIGHT(B2,11))) return?


20. The worksheet contains the following datams excel quiz questions 5What is the result of the formula: =LEN(B2)+LEN(B3)


Online MS Excel Quiz Questions with Answers

  • The worksheet contains the following data: What will be the result of the formula =concat(B2:D2)?
  • The worksheet contains the following data: What will be the result of the formula =TEXTJOIN(“,”, TRUE, B2:D2)?
  • The worksheet contains the following data: Which of the following formulas will give the result: HSBC Shanghai China?
  • The worksheet contains the following data: Sara wants to join the value in B2 and the value in C2 separated by a space to get HSBC Shanghai. She enters the following formula: =CONCATENATE(B2, ,C2) She gets an error. Which of the following will correct the error and return the desired result?
  • The worksheet contains the following data: What will the formula =LEFT(B2,4) return?
  • The worksheet contains the following data: What will the formula =RIGHT(B2,3) return?
  • Cell B2 holds the data: BUSA3015What will the formula =MID(B2,4,2)
  • The workbook contains the following data: What will the formula: =CONCATENATE(LEFT(B2,4), RIGHT(B3,4)) return?
  • The workbook contains the following data: What will the formula: =LEFT(TEXTJOIN(“,”, TRUE, B2, B3),4) return?
  • The worksheet contains the following data: What is the result of the formula: =FIND(“university”, B2)
  • The worksheet contains the following data: What is the result of the formula: =LEN(B2)+LEN(B3)
  • The worksheet contains the following data: What is the result of the formula: =FIND(“Australia”, B2,12)
  • The worksheet contains the following data: What is the result of the formula: =MID(B2, 6, FIND(“-“, B2))
  • The worksheet contains the following data: What is the result of the formula: =CONCATENATE(LEFT(B2, 1), LEFT(B3, 1))
  • The worksheet contains the following data: What will the formula: =CONCATENATE(PROPER(B2),” “, B3) return?
  • The worksheet contains the following data: What will the formula: =TRIM(B2) return?
  • The worksheet contains the following data: What will the formula: =LEN(TRIM(RIGHT(B2,11))) return?
  • The worksheet contains the following data: Which of the following formulas will return QUA?
  • What does the CLEAN function do?
  • Which Excel function would be most suitable for converting “100 kilos” to display as “100 kg”?

MS Excel Pivot Table Quiz

MCQs C Language Intermediate Quiz 5

This post is about MCQs C Language Programming. It consists of 20 multiple-choice questions covering an introduction to C/C++ Language, header files, Preprocessor directives, and syntax errors. Let’s start with the MCQs C Language Quiz.

Please go to MCQs C Language Intermediate Quiz 5 to view the test

Online MCQs c Language Programming Quiz

  • C is a ————–
  • C language was designed to write programs for
  • Turbo C++ can compile
  • *.exe file is produced by the
  • Which of the following keys is used to save a file?
  • Preprocessor directives are commands for
  • Debug is the process of
  • C Language was developed in
  • The extension of the C source program is
  • The process of converting source code into object code is known as
  • C statement ends with a
  • C Language programs are divided into units called
  • The statements written by the programmer are called
  • the target code produced by the compiler is
  • ————- is a loop statement.
  • Which of the following is used to donate preprocessor directives?
  • In C/C++ language, header files contain
  • Which header file contains information about standard input/output functions?
  • The name of the header file is written between
  • A program syntax error is detected by
MCQs C Language Programming Quiz with Answers

MCQs in Statistics, R and Data Analysis

MCQS MS Access Quiz 7

This post is about the MCQs MS Access Quiz from Intermediate Computer Science Part II. It has 20 multiple-choice questions related to queries, reports, forms, databases, tables, find and research, search criteria, etc. Let’s start with the MCQs MS Access Quiz Intermediate Computer Science Part II.

Please go to MCQS MS Access Quiz 7 to view the test
Online MS Access Quiz Intermediate Computer Science Part II

Online MS Access Quiz with Answers

  • How many basic layouts of forms are there in Microsoft Access?
  • The forms are the ———— end of our database in Microsoft Access.
  • A ————- auto form displays one record at a time.
  • A form that contains the sub form is called
  • You can drag the ————— bar to move the property sheet window around on your screen.
  • A report provides a column for each field of the records in rows under the column header, which is known as
  • ———— can be previewed on the screen before printing.
  • Which of the following is used to retrieve data from one or more database tables to present it to the user in a formatted way?
  • How many are the layout of the report?
  • ———— auto form displays one record at a time.
  • The forms are designed to
  • A form within another form is called
  • A sub-form can be created using
  • Which of the following is a one-to-many relation?
  • A report may be based on
  • Which of the following is used to retrieve data from the database and represent it to the user in a formatted way?
  • The maximum length of the text type field in MS Access is
  • Microsoft Access is a
  • In Access press SHIFT + F10 to
  • Which of the following options represents the fundamental property of a relational database?
Online MS Access Quiz with Answers, Intermediate Part II

Statistics MCQs and Data Analysis, R Programming Language

MCQS MS Access Database 6

The post is about Online MCQs MS Access Database with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from MS-Access Database covering topics related to Database, forms, Tables, Query, and Data Types. Let us start with the MCQs MS Access Database Quiz.

Please go to MCQS MS Access Database 6 to view the test

Online MCQs MS Access Database Quiz with Answers

MCQs MS Access Database Quiz

  • Each set of related items in a table is called
  • What is the default size of a Text data type in MS-Access?
  • Which data type is the default type in MS-Access?
  • Every table must have a
  • Which data type can be used to define a field that consists of only numbers to be used in calculations?
  • Which data type can be used to define a field that consists of only numbers to be used in calculations?
  • The column of a table corresponds to
  • Which symbol indicates that you are editing a record?
  • Which key is used to move field to field in a table window in datasheet view?
  • What command is required to actually execute a filter on a table?
  • Which filtering method allows you to use data in a field as criterion for filtering?
  • Which of the following is an example of a filter by form expression?
  • What is Z to A order called?
  • The Sort Ascending button will
  • How find four names that starts with H, the criteria is specified as?
  • The graphically query tool is known as
  • How many query views are available in MS Access?
  • To find a name that start with S, the criteria is written as:
  • ————- is used to retrieve data from one or more tables.
  • Forms are designed for
MCQS MS Access Database Quiz,