Important GRE Sentence Completion Exercises 3

This post is about the GRE Sentence Completion Exercises, which have 20 MCQs. Let’s start with the GRE Sentence Completion Exercises.

Online Multiple-Choice Questions about GRE Sentence Completion with Answers

1. He lives in the world of ————-.


2. My father keeps all his ———— papers in a lock and key.


3. Most of the issues discussed in the meeting were trivial and only a few were ————.


4. He applied for and was ———- legal aid by the Labor Ministry.


5. Many women in developing countries experience a cycle of poor health that ———– before they are born and persists through adulthood passing from generation to generation.


6. The defending champion justified his top ———– by clinching the title.


7. He very successfully ———- al the allegations leveled against him.


8. A glue produced by bees to ———— their hives appears to contain antibiotic substances.


9. He ————- that he could speak five languages.


10. Will you, like the ———– gentleman and soldier you are, leave at once before he finds you here?


11. The passengers and crew members of the airplane had a ———— escape when it was taking off from the runway.


12. There are ———— views on the issue of giving a bonus to the employees.


13. I am ———— forward to our picnic scheduled in the next month.


14. Though Bonsai, a well-known art form, originated in China, it was ———— by the Japanese.


15. He did not register his ———– to the proposal.


16. ————- by people’s perception it seems that democracy has succeeded in Pakistan.


17. Akram is too ————- as far as his food habits are concerned.


18. A crescendo of metallic thuds arose from the market, where the iron-smiths were ———- the pieces of metals.


19. Freedom is not a ———- but our birthright.


20. He has ———— people visiting him at his house because he fears it will cause discomfort to neighbors.


GRE Sentence Completion Exercises with Answers

GRE Sentence Completion Exercises with Answers
  • ————- by people’s perception it seems that democracy has succeeded in Pakistan.
  • The passengers and crew members of the airplane had a ———— escape when it was taking off from the runway.
  • He very successfully ———- al the allegations leveled against him.
  • A glue produced by bees to ———— their hives appears to contain antibiotic substances.
  • He applied for and was ———- legal aid by the Labor Ministry.
  • The defending champion justified his top ———– by clinching the title.
  • He has ———— people visiting him at his house because he fears it will cause discomfort to neighbors.
  • There are ———— views on the issue of giving a bonus to the employees.
  • Freedom is not a ———- but our birthright.
  • My father keeps all his ———— papers in a lock and key.
  • I am ———— forward to our picnic scheduled in the next month.
  • Akram is too ————- as far as his food habits are concerned.
  • Most of the issues discussed in the meeting were trivial and only a few were ————.
  • Many women in developing countries experience a cycle of poor health that ———– before they are born and persists through adulthood passing from generation to generation.
  • He lives in the world of ————-.
  • He did not register his ———– to the proposal.
  • He ————- that he could speak five languages.
  • Though Bonsai, a well-known art form, originated in China, it was ———— by the Japanese.
  • Will you, like the ———– gentleman and soldier you are, leave at once before he finds you here?
  • A crescendo of metallic thuds arose from the market, where the iron-smiths were ———- the pieces of metals.

R Frequently Asked Questions

Statistics Quiz and Data Analysis

Important MCQs On Sets and Functions, Groups Quiz 5

The pose concerns MCQs on Sets Functions and Groups from Chapter 2 of First Year Mathematics. There are 20 multiple-choice questions in the quiz. Let us start with MCQs on Sets and Functions Quiz.

Please go to Important MCQs On Sets and Functions, Groups Quiz 5 to view the test

MCQs on Sets and Functions, Groups from First Year Mathematics

  • If $p$ is a proposition, then the truth set of $\sim p$ is
  • The truth set of a tautology is
  • The truth set of a contradiction is
  • Logical form of $A \cup (B \cap C) = (A \cup B) \cap (A\cup B)$ is
  • If set $A$ has 2 elements and $B$ has 4 element then number of elements in $A \times B$ are
  • Every subset of Cartesian product $A \times B$ is called
  • The empty set ${ }$ being the subset of $A \times B$ is
  • If $f: A \rightarrow B$ is a function then it is an into function if
  • A function $f: A \rightarrow B$ is called an onto if
  • A function $f: A \rightarrow B$ is ($1-1$) if
  • A function $f: A \rightarrow B$ is ($1-1$) an onto if
  • A ($1-1$) function is also called ————– function.
  • An onto function is also called ————— function.
  • A ($1-1$) and onto function is also called ————— Function.
  • The inverse of a function Exists only if it is
  • The function $f={(x, y) | y = mx + c}$, $m$ and $c$ are real number is
  • The function $f={(x, y) | y = ax^2 + bx + c, a\ne 0}$ is
  • The inverse of a line is
  • If $y=\sqrt{x}, \, x \ge 0$ is a function then its inverse is
  • The function $f={(x, y) | y = x} $ is
MCQs on Sets and Functions, Groups First Year Mathematics

Environmental Science MCQs 2

The post contains Online Environmental Science MCQs with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions about environmental sciences for admissions in BS, M.Phil., and Ph.D. Environmental Science programs. Let us start with the Environmental Science MCQs quiz

Please go to Environmental Science MCQs 2 to view the test

Environmental Science MCQs

  • A national conservation strategy was launched in
  • National environment policy aims to develop a framework for the conservation of ———– resources.
  • National sanitation policy was established in ————.
  • Providing access to safe and sustainable drinking water supply to the entire population of Pakistan by 2025 is one of the objectives of ———–.
  • ———— aims at restoration, development, conservation, and sustainable management of forests and allied natural resources to ensure the sustainability of ecosystem functions, services, and benefits for present and future generations of Pakistan.
  • Environmental policy consists of mainly ———– interrelated stages that form a cycle.
  • The role of ———— is to promote community development in a way that would harmonize spiritual and material needs and interests.
  • SDGs of the UN have been set within ———– agenda for sustainable development.
  • Air pollution with ———- is an environmental problem in Pakistan, which mainly occurs during September to December months.
  • Land degradation and erosion are fundamentally linked to ————-.
  • Environmental resources management aims to ensure that ———– are protected and maintained for equitable use by future human generations.
  • Acid rain is caused by the release of ———– into the atmosphere.
  • Global warming is mainly a result of disruption to the ————- cycle.
  • Decomposition of biochar is —————.
  • Generally $CO_2$ concentration is ————- in the atmosphere.
  • Lead (Pb) can be determined by ————–.
  • Arsenic can be determined by —————.
  • The conversion of organic-N to inorganic-N is called ————-.
  • Which soil holds more water?
  • ————— is a community of different species that interact with each other and their environment?
Environmental Science MCQs with Answers

R Frequently Asked Questions

Statistics MCQs

Important GRE Sentence Completion Practice Tests

The GRE/ GAT sentence completion practice test is to fill in the blanks. It is designed to understand the gist of something even without hearing (or reading) every word. A GRE sentence completion practice test may contain more than one blank. Some words or a pair of words are suggested to fill the blank. Select the word or a pair of words that best completes the sentence’s meaning. Note that there may be more than one choice that makes sense, but only one completely carries out the full meaning of the sentence. There is one best answer.

GRE Sentence Completion Practice Tests

English Sentence Completion MCQs 10GRE English Sentence Completion 9
GRE Sentence Completion Quiz 8GRE GAT Sentence Completion Quiz 7
GAT Sentence Completion Test 6GAT Sentence Completion Test 5
GRE Sentence Completion Practice Test 4GRE Sentence Completion Test 3
GRE Sentence Completion Test 2GRE/ GAT Sentence Completion Test 1
GRE Sentence Completion Practice Tests

The verbal ability portion of the exam contains 5 to 7 questions about sentence completion. The question may include one or more blank spaces, each fill-in-the-blank indicates something has been omitted.

You have to read the sentence carefully, then choose the word, or set of words that, best fits the meaning of the sentence.

In essence, it’s a test of your reading comprehension and critical thinking skills, disguised as a vocabulary challenge. So, before you dive headfirst into memorizing every synonym under the sun, let’s explore why GRE/ GAT Sentence Completion holds such weight in your test score, and how you can approach it strategically.

The sentence completion questions may be of kind:

  • sentence completion using vocabulary
  • sentence completion using grammar
  • sentence completion using appropriate filler gre sentence completion practice quiz,