The post is about MCQs Social Psychology Quiz with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions from Social Psychology. The subject of Social Psychology in Sociology is the scientific study of how others and their social environments influence people. Social Psychology examines how people think, feel, and behave in social settings. Let us start with the MCQs Social Psychology Quiz now.
Online multiple-choice Questions about Social Psychology Quiz Questions with Answers
Online Social Psychology Quiz
- A ————– group is a group based on social comparison.
- Scapegoating is releasing aggression on ————— targets.
- During the Stanford Prison study
- When subjects in Milgram’s obedience experiments received their orders over the phone, they
- Solomon Asch’s classic experiment (in which subjects judged a standard line and comparison lines) was arranged to test the limits of
- Aggression is best defined as:
- Attribution theory concerns our tendency to explain our behaviour and that of others:
- The —————- hypothesis states that frustration tends to lead to aggression:
- A compulsion by decision-makers to maintain each other’s approval, even at the cost of critical thinking and good judgment, is called
- Which theory holds that a relationship must be profitable to endure?
- ————– Attachment style is marked by conflicting feelings of affection, anger, and emotional turmoil
- Physical proximity increases attraction because it
- The study of unspoken rules for the use of interpersonal space is called
- When you have “clashing thoughts”, you are experiencing:
- Sarah is a female, a daughter, and a young adult. The roles that shape her behaviour are called ————- roles
- Desensitization is:
- People’s attitudes about women and rape primarily come from
- Cognitive dissonance theory is based on the human need for
- Which of the following was a factor in determining the degree of obedience in Milgram’s series experiments?
- Sharing your own private thoughts and feelings is called