MCQs Online Environmental Science Quiz 9

The post is about the Online Environmental Science Quiz with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions about Environmental Science. The MCQs Online Environmental Science Quiz covers climate change, renewable energy, biodiversity, and pollution control. The Environmental Science quiz is crafted to span from basic concepts to advanced theories. Let us start with the Online Environmental Science Quiz with Answers.

Online Multiple-Choice Questions about Environmental Sciences with Answers

1. The coldest region of the atmosphere is


2. The absorption of infrared energy by $CO_2$ and other gases warms the lower atmosphere in a phenomenon known as


3. Adhesion to an extremely thin layer of molecules to the surfaces of solid bodies and liquids with which they contact is known as


4. On this day in 1972, the “Stockholm Conference on Human Environment” was held in Sweden. Since then “World Environment Day” has been celebrated on this day. State the date


5. ————– is the biggest source of greenhouse gasses production worldwide.


6. Municipal and industrial discharge pipes are examples of ————–.


7. Acid rain is caused by the release of ———— into the atmosphere.


8. Producer, consumer, and decomposer are the three main pillars of —————-.


9. Asthma is caused mainly by —————-.


10. In planar (TLC/ paper) chromatography, the maximum limit that the solvent can reach is called


11. For the preparation of the standard curve


12. $Zn$ is mostly deficient in —————.


13. An example of non-point pollution is


14. Which of the following is the most preferred method of reducing landfill disposal of waste?


15. Which of the following greenhouse gasses has the greatest heat-trapping ability per molecule?


16. A chemical that is resistant to degradation and takes years to break down is called —————-.


17. Microbial degradation of a pollutant is higher under ————– conditions.


18. Faisalabad is an industrial city and which one of the following is the biggest issue ————–.


19. Carbon monoxide is a pollutant because it


20. Which of the following techniques is/are used in controlling water pollution?


Online Environmental Science Quiz with Answers

Online Environmental Science Quiz

  • Carbon monoxide is a pollutant because it
  • The coldest region of the atmosphere is
  • Which of the following techniques is/are used in controlling water pollution?
  • Faisalabad is an industrial city and which one of the following is the biggest issue ————–.
  • A chemical that is resistant to degradation and takes years to break down is called —————-.
  • The absorption of infrared energy by $CO_2$ and other gases warms the lower atmosphere in a phenomenon known as
  • Producer, consumer, and decomposer are the three main pillars of —————-.
  • Asthma is caused mainly by —————-.
  • Microbial degradation of a pollutant is higher under ————– conditions.
  • Acid rain is caused by the release of ———— into the atmosphere.
  • $Zn$ is mostly deficient in —————.
  • Which of the following is the most preferred method of reducing landfill disposal of waste?
  • In planar (TLC/ paper) chromatography, the maximum limit that the solvent can reach is called
  • Adhesion to an extremely thin layer of molecules to the surfaces of solid bodies and liquids with which they contact is known as
  • An example of non-point pollution is
  • ————– is the biggest source of greenhouse gasses production worldwide.
  • Municipal and industrial discharge pipes are examples of ————–.
  • Which of the following greenhouse gasses has the greatest heat-trapping ability per molecule?
  • For the preparation of the standard curve
  • On this day in 1972, the “Stockholm Conference on Human Environment” was held in Sweden. Since then “World Environment Day” has been celebrated on this day. State the date
online Environmental Science Quiz,

MCQs Environmental Sciences Quiz 8

The post is about the Environmental Sciences Quiz with Answers. There are 20 multiple-choice questions about Environmental Science. The MCQs Environmental Sciences Quiz covers climate change, biodiversity, renewable energy, and pollution control. The Environmental Science quiz is crafted that span from basic concepts to advanced theories. Let us start with the Environmental Sciences Quiz.

Please go to MCQs Environmental Sciences Quiz 8 to view the test

MCQs Environmental Sciences Quiz with Answers

Online Environmental Sciences Quiz with Answers

  • National Sanitation Policy was established in ————–.
  • The environmental policy consists of mainly ————– interrelated stages that form a cycle.
  • Land degradation and erosion are fundamentally linked to ————–.
  • Lead (Pb) can be determined by ——————.
  • ————— is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
  • Placing a cover over contaminated material such as landfill waste or contaminated soil is called ——————.
  • The conversion of organic-N to inorganic-N is called ————-.
  • United Nations Climate Change Conference “COP26” was held in ————.
  • Which of the following is the anticipated effect of Global warming?
  • The world’s biggest GHG emitter is
  • The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997 was passed by the National Assembly of Pakistan in
  • The year declared by the UN as International Year of Forests ————-.
  • The greenhouse effect of water vapors is
  • The CFCs are used as ————-.
  • Which human activity can decrease the oxygen levels present in the atmosphere?
  • Brackish water ecosystems are found in which of the following:
  • Which of the following Environmentalists first gave the concept of Biodiversity ‘hotspots’?
  • The number of biosphere reserves in Pakistan is recognized as part of the world network of biospheres.
  • The most serious environmental pollution from a nuclear reactor is ————.
  • Torrey Canyon is famous for —————. environmental sciences quiz,

Environmental Science MCQs CSS 7

This post is about the Quiz on Environmental Science MCQs CSS. There are 20 multiple-choice questions covering topics related to health, solid waste, water waste, sanitary, waste incineration, compost waste, and pollutant air, etc. Let us start with the Environmental Science MCQs CSS Quiz.

Please go to Environmental Science MCQs CSS 7 to view the test

Environmental Science MCQs CSS Quiz

  • Health Risk Assessment is carried out to examine the effects of an agent on
  • The solid waste of woolen waste items to degenerate/ decompose takes
  • Becomes a legal owner of the waste once it is collected or put out for its collection
  • Larger containers encourage waste generators to keep waste before setting them out for
  • Reducing waste through less packaging and use of reusable utensils is terms as
  • A sanitary landfill after closing requires to be monitored for
  • During waste incineration, the volume of solid waste is reduced up to
  • The type of incinerator designed to recover energy from the burning process is
  • The decentralized composting on the village and community scale can compost waste
  • During landfilling the wastes are buried in the ground under conditions imposed by
  • During waste collection when streets are crowded:
  • Collection of source-separated waste materials for recycling has
  • The breakdown of one hemoglobin molecule in animals causes air pollution due to the production of
  • The killing of tissues on the lower and upper surface of the leaf due to air pollution is known as
  • It is only pollutant gas that is colored
  • The soil application of Municipal waste is favored by
  • 80% of pesticides in vegetables can be removed through
  • Leather tanneries discharge wastewater that mainly contains ———– heavy metal.
  • Lagmuir sorption isotherm explains ————– sorption of ions on a solid surface.
  • ———– international law generally refers to agreements or principles that are directly enforceable by a national or international body.
Environmental Science MCQs CSS,

MCQs Environment Science Quiz 6

This post is about MCQs on an Environment Science Quiz with Answers for preparation for admission, comprehensive, and scholarship examinations. It covers climate change, biodiversity, renewable energy, and pollution control. There are 20 multiple-choice questions covering different aspects of environmental sciences. Let us start with the Environment Science Quiz.

Please go to MCQs Environment Science Quiz 6 to view the test

MCQs environment science quiz with answers

MCQs Environment Science Quiz with Answers

  • Biochar has a very porous nature and improves ———— in sandy oil.
  • Sodic soil generally has a poor physical condition, what is the most likely reason?
  • Which of the silicate clays would likely have the highest potassium level in the crystal structure?
  • Runoff from agriculturally active fields and feedlots is an example of which of the following sources of pollution.
  • During bio-remediation, microbial growth and activity are typically stimulated with the addition of ————.
  • In-situ degradation of Pollutants has been used as a cost-effective alternative to —————–.
  • Less than ————— of municipal solid waste is recycled.
  • Composting provides a greater reduction in pathogens because of ————–.
  • The cation exchange capacity of biochar ————– with time.
  • Overall ash contents in the biochar ———— by increasing the pyrolytic temperature.
  • Backyard waste collection is much less common but is used
  • Activities in which materials are identified as no longer being of value and are either thrown out are termed as
  • During waste collection when the waste stream is either very dense or very wet, the vehicle which works poorly is termed as
  • Containers like baskets or paper bags allow wastes to have contact with air, which promotes.
  • Where the distance from one stop to the next is too short the waste collection model used for waste collection is termed as
  • The part of CO released into the atmosphere from automobiles is
  • Sulfur dioxide released into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels is
  • Pesticides are the pollutants which are of origin
  • Bio-pollutants have detrimental effects on aquatic life and are included as
  • Eutrophication is an increase in the concentration of
mcqs environment science quiz with answers,