MCQs Environmental Science Test 5

The post is about Online multiple-choice questions about environmental science Test for preparation for admissions in BS, M.Phil., and Ph.D. Environmental Science programs. There are 20 MCQs in this quiz. Let us start with the MCQs Environmental Science Test.

Online Multiple-Choice Questions about Environmental Science

1. In soil, most of the nitrogen exists in a complex organic form that must be mineralized into ———— before uptake by plants.


2. Humus is the major insoluble portion of the organic substances in soil, produced by one of the following processes of living matter.


3. Which of the following processes is important because higher plants can assimilate nitrate much more rapidly than ammonium?


4. The carbon dioxide makes approximately?


5. The conversion of an organic form of an element to an inorganic form as a result of microbial decomposition is called one of the following.


6. In alkaline soils, P solubility is primarily regulated by its interaction with


7. Which one of the following components is subjected to first degradation during organic matter decomposition?


8. Biomass with high lignin content will give


9. The year declared by the UN as the International Year of Forests:


10. For the production of Biogas, which one of the following is the best waste material?


11. A type of biodegradable plastic has been in the news lately. The ingredient that makes it biodegradable is:


12. Nitrogen loss from the soil is caused by one of the following processes.


13. The temperature of fast pyrolysis is?


14. The availability of phosphorus in different soil types is very much dependent on?


15. During thermal decomposition, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus vaporize at?


16. The biochar addition to the soil reduces the emission of?


17. Soil microorganisms influence the above-ground ecosystem by contributing to one of the following except


18. How many times methane gas is more potent as compared to carbon dioxide?


19. High concentrations of Calcium Carbonate can be found in biochar prepared from


20. Which one of the following types of denitrifications returns nitrogen atoms to the atmosphere by reducing nitrate to nitrogen gas?


MCQs Environmental Science Test Quiz with Answers

MCQs Environmental Science Teste with Answers

  • Which one of the following types of denitrifications returns nitrogen atoms to the atmosphere by reducing nitrate to nitrogen gas?
  • Nitrogen loss from the soil is caused by one of the following processes.
  • Humus is the major insoluble portion of the organic substances in soil, produced by one of the following processes of living matter.
  • For the production of Biogas, which one of the following is the best waste material?
  • A type of biodegradable plastic has been in the news lately. The ingredient that makes it biodegradable is:
  • The conversion of an organic form of an element to an inorganic form as a result of microbial decomposition is called one of the following.
  • Which one of the following components is subjected to first degradation during organic matter decomposition?
  • Which of the following processes is important because higher plants can assimilate nitrate much more rapidly than ammonium?
  • The year declared by the UN as the International Year of Forests:
  • Soil microorganisms influence the above-ground ecosystem by contributing to one of the following except
  • High concentrations of Calcium Carbonate can be found in biochar prepared from
  • The carbon dioxide makes approximately?
  • The biochar addition to the soil reduces the emission of?
  • The temperature of fast pyrolysis is?
  • During thermal decomposition, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus vaporize at?
  • In soil, most of the nitrogen exists in a complex organic form that must be mineralized into ———— before uptake by plants.
  • The availability of phosphorus in different soil types is very much dependent on?
  • Biomass with high lignin content will give
  • How many times methane gas is more potent as compared to carbon dioxide?
  • In alkaline soils, P solubility is primarily regulated by its interaction with,

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