Environmental Science Quiz Test 14

Test your eco-knowledge with this engaging Environmental Science Quiz Test! Explore questions on climate change, biodiversity, pollution, and sustainability. Perfect for students, teachers, and eco-enthusiasts. Take the quiz now and see how much you know about our planet! Let us start with the Environmental Science Quiz Test now.

MCQs Online Environmental Science Quiz Test with Answers

Online Environmental Science Quiz Test with Answers

1. It is an inert gas in the environment —————–.


2. The heat of the sun is not stronger in the area located ———————.


3. Which one of the following is not a greenhouse gas?


4. ——————– us a constitutional part of chlorophyll.


5. Lead (Pb) can be determined by —————–.


6. Destruction of forest cover due to anthropogenic activities is called as —————–.


7. The organisms that directly feed on the green plants are called ——————-.


8. —————— is the major source responsible for climate change?


9. The average weather conditions in a given place over a longer period of time are called ————–.


10. Eutrophication increases with the increase in the concentration of ——————— in the water bodies.


11. Metal ——————- is found in the soils near motorways, which is mostly sourced from the resistance between the tyres and roads.


12. Soil organic matter will decompose quickly when the C : N ratio of that material would be ——————-.


13. Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilize applications are approximaely —————–.


14. Soil organic matter (SOM) decreases with tillage practices due to ——————>


15. Pollution with identifiable sources can be categorized as —————- source of pollution.


16. Which of the following diseases is not caused by noise pollution —————?


17. The floating plants are also called ——————-.


18. The resistance of a pesticide molecule against microbial degradation is referred to as ——————-.


19. The term of all the species of living organisms in a region or ecosystem at a specific time is called —————–.


20. —————- crop is the major contributor of methane gas in the environment.


Online Environmental Science Quiz Test

  • —————— is the major source responsible for climate change?
  • The floating plants are also called ——————-.
  • Pollution with identifiable sources can be categorized as —————- source of pollution.
  • The term of all the species of living organisms in a region or ecosystem at a specific time is called —————–.
  • The organisms that directly feed on the green plants are called ——————-.
  • Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilize applications are approximaely —————–.
  • Which of the following diseases is not caused by noise pollution —————?
  • Which one of the following is not a greenhouse gas?
  • ——————– us a constitutional part of chlorophyll.
  • Destruction of forest cover due to anthropogenic activities is called as —————–.
  • Lead (Pb) can be determined by —————–.
  • Soil organic matter will decompose quickly when the C : N ratio of that material would be ——————-.
  • —————- crop is the major contributor of methane gas in the environment.
  • The resistance of a pesticide molecule against microbial degradation is referred to as ——————-.
  • The average weather conditions in a given place over a longer period of time are called ————–.
  • It is an inert gas in the environment —————–.
  • Soil organic matter (SOM) decreases with tillage practices due to ——————>
  • The heat of the sun is not stronger in the area located ———————.
  • Metal ——————- is found in the soils near motorways, which is mostly sourced from the resistance between the tyres and roads.
  • Eutrophication increases with the increase in the concentration of ——————— in the water bodies.

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