Environment Science MCQs Quiz 13

This post features Online Environment Science MCQs Quiz Questions Answers are designed to help you prepare for admission, comprehensive, and scholarship examinations. With 20 multiple-choice questions, it covers key topics such as environmental science, climate change, biodiversity, renewable energy, and pollution control. The quiz is carefully crafted to include a range of questions, from basic concepts to advanced theories, ensuring a thorough understanding of Environmental Science. Dive in and take the Environment Science MCQs Quiz Questions to test and enhance your knowledge!

Online Environment Science MCQs Quiz

Online Environment Science MCQs Quiz with Answers

1. The function of growth-promoting rhizobacteria is to


2. The ozone layer is found in


3. Solid particles and liquid droplets suspended in the air we breathe are referred to as


4. In an analytical analysis LLOQ stands for


5. Two moles of $K_2HPO_4$ will have weight


6. Composting is a process of ——————-.


7. Hyperacumulators are plants that ——————-.


8. Roots of environmental problems lie in the values of


9. $O_3$ stands for ——————.


10. A system can be technically defined as


11. Biostimulation is the addition of ————— to stimulate indigenous microorganisms.


12. Methanotrophic bacteria


13. Lithosphere has maximum concentration of ——————.


14. Remediation of pollutants in the close vicinity of plants roots is called


15. Contribute significantly to $CH_4$ emissions


16. Enzymes that catalyze the degradation of polymeric substances added to the soil are


17. PCR stands for Polymerase Chain ———————–.


18. Commensalism is a —————- interaction.


19. Enzymes needed for fundamental cellular processes are generally maintained at constant levels in the cell, and their production is ——————.


20. In composting —————- phase is very important.


Online Environment Science MCQs Quiz with Answers

  • In an analytical analysis, LLOQ stands for
  • Two moles of $K_2HPO_4$ will have weight
  • A system can be technically defined as
  • Lithosphere has a maximum concentration of ——————.
  • $O_3$ stands for ——————.
  • Solid particles and liquid droplets suspended in the air we breathe are referred to as
  • Contribute significantly to $CH_4$ emissions
  • Hyperacumulators are plants that ——————-.
  • Enzymes needed for fundamental cellular processes are generally maintained at constant levels in the cell, and their production is ——————.
  • Enzymes that catalyze the degradation of polymeric substances added to the soil are
  • The function of growth-promoting rhizobacteria is to
  • Methanotrophic bacteria
  • The roots of environmental problems lie in the values of
  • The ozone layer is found in
  • Remediation of pollutants in the close vicinity of plant roots is called
  • Composting is a process of ——————-.
  • In composting —————- phase is very important.
  • PCR stands for Polymerase Chain ———————–.
  • Commensalism is a —————- interaction.
  • Biostimulation is the addition of ————— to stimulate indigenous microorganisms.

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