Environment Science MCQs Quiz 13

This post features Online Environment Science MCQs Quiz Questions Answers are designed to help you prepare for admission, comprehensive, and scholarship examinations. With 20 multiple-choice questions, it covers key topics such as environmental science, climate change, biodiversity, renewable energy, and pollution control. The quiz is carefully crafted to include a range of questions, from basic concepts to advanced theories, ensuring a thorough understanding of Environmental Science. Dive in and take the Environment Science MCQs Quiz Questions to test and enhance your knowledge!

Online Environment Science MCQs Quiz

Online Environment Science MCQs Quiz with Answers

1. Commensalism is a —————- interaction.


2. The ozone layer is found in


3. The function of growth-promoting rhizobacteria is to


4. Contribute significantly to $CH_4$ emissions


5. Enzymes needed for fundamental cellular processes are generally maintained at constant levels in the cell, and their production is ——————.


6. Two moles of $K_2HPO_4$ will have weight


7. Methanotrophic bacteria


8. Hyperacumulators are plants that ——————-.


9. Remediation of pollutants in the close vicinity of plants roots is called


10. A system can be technically defined as


11. $O_3$ stands for ——————.


12. Lithosphere has maximum concentration of ——————.


13. Composting is a process of ——————-.


14. Enzymes that catalyze the degradation of polymeric substances added to the soil are


15. Solid particles and liquid droplets suspended in the air we breathe are referred to as


16. In an analytical analysis LLOQ stands for


17. PCR stands for Polymerase Chain ———————–.


18. Biostimulation is the addition of ————— to stimulate indigenous microorganisms.


19. In composting —————- phase is very important.


20. Roots of environmental problems lie in the values of


Online Environment Science MCQs Quiz with Answers

  • In an analytical analysis, LLOQ stands for
  • Two moles of $K_2HPO_4$ will have weight
  • A system can be technically defined as
  • Lithosphere has a maximum concentration of ——————.
  • $O_3$ stands for ——————.
  • Solid particles and liquid droplets suspended in the air we breathe are referred to as
  • Contribute significantly to $CH_4$ emissions
  • Hyperacumulators are plants that ——————-.
  • Enzymes needed for fundamental cellular processes are generally maintained at constant levels in the cell, and their production is ——————.
  • Enzymes that catalyze the degradation of polymeric substances added to the soil are
  • The function of growth-promoting rhizobacteria is to
  • Methanotrophic bacteria
  • The roots of environmental problems lie in the values of
  • The ozone layer is found in
  • Remediation of pollutants in the close vicinity of plant roots is called
  • Composting is a process of ——————-.
  • In composting —————- phase is very important.
  • PCR stands for Polymerase Chain ———————–.
  • Commensalism is a —————- interaction.
  • Biostimulation is the addition of ————— to stimulate indigenous microorganisms.

Statistics for Data Analysts

Environmental Quiz Questions Answers 12

This post features an online MCQs Environmental Quiz Questions Answers test designed to help you prepare for admission, comprehensive, and scholarship examinations. With 20 multiple-choice questions, it covers key topics such as environmental science, climate change, biodiversity, renewable energy, and pollution control. The quiz is carefully crafted to include a range of questions, from basic concepts to advanced theories, ensuring a thorough understanding of Environmental Science. Dive in and take the Environmental Quiz Questions Answers to test and enhance your knowledge!

Online MCQs Environmental Quiz Questions Answers
Please go to Environmental Quiz Questions Answers 12 to view the test

Online Environmental Quiz Questions Answers

  • When biological oxygen demand (BOD) is high
  • The unit of oxidation-reduction potential is
  • The lower atmosphere is a mixture of dominantly by molecules of three important gases
  • About 75% of the peatlands in the world are found in
  • Rising level of atmospheric —————— is causing ocean water to become acidified
  • aluminum cans, plastic packaging, and some synthetic chemicals
  • Every kilogram of fossil carbon burned produces ————- that enters the atmosphere.
  • Two molar solutions of $CaCl_2$ in terms of normality will be
  • A partial validation of the analytical technique is required where there is a change in
  • In planar (TLC/ paper) chromatography, the maximum limit that solvent can reach is called
  • in planar chromatography, aniline phthalate is used for the detection of measurement of
  • In water HOS angle of —————- results in an asymmetrical arrangement.
  • Antibodies are proteins produced in the body in response to invading substances, while antigens are
  • The process of getting genetic information (identification) by DNA sequencing using the NCBI library is called
  • Symbol of biohazard at the entry of a laboratory shows that
  • For the preparation of the standard curve
  • The movement of bacteria toward a chemical attractant or away from a chemical repellent is called
  • The flame Ionization Detector is used in
  • To ensure pulse-free solvent flow, HPLC should have
  • In electrophoresis, the comb is used

Statistics and Data Analysis

MCQs Environmental Sciences 11

The post is about the online MCQS Environmental Sciences MPhil test. There are 20 multiple-choice questions for preparation for admission, comprehensive, and scholarship examinations. It covers climate change, biodiversity, renewable energy, and pollution control. The MCQs Environmental Sciences quiz is crafted that span from basic concepts to advanced theories. Let us start with the MSQs Environmental Sciences Quiz.

Online MCQs Environmental Sciences Quiz with Answers

Please go to MCQs Environmental Sciences 11 to view the test

Online MCQs Environmental Sciences Quiz

  • A common extracting agent to remove water-soluble heavy metal fractions is
  • Smog is a mixture of ———–.
  • Waste incinerators and battery manufacturing are sources of
  • Methane ($CH_4$) is a potent greenhouse gas, which is produced by
  • Example of oxidant used in chemical oxidation of organic contaminants.
  • In the solid waste management process a principle where the polluting party pays for the impact caused to the environment is termed as —————.
  • During waste collection when streets are crowded ———————–.
  • CFCS (Chlorofluorocarbons) were used as
  • Renewable resources can be replaced
  • The safer option among these for the disposal of pollutant wastes is
  • Which one is the building block of both animal and plant tissues?
  • The loss of the green pigment chlorophyll is called
  • Which one is easily biodegradable waste?
  • Global distribution of POPs is due to
  • ————— is the major agricultural source of $CH_4$ emission into the atmosphere
  • Eutrophication is due to an increase in
  • biostimulation is the addition of _ to stimulate indigenous microorganisms.
  • A substance that promotes the rate of reaction is called ————.
  • In chemical safety measures, what does MSDS stand for?
  • Lack of specific chemicals/nutrients in food is called

MCQs in Statistics

Environmental Science MCQs MPhil Test 10

The post is about online Environmental Science MCQs MPhil test. There are 20 multiple-choice questions for preparation for admission, comprehensive, and scholarship examinations. It covers climate change, biodiversity, renewable energy, and pollution control. The Environmental Science quizzes are crafted that span from basic concepts to advanced theories. Let us start with the Environmental Science MCQs MPhil Test.

Please go to Environmental Science MCQs MPhil Test 10 to view the test

Online Environmental Science MCQs MPhil Test

  • Chlorine has been widely used for ————.
  • Bacteria which use light as source of energy and carbon dioxide as source of carbon are called
  • A metabolic process in which an organism converts a carbohydrate into alcohol or acid is called
  • The process of killing infective bacteria in water is called
  • The EMS stands for
  • In Pakistani soils, which one is not a common fate of $NH_4$
  • Buffer solutions are required to maintain
  • In electrophoresis DNA moves towards the pole having
  • Autoclave is used for
  • Which of the following is putrescible waste
  • Environmental issues are also linked with
  • Atmosphere has a maximum concentration of
  • ————- are involved both in mineralization and immobilization of phosphorus in soil
  • The process of killing organism in water is called
  • Environmental science studies all aspects of the environment
  • We alter the carbon cycle by
  • Volatilization of $NH_4$ to ammonia gas ($NH_3$) is favored by
  • ———— is the example of inorganic pesticide
  • Eutrophication causes ———– in $O_2$ concentration in water body
  • The major gas produced by burning of fossil fuel is
Environmental Science MCQs for MPhil Test

Statistics and Data Analysis, R and Data Analysis