Online MCQs Econometrics Quiz 5

This quiz is about Econometrics, which covers the topics of Correlation and Regression analysis, dummy variables, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation, and many other topics. Let’s start with the Online MCQs Econometrics Quiz.

MCQs about Econometrics for the preparation of Statistics and Econometrics related Examination and for the PPSC& FPSC and University job related to Lecturer in Statistics, and Statistical Officers.

1. Which one is NOT the rule of thumb?


2. When measurement errors are present in the explanatory variable(s) then parameter estimates become


3. Generally, an acceptable value of variance inflation factor (VIF) is:


4. Variance inflation factor is a common measure for:


5. A variable showing the presence or absence of something is known as:


6. The range of partial correlation coefficient is:


7. The range of covariance between two variables is:


8. Eigenvalues can be used for detecting violations of the assumption of:


9. In the case of homoscedasticity, we have:


10. In a regression model with 3 explanatory variables, there will be ________ auxiliary regressions


11. If the covariance between two variables is positive then their correlation coefficient will always be:


12. Which of these tests is suitable for only a simple regression model?


13. The term Homoscedasticity means


14. Heteroscedasticity refers to a situation in which:


15. The dummy variable trap can be avoided by:


16. If we have a categorical variable with 4 categories, then how many dummy variables can be used in with intercept regression model


17. The dummy variable trap is caused by:


18. The high value of VIF indicates


19. In a multiple regression model, the ideal situation is:


20. The variance of regression slopes becomes infinite in the case of:


An application of different statistical methods applied to the economic data used to find empirical relationships between economic data is called Econometrics.

The term Econometrics means “Economic Measurement”. Econometrics is the quantitative analysis of actual economic phenomena based on the concurrent development of theory and observation, related by appropriate methods of statistical inference.

Econometrics can also be defined as the empirical determination of economic laws. It can be classified as (i) Theoretical Econometrics and (ii) Applied Econometrics.

(i) Theoretical Econometrics

Theoretical econometrics is concerned with developing appropriate methods for measuring economic relationships specified by econometric models. Theoretical econometrics leans heavily on mathematical statistics and must spell out the assumptions of methods (such as Least Squares), their properties, and what happens to these properties when one or more of the assumptions of the technique are not fulfilled.

(ii) Applied Econometrics

In applied econometrics, the tools of theoretical econometrics are used to study special fields(s) such as production function, investment function, demand and supply function, portfolio theory, etc.

Online MCQs Econometrics Quiz with Answers

  • In a regression model with 3 explanatory variables, there will be ——— auxiliary regressions
  • The term Homoscedasticity means
  • A variable showing the presence or absence of something is known as:
  • The dummy variable trap is caused by:
  • The dummy variable trap can be avoided by:
  • Eigenvalues can be used for detecting violations of the assumption of:
  • Variance inflation factor is a common measure for:
  • In a multiple regression model, the ideal situation is:
  • Generally, an acceptable value of variance inflation factor (VIF) is:
  • If the covariance between two variables is positive then their correlation coefficient will always be:
  • The range of covariance between two variables is:
  • The range of partial correlation coefficient is:
  • Heteroscedasticity refers to a situation in which:
  • Which of these tests is suitable for only a simple regression model?
  • If we have a categorical variable with 4 categories, then how many dummy variables can be used in with intercept regression model
  • When measurement errors are present in the explanatory variable(s) then parameter estimates become
  • Which one is NOT the rule of thumb?
  • The variance of regression slopes becomes infinite in the case of:
  • The high value of VIF indicates
  • In the case of homoscedasticity, we have:

Types of Econometrics Data

Different types of data are used in Econometrics. There are three important types of data for empirical analysis:

  • Time Series Data
    A time series data is a set of observations on the values that a variable takes at different times. The time series data may be collected at regular time intervals such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.
  • Cross-Sectional Data
    Cross-sectional data are data on one or more variables collected at the same point in time. Cross-sectional data has a problem of heterogeneity.
  • Pooled Data
    Pooled data is a combination of both time series and cross-sectional data.
Econometrics Quiz

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