Online Prepositions Quiz 7

The post contains an Online MCQs Prepositions Quiz with answers. The quiz contains 20 MCQS English questions, each with fill-in-blank and prepositions. Prepositions are short words that join nouns, pronouns, or phrasal nouns. Prepositions often play a part in sentence correction questions.

Online MCQs about English Prepositions with Answers

1. We can part ——– all possessions happily for a noble end.


2. She passed ———– a street.


3. Those who do not live ———– their means often get insulted.


4. She is not angry ———- me.


5. Being partial ———– any party is injudicious.


6. The pond abounds ———- fish.


7. I prevailed ——— him to join the teaching profession.


8. The habit of reasoning ———- everybody on trifles is not wisdom.


9. Preparation ————- the examination will take at least six months.


10. He prefers tea ———- coffee.


11. The student was looking ———- his lost book.


12. Do they agree ——— us?


13. The man died ———— the disease.


14. He was quarreling ——— his brother.


15. Great people prefer death ——– dishonor.


16. The much prolonged matter has now been decided to be referred ———– the Chief Justice for decision.


17. We need to bring ——— welfare reforms in the country.


18. His house is next ———- mine.


19. They should get rid ——— it.


20. The program ended ——— 7 O’clock.


Question 1 of 20

Online Prepositions Quiz with Answers

Online Prepositions Quiz
  • The much prolonged matter has now been decided to be referred ———– the Chief Justice for decision.
  • The habit of reasoning ———- everybody on trifles is not wisdom.
  • Preparation ————- the examination will take at least six months.
  • Being partial ———– any party is injudicious.
  • We need to bring ——— welfare reforms in the country.
  • The student was looking ———- his lost book.
  • I prevailed ——— him to join the teaching profession.
  • Greate people prefer death ——– dishonor.
  • We can part ——– all possessions happily for a noble end.
  • Those who do not live ———– their means often get insulted.
  • The man died ———— the disease.
  • They should get rid ——— it.
  • The pond abounds ———- fish.
  • He was quarreling ——— his brother.
  • His house is next ———- mine.
  • She passed ———– a street.
  • She is not angry ———- me.
  • Do they agree ——— us?
  • He prefers tea ———- coffee.
  • The program ended ——— 7 O’clock.
Online Prepositions Quiz with Answers

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