MCQs Islamic Quiz – 1

Online MCQs Islamic Quiz with answers for PPSC Lecturer Test. Let us start with the MCQs Islamic Quiz.

Islamiat quiz for PPSC, FPSC Lecturer Test

1. The old name of Makkah was _________?


2. Battle of ________ was the first non-Arab war?


3. Muzdalifa Valley is called _______?


4. In which battle did Muslim women participate first?


5. Israel was the Laqab of __________?


6. A Muslim female is coffined in ______ dressed sheets?


7. The conquest of Makkah took place on _______ Ramzan.


8. The Battle of Khandaq is also known as the Battle of?


9. A Muslim male is coffined in __________ dressed sheets?


10. In which Ghazwa wine was prohibited?


11. Who established Bait-ul-Maal?


12. How many children of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S.


13. Who was the first commander of the Islamic army?


14. How many Faraiz of Ghusal?


15. The old name of Madinah was _________?


16. Which did Surah start without Bismillah?


17. Who was the first slave to accept Islam?


18. Jehad became mandatory in ______?


19. How many faraiz of wazu?


20. Before Kabah, Prophet S.A.W.W used to pray towards?


Online MCQs Islamic Quiz with Answers

  • Who established Bait-ul-Maal?
  • In which Ghazwa wine was prohibited?
  • How many children of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S.
  • The Battle of Khandaq is also known as the Battle of?
  • The conquest of Makkah took place on ———- Ramzan?
  • Who was the first commander of the Islamic army?
  • In which battle did Muslim women participate first?
  • Battle of ———- was the first non-Arab war?
  • The old name of Makkah was ———-?
  • The old name of Madinah was ———-?
  • Who was the first slave to accept Islam?
  • Before Kabah, Prophet S.A.W.W used to pray towards?
  • How many faraiz of wazu?
  • How many Faraiz of Ghusal?
  • Israel was the Laqab of ———-?
  • Which did Surah start without Bismillah?
  • A Muslim female is coffined in ———- dressed sheets?
  • A Muslim male is coffined in ———- dressed sheets?
  • Jehad became mandatory in ———-?
  • Muzdalifa Valley is called ———-?
MCQS Islamic Quiz

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